Showing: limited to 100 messages
Missing spectrum files |
omar arias-gaguancela |
2025-01-27 14:57:57 |
Please, I have a question. I am trying to submit my project to ProteomeXchange via Panorama. However, I am running into issues with the Spectral libraries section. It keeps showing as incomplete for one of my libraries. When expanding the INCOMPLETE section, this is what I get (see image attached).
Not sure about the types of file extensions that are needed.
Please, I would appreciate your help with this matter.
Missing spectrum files.png |
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Proposed change for setting up custom "Trace metric" |
(1 response) |
roberthardt |
2025-01-21 11:15:50 |
Dear Support-Team,
would it be possible to also define a time range instead of a specific timepoint to fetch the custom trace metric? I am asking, because our loading pressure on the Neo Vanquish varies a bit due to clogging/aging of the needle seat. With the fixed value we are sometimes missing it completely. So if I could catch the max value within a defined RT range, this would be much more useful for us.
Screenshot 2025-01-21 at 11.11.32.png |
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Uploading to Panorama from a computer with limited internet access |
(1 response) |
jcw76 |
2025-01-10 07:17:54 |
I'm aiming to implement AutoQC for our instrument here. Unfortunately due to the windows version on our instrument computer and the security requirements of the University I can only have limited internet access.
Therefore, our IT team needs some help with information so the computer can communicate with your server using Auto QC Loader. What's the server's name, and which ports need to be opened on our university firewall?
Or, is there another work around you can advise on?
Best Wishes,
view message |
Y-Axis limits issue |
(3 responses) |
roberthardt |
2024-12-17 06:17:35 |
Dear developers,
when plotting transition or product ion peak areas with log-scaling enabled, the y-axis for is displaying everything on a quite broad scale (see attached screenshot). Before, the limits have been a bit more tight. It is now really hard to see any trends on the lines. But without log-scaling the plots for lower intense peptides cannot be properly read as well. If I remember it correctly, this has been different in the past, were the y-axis limits were restricted to the min and max values? My preferred way of plotting would actually be if we could manually set the y-axis limits, as is the case for the x-axis (time).
Best and thanks for PanormaQC as well as Skyline.
Screenshot 2024-12-12 at 13.43.50.png |
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User has no permission to upload in panorama |
(3 responses) |
jean-christophe prost |
2024-12-17 05:25:18 |
Dear Panaorama Team,
Unfortunately my admin login, I always used to setup our AutoQC loader, tels me that my email address has no permission to upload in panorama.
Do you have an explanation to this problem?
In advance thank you for your help.
Best regards, Jean-Christophe
No permission 20241217.docx |
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Problem with uploading data to Panorama |
(4 responses) |
veronika zihlova |
2024-11-29 08:36:39 |
Dear Panorama team,
I am trying to fix a problem with AutoQC and I would really appreciate your help.
I use a few configurations in AutoQC (version Some of them work, some of them do not (see log enclosed, I can mention error 502 Bad Gateway particularly as an example). I employ the same PC as my colleague, we have separate user accounts for Windows, our role assignments do not differ (see screenshot enclosed), our AutoQC configurations are completely the same (we performed the sharing of configurations, changing only user name and password). Using her account, everything works perfectly. Any ideas to solve the riddle successfully?
Kind regards,
Veronika Zihlova
AutoQC log 241129.txt role assignments.jpg |
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Delete Folders |
(1 response) |
ekapelczak |
2024-11-12 22:02:53 |
Hello! Is there a way to delete folders that were already created or at least change the projects name on PanoramaWeb? I do not want blank folders taking up viewing space if possible but cannot find the appropriate place to delete existing folders.
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Adding new insturment: Orbitrap Exploris GC 240 MS |
(2 responses) |
elliott james price |
2024-09-25 01:11:27 |
Orbitrap Exploris GC 240 MS is not currently listed when submitting data.
Please let me know when this is added.
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Ratio light/heavy or concentrations in QC Control cards |
(2 responses) |
jean-christophe prost |
2024-09-17 03:12:14 |
Dear Panorama,
We started now to use Panorama to have homogenized control cards for our two research panel we are using.
It works really well. Thank you. I showed your tool to my collegue working with routine methods, and for here purposes, the concentrations are missing.
They would not need areas but concentrations of their QCs or at least the light/heavy ratio of them.
I found the metric "Light/Heavy Ratio". In my skyline file, the ratio is calculated as shown in the tif file "light_heavy_Ratio_skyline". When I enable the light/heavy metric, there is no indication, and it tells me "There were no records found. The date filter applied may be too restrictive". In the panorama gride, there is no possibility to indicate light or heavy transition.
Or should I do something in my skyline template? I send you my template I am using.
Let me know what I can do, to be able to use this "light/heavy ratio" metric.
In advance thank you for your help and wish you a nice start in the new day.
light_Heavy_ratio_skyline.tif small_molecule_precursor_table_panorama.tif Acylcarnitines_Template_Plasma.skyd |
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Can not reopen deposited data |
(1 response) |
ingo wohlgemuth |
2024-08-27 03:09:21 |
Dear Skyline team,
Sometimes I cannot reopen saved or Panorama deposited data. Same is true if colleagues who try to download and open these files from Panorama.
Please find the error message below.
Thanks for your help!
Failure opening F:\Multivariate Rep2\Rep2 32mikroM Apr\
Failure attempting to load the window layout file F:\Multivariate Rep2\Rep2 32mikroM Apr\
Rename or delete this file to restore the default layout.
Skyline may also need to be restarted.
OK More Info
Skyline-daily (64-bit) (16f52e48b)
System.IO.IOException: Failure attempting to load the window layout file F:\Multivariate Rep2\Rep2 32mikroM Apr\
Rename or delete this file to restore the default layout.
Skyline may also need to be restarted. ---> System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.get_Item(Int32 index)
at DigitalRune.Windows.Docking.DockPanelPersistor.LoadFromXml(DockPanel dockPanel, Stream stream, DeserializeDockableForm deserializeContent)
at pwiz.Skyline.SkylineWindow.LoadLayoutLocked(Stream layoutStream) in C:\proj\pwiz\pwiz_tools\Skyline\SkylineGraphs.cs:line 527
at pwiz.Skyline.SkylineWindow.LoadLayout(Stream layoutStream) in C:\proj\pwiz\pwiz_tools\Skyline\SkylineGraphs.cs:line 482
at pwiz.Skyline.SkylineWindow.UpdateGraphUI(SrmSettings settingsOld, Boolean docIdChanged) in C:\proj\pwiz\pwiz_tools\Skyline\SkylineGraphs.cs:line 309
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at pwiz.Skyline.SkylineWindow.UpdateGraphUI(SrmSettings settingsOld, Boolean docIdChanged) in C:\proj\pwiz\pwiz_tools\Skyline\SkylineGraphs.cs:line 318
at pwiz.Skyline.SkylineWindow.OnDocumentUIChanged(SrmDocument documentPrevious) in C:\proj\pwiz\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Skyline.cs:line 590
at pwiz.Skyline.SkylineWindow.SetDocument(SrmDocument docNew, SrmDocument docOriginal) in C:\proj\pwiz\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Skyline.cs:line 708
at pwiz.Skyline.SkylineWindow.RestoreDocument(SrmDocument docUndo) in C:\proj\pwiz\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Skyline.cs:line 905
at pwiz.Skyline.SkylineWindow.SwitchDocument(SrmDocument document, String pathOnDisk) in C:\proj\pwiz\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Skyline.cs:line 863
at pwiz.Skyline.SkylineWindow.OpenFile(String path, FormEx parentWindow) in C:\proj\pwiz\pwiz_tools\Skyline\SkylineFiles.cs:line 399
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Problem with uploading PRM data to Panorama |
(1 response) |
ingo wohlgemuth |
2024-08-13 04:16:49 |
Dear Panorama team,
I try to upload PRM data from Sykline (Skyline-daily (64-bit) (16f52e48b)) to Panorama. The uploading itself seems to work, but then process crashes. If I first share my skyline document and then upload the zip file, the upload itsself works when I import the data I get the following error message: malformed input off : 6, length : 3
Enclosed I send you the whole log file.....
Do you know what crashes the upload?
Many thanks in advance,
for panorama.txt |
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Panorama Publish |
(1 response) |
adriana.paesleme |
2024-08-11 08:56:22 |
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AutoQC - Verifying peak integration before uploading to Panorama |
(2 responses) |
nbekhti |
2024-08-07 14:26:12 |
Hi there,
we are piloting the use of autoQC and Panorama for automated evaluation of our LC-MS system's performance (system suitability). This is for small molecule analysis. We made a sample with a handful of metabolites that we run at the start of each LC-MS batch.
Upon reviewing the Skyline file that contains our system suitability samples and that is linked to Panorama, we noticed that for some samples peak integration was not performed correctly. We use explicit retention times and do observe some retention time shift from one experiment to another. We also have 2 isomers in our sample that have the same transitions and elute closely to each other although they are near baseline separated (see attached PDF). Depending on the retention time shift for that sample, the correct or incorrect peak may be integrated.
Here are my questions:
- Is there a way to get more consistent peak integrations across the files and still use AutoQC, for instance be removing explicit retention times (I imagine this can work for some of our molecules although not for our isomer pair)
- If the answer to the above question is no, how would your recommend to proceed? Not use AutoQC, but instead review peak integrations manually and then use 'upload to Panorama' under Files?
many thanks!
Leucine_Isoleucine_AutoQC.pdf |
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AutoQC path too long |
(1 response) |
joel steele |
2024-07-16 20:19:02 |
I have been able to run the location fine up until today and now face the path too long issue.
I am not sure if it was already borderline or if something has now happened
[7/17/2024 3:12:03 AM] ERROR: There was an error running configuration "v4".
System.IO.PathTooLongException: The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.
at System.IO.PathHelper.GetFullPathName()
at System.IO.Path.LegacyNormalizePath(String path, Boolean fullCheck, Int32 maxPathLength, Boolean expandShortPaths)
at System.IO.Path.GetFullPathInternal(String path)
at System.IO.FileInfo.Init(String fileName, Boolean checkHost)
at AutoQC.ImportContext.<>c.<.ctor>b__13_0(String f)
at System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`2.ComputeKeys(TElement[] elements, Int32 count)
at System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`1.Sort(TElement[] elements, Int32 count)
at System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1.<GetEnumerator>d__1.MoveNext()
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at AutoQC.ImportContext..ctor(List`1 resultsFiles, Boolean importExisting)
at AutoQC.ConfigRunner.ProcessExistingFiles(DoWorkEventArgs e)
at AutoQC.ConfigRunner.RunConfiguration(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
[7/17/2024 3:12:10 AM] ERROR: An error occurred. Stopping configuration.
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Ion mobility as metric for QC |
(3 responses) |
dhabaker |
2024-07-03 04:57:27 |
Hello Support team,
I am interested in monitoring the inverse mobility as a metric for the QC sample. I am using Bruker's timsTOF system (".d" raw data format). Can you please suggest me any documentation or a manual on this?
Thank you for the wonderful support.
D. Baker
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Add backdated QC to the Panorama project folder |
(2 responses) |
dhabaker |
2024-06-28 01:43:20 |
Hello Support team,
I am interested to know if it is possible to add previously acquired QC runs (for instance a QC acquired in 2022) than the last imported QC run (from 2024) in the project folder on the Panorama web.
I modified the "Folder to Watch" settings in AutoQC to the folder where the desired 2022 QC run is located. However, it doesn't seem to work. I have attached a snip of the log file from the AutoQC while the modified configuration was run.
Please let me know if any additional information is required to address this issue.
D. Baker
AutoQC log.PNG |
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Problem extracting pressure information in Panorama for SST |
(10 responses) |
Dave |
2024-06-27 12:30:10 |
Hi all,
I am new to Skyline / Panorama (it was recommended by a collaborator), but ultimately the goal is to use it for monitoring system suitability data on a variety of instruments, mainly Waters QToF instruments, but eventually our triple quad, and maybe UV instruments too if it is possible to get that to work, but it is not high priority at the moment.
So far I have just been using our Xevo ToF instrument to acquire some test SST data (we work with small molecules), and have used Skyline (in molecules configuration) on the instrument computer to get a quick overview of the data, and then Panorama to have a more detailed look once the data is backed up to a server and can be accessed online. In both cases I have been using AutoQC to import the data, to make it as automated as possible.
I have to say I have been quite impressed with what I have seen so far, and think this could be a really useful solution for us to take our SST use to another level, and make it more proactive rather than being used for troubleshooting when things look wrong....
However, I was really hoping that I would be able to also use the column backpressure as one of my SST criteria, and it seems that I should be able to do that from what I have read. Unfortunately, when I follow the instructions how to add a new or custom QC parameter, Panorama says that there are no traces found. If I look in Masslynx I can clearly see the pressure traces, so the UPLC SST method is correctly recording the pressure (and some other parameters) as I asked it to, but this doesn't seem be getting into the Skyline or Panorama files....
Is there some trick or setting somewhere that I am missing so that the pressure traces are also loaded? Or is there a known problem with importing this data from a Waters .raw file?
Any suggestions would be gratefully received... I feel I am probably doing something wrong, but I have no idea what it is....!
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Eror 404 Server not found |
(12 responses) |
jean-christophe prost |
2024-05-22 01:38:06 |
Dear Panorama,
Today I tried to upload files, but it did not work either using AutoQC or using skyline.
I attached you both error message I got.
Thank you in advance for the support.
Kind regards
20240522_Server Error_Acylcarnitines.docx |
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Remote server error 404 and Skyline Daily Runner exe error code 2 |
(1 response) |
dhardie |
2024-04-17 13:45:46 |
Hello Panorama support;
I just started seeing this error this morning when trying to upload raw files with AutoQC. Multiple restarts and deletion of raw files in monitored data folder and in Skyline files did not fix the problem see error log entry below:
[2024-04-17 1:38:42 PM] Unknown error attempting to upload to Panorama.
[2024-04-17 1:38:42 PM] File was not uploaded to the server. Please try again, or if the problem persists, please contact your Panorama server administrator.
[2024-04-17 1:38:42 PM] The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
[2024-04-17 1:38:42 PM] ERROR: Failure occurred. Exiting...
[2024-04-17 1:38:43 PM] ERROR: SkylineDailyRunner.exe exited with error code 2.
[2024-04-17 1:38:43 PM] Finished importing existing files...
Any suggestions
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2+ charge state not available for selection |
(2 responses) |
ss |
2024-03-21 03:46:09 |
I am building autoQC Skyline file and would like to select a 2+ precursor for one of the QC peptides but this is not availale in the SKyline precusor selection three (see attached). Other peptides in this list have the 2+ option available as 2+ is also listed in the transitions settings filter tab.
Thanks for you assistance.
Precursor selection Skyline 1.png Precursor selection Skyline 2.png |
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Authenticating user Credential on panorama |
(2 responses) |
jean-christophe prost |
2024-03-20 08:14:01 |
Hello Panorama,
I am able to login in Panorama, I was able to setup new AutoQC folders and everything, but I am not able to setup the server in skyline, and I used my panorama Login. Did I something wrong?
THank you for your help.
Kind regards
Credential probelms.docx |
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Precursor Area visualisation in AutoQC |
(3 responses) |
dhabaker |
2024-03-06 09:05:45 |
I am having trouble visualizing both the precursor area and precursor mass error visualization for my QC replicates. However, the retention time visualization seems to work well for the same replicates. I have attached a file showing this error.
Can you please assist with this issue?
Please let me know if any further details are required regarding this.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Precursor Area in Auto QC.PNG |
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Mass accuracy despaired |
(1 response) |
Taher Elgierari |
2024-02-29 08:53:42 |
Good morning
for some reason we are not seeing the mass accuracy metric on panorama, nothing changed on our end, is this metric no longer trackable on panorama?
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Problems with spectral library when uploading the project to Panorama Public |
(1 response) |
Dorota Muth-Pawlak |
2024-02-27 03:27:55 |
I would like to upload Skyline files with raw files to Panorama Public and Proteome Exchange. I receive the error indicating missing spectral library but I can see that the file is uploaded on Panorama web. Could you tell me what is the problem in current content of my folder? I attached the printscreen of the message I received. You can also find here project details.
MissingSpLibraries.tif |
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problem with Skyline version and installation |
(2 responses) |
virginie imbault |
2024-01-22 08:02:42 |
I have a TT5600 from Sciex and we have windows 7 on the acquisition computer.
So I have installed Skyline (32bit) and autoQCLoader.
But when I run autoQCLoader, I have an error and this warning message appears (see in attachment).
Can you help me?
autoQCLoader_warning_message.pdf |
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Error Downloading .NET Framework 4.7.2 |
(7 responses) |
justinsnider |
2024-01-09 14:33:54 |
I tried downloading Skyline for a 64-bit Windows computer with internet and received an error message that .NET Framework 4.7.2 was needed for the download. When I download .NET Framework 4.7.2, I received the attached error message.
Any ideas on how to fix this error? Thanks!
Skyline download error.pptx |
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How to become an admin |
(1 response) |
vincent richard |
2023-12-20 13:32:30 |
Hello! I would like to be added as an administrator for our lab's panorama projects (Borchers Lab), but the existing admin no longer works in our group (email is deactivated). How can we proceed managing the account?
Thanks very much,
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error in autoQC |
(2 responses) |
wphipps5 |
2023-12-19 17:16:31 |
Hi there-- AutoQC loads our data fine into Panorama, but there are eventually errors...
[12/19/2023 5:00:37 PM] Y:\Chemistry\MassSpecFacility\STMS-AMC\7-STMS_Tuning\AutoQC\raw\PRM_raw\STMS_20231212_07.raw was acquired (12/15/2023 4:15:57 AM) before the acquisition date (12/15/2023 4:18:45 AM) on the last imported file in the Skyline document. Skipping...
[12/19/2023 5:00:37 PM] STMS_20231212_08.raw is ready
[12/19/2023 5:00:37 PM] Running SkylineRunner.exe with args:
[12/19/2023 5:00:37 PM] --in="Y:\Chemistry\MassSpecFacility\STMS-AMC\7-STMS_Tuning\AutoQC\" --import-file="Y:\Chemistry\MassSpecFacility\STMS-AMC\7-STMS_Tuning\AutoQC\raw\PRM_raw\STMS_20231212_08.raw" --import-on-or-after=12/15/2023 4:18:45 AM --save
[12/19/2023 5:00:38 PM] Opening file...
[12/19/2023 5:00:39 PM] File opened.
[12/19/2023 5:00:41 PM] Loading QEplus_HeLa_PRM.skyd cache
[12/19/2023 5:00:41 PM] 100%
[12/19/2023 5:00:41 PM] STMS_20231212_08 -> Y:\Chemistry\MassSpecFacility\STMS-AMC\7-STMS_Tuning\AutoQC\raw\PRM_raw\STMS_20231212_08.raw Note: The file has already been imported. Ignoring...
[12/19/2023 5:00:41 PM] Error: No files left to import.
[12/19/2023 5:00:41 PM] TAU_20231215_03.raw is ready
[12/19/2023 5:00:41 PM] Running SkylineRunner.exe with args:
[12/19/2023 5:00:41 PM] --in="Y:\Chemistry\MassSpecFacility\STMS-AMC\7-STMS_Tuning\AutoQC\" --import-file="Y:\Chemistry\MassSpecFacility\STMS-AMC\7-STMS_Tuning\AutoQC\raw\PRM_raw\TAU_20231215_03.raw" --import-on-or-after=12/15/2023 4:18:45 AM --save
[12/19/2023 5:00:42 PM] Opening file...
[12/19/2023 5:00:42 PM] File opened.
[12/19/2023 5:00:45 PM] Loading QEplus_HeLa_PRM.skyd cache
[12/19/2023 5:00:45 PM] 100%
[12/19/2023 5:00:45 PM]
[12/19/2023 5:00:45 PM] Adding results...
[12/19/2023 5:00:45 PM] 1. Y:\Chemistry\MassSpecFacility\STMS-AMC\7-STMS_Tuning\AutoQC\raw\PRM_raw\TAU_20231215_03.raw
[12/19/2023 5:00:45 PM]
[12/19/2023 5:00:47 PM] Successfully pinged Panorama server.
[12/19/2023 5:00:48 PM] [1] 10%
[12/19/2023 5:00:50 PM] [1] 20%
[12/19/2023 5:00:52 PM] [1] 25%
[12/19/2023 5:00:55 PM] [1] 30%
[12/19/2023 5:00:57 PM] [1] 35%
[12/19/2023 5:00:59 PM] [1] 41%
[12/19/2023 5:01:01 PM] [1] 50%
[12/19/2023 5:01:03 PM] [1] 60%
[12/19/2023 5:01:05 PM] [1] 93%
[12/19/2023 5:01:07 PM]
[12/19/2023 5:01:07 PM] Updating peak statistics
[12/19/2023 5:01:10 PM] 50% - Joining file Y:\Chemistry\MassSpecFacility\STMS-AMC\7-STMS_Tuning\AutoQC\TAU_20231215_03_2859473399.raw.skyd
[12/19/2023 5:01:11 PM] 100%
[12/19/2023 5:01:12 PM] Updating peak statistics
[12/19/2023 5:01:12 PM] Saving file...
[12/19/2023 5:01:14 PM]
[12/19/2023 5:01:14 PM] 100%
[12/19/2023 5:01:14 PM] File saved.
[12/19/2023 5:01:14 PM] SkylineRunner.exe exited successfully.
[12/19/2023 5:01:14 PM] TAU_20231215_17.raw is ready
[12/19/2023 5:01:14 PM] Running SkylineRunner.exe with args:
[12/19/2023 5:01:14 PM] --in="Y:\Chemistry\MassSpecFacility\STMS-AMC\7-STMS_Tuning\AutoQC\" --import-file="Y:\Chemistry\MassSpecFacility\STMS-AMC\7-STMS_Tuning\AutoQC\raw\PRM_raw\TAU_20231215_17.raw" --import-on-or-after=12/15/2023 4:18:45 AM --save
[12/19/2023 5:01:15 PM] Opening file...
[12/19/2023 5:01:16 PM] File opened.
[12/19/2023 5:01:18 PM] Loading QEplus_HeLa_PRM.skyd cache
[12/19/2023 5:01:18 PM] 100%
[12/19/2023 5:01:18 PM]
[12/19/2023 5:01:18 PM] Adding results...
[12/19/2023 5:01:18 PM] 1. Y:\Chemistry\MassSpecFacility\STMS-AMC\7-STMS_Tuning\AutoQC\raw\PRM_raw\TAU_20231215_17.raw
[12/19/2023 5:01:18 PM]
[12/19/2023 5:01:21 PM] [1] 10%
[12/19/2023 5:01:23 PM] [1] 19%
[12/19/2023 5:01:25 PM] [1] 24%
[12/19/2023 5:01:28 PM] [1] 29%
[12/19/2023 5:01:30 PM] [1] 35%
[12/19/2023 5:01:32 PM] [1] 41%
[12/19/2023 5:01:35 PM] [1] 48%
[12/19/2023 5:01:37 PM] [1] 58%
[12/19/2023 5:01:39 PM] [1] 68%
[12/19/2023 5:01:41 PM]
[12/19/2023 5:01:42 PM] Updating peak statistics
[12/19/2023 5:01:44 PM] 50% - Joining file Y:\Chemistry\MassSpecFacility\STMS-AMC\7-STMS_Tuning\AutoQC\TAU_20231215_17_2859473399.raw.skyd
[12/19/2023 5:01:45 PM] 100%
[12/19/2023 5:01:46 PM] Updating peak statistics
[12/19/2023 5:01:46 PM] Saving file...
[12/19/2023 5:01:48 PM] File saved.
[12/19/2023 5:01:48 PM] SkylineRunner.exe exited successfully.
[12/19/2023 5:01:48 PM] Running SkylineRunner.exe with args:
[12/19/2023 5:01:48 PM] --in="Y:\Chemistry\MassSpecFacility\STMS-AMC\7-STMS_Tuning\AutoQC\" --panorama-server="" --panorama-folder="/Hoofnagle/HeLa PRM QC" --panorama-username="WPHIPPS5@UW.EDU"
[12/19/2023 5:01:49 PM] ERROR: Unable to verify Panorama server information.
[12/19/2023 5:01:49 PM] There was an error authenticating user credentials on the server
[12/19/2023 5:01:49 PM]
[12/19/2023 5:01:49 PM] ERROR: Unexpected JSON response from the server: {{"currentUser":{{"canUpdateOwn":"false","canUpdate":"false","canDeleteOwn":"false","canInsert":"false","displayName":"wphipps5","canDelete":"false","id":5750,"isAdmin":"false","email":""}}
[12/19/2023 5:01:49 PM] URL:
[12/19/2023 5:01:49 PM]
[12/19/2023 5:01:49 PM] Exiting...
[12/19/2023 5:01:49 PM] ERROR: SkylineRunner.exe exited with error code 2.
[12/19/2023 5:01:49 PM] Finished importing existing files...
[12/19/2023 5:01:49 PM] Importing new files...
[12/19/2023 5:01:49 PM] ERROR: Uploads to Panorama have not been successful in over 24 hours. Stopping configuration.
[12/19/2023 5:01:49 PM] Finished running configuration.
screen.PNG |
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AutoQC with Thermo Chromeleon data vaults |
(2 responses) |
paul mathews |
2023-11-08 15:44:46 |
Hello all--
I am working with a skyline document/autoQC/panorama with some GCMS data generated on Thermo TSQ and ISQ GC-MS and Chromeleon 7.2.10 ES. We utilize Panorama on our LCMS systems (Bruker and Agilent) with no problem, if you've used Chromeleon, you know the file structure is a jungle.. Has anyone had success setting up AutoQC in such a way to pull from the Chromeleon data vault?
I have been exporting the Chromeleon files to a separate folder manually, but that sort of defeats the functionality of the AutoQC loader..
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Problem uploading targeted small molecule quantifications |
(3 responses) |
Joerg |
2023-09-20 05:27:37 |
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no results posted on Panorama |
(1 response) |
Taher Elgierari |
2023-09-14 18:08:31 |
we noticed today that nothing in being uploaded to panorama, the autoqc is working, but connection to the server seems to be down, is there anything we need to form users end?
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AutoQC successfully pings, but no upload? |
(4 responses) |
lpino |
2023-09-11 11:22:28 |
Hi team!
I previously had AutoQC working great for about 11 months, but at some point it stopped uploading to our Panorama page. The small icon button on our configuration does successfully launch the appropriate Panorama page, and the Skyline button opens the appropriate Skyline document. Here's an example of the log (attached). If there's any other information I can get you, please let me know!
autoqc_log.txt |
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AutoQC feature request - add commands |
(2 responses) |
jjotto |
2023-06-14 09:05:33 |
I'd like to be able to trigger additional actions when AutoQC sees a new file that meets the conditions met in the configuration. For example, when new file is found, could it trigger a command line process using the filename and path as a variable? The AutoQC setup for monitoring works very well, and if I could trigger my standard Skyline report from the file as well as submitting a search via command line, that would be ideal. I'm currently using a powershell script that works intermittently to submit a file for search.
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Peak selection |
(2 responses) |
ss |
2023-05-23 01:50:05 |
Hello Skyline team,
I'm monitoring a peptide that elutes as a double peak (see attached), likely due to differing oxygen orientations of oxdised Methione.
I would like to obtain separate XICs for each of the peaks since to use as reporters for column performance.
Is there a way to do this in an automated manner without manual peak integration? Data is uplaoded via AutoQC and would like to avoid operator intervention.
The transitions are identical but since data is generated on a TIMS perhaps CCS can be applied as an additional filter. I'm not sure if can do this and also how to execute it in Skyline:
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Changed folder structure, AutoQC not processing files through Skyline |
(3 responses) |
paul mathews |
2023-04-24 15:41:14 |
I originally had all my data going to the main folder in this account. I have since created some organization based on instrument/column and ionization mode. I deleted all runs from my previous imports when doing this.
When I tried to apply autoQC to the new file directories, I got an error saying results had already been imported, but nothing shows up in my dashboard.
I then removed spectra uploads (manage results) in the skyline document. Now I get the error "no existing files found".
I have double checked the "skyline file path" and "folder to watch", and icnluded the right patterns (all QC runs save to the same folder but are differentiated by "_pos" or "_neg".
Any advice?
no files error.PNG |
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Zeno wiff vs wiff2 and Skyline AutoQC import |
(4 responses) |
ss |
2023-04-18 05:21:07 |
Hi Skyline team,
I'm importing Zeno SWATH data into Skyline using AutoQC. For each run there are a wiff and wiff2 raw files generated that seem to contain the same data when extracted in Skyline (although wiff2 files are bigger in size). Is there a preference for which file format should be processed in Skyline?
Thanks for your feedback.
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Auto QC not importing older data |
(2 responses) |
ss |
2023-03-17 09:23:54 |
I've set up AutoQC but some of the files are not imported to Skyline/ uploaded to Panorama with the following message:
221103_Zeno1_S00187_MHE_QC_MNT_100SPD_EV1109_221025_HeLa_50ng_DIA_A6.wiff was acquired (11/3/2022 6:43:44 PM) before the acquisition date (3/6/2023 1:22:36 PM) on the last imported file in the Skyline document. Skipping...
How do I get around this?
Log file is attached
AutoQC.log |
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Exporting data from AutoQC |
(3 responses) |
janelle hancock |
2023-02-13 16:10:24 |
Hello Everyone,
I would like to export a spreadsheet of performance metrics. I can't seem to find a way to export run statistics from AutoQC. Is this possible? Ultimately I need to set reasonable pass/fail criteria, and modelling based on our existing data seems like the best way to do this.
I have been using the associated skyline file to generate document grids, and am able to model RT variation from this. But the TIC and transition/ precursor area plots in Auto QC doesn't seem to have equivalent statistics in Skyline?
Can anyone let me know how to download these from Panorama, or how to get them in the document grid in Skyline?
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Add metric: Orbitrap injection time |
(3 responses) |
romeally |
2023-01-17 07:30:23 |
Hi Panorama team,
I was wondering if it was possible to add MS1 Orbitrap injection time as a trackable metric to Panorama for Thermo data. The data are in the .raw files, so I imagine it could be extracted. This would be helpful, because if the instrument is dirty and overall instrument performance is decreasing, Orbitrap injection time may experience a compensatory increase to meet AGC limits and MS1 signal may remain relatively stable. We have seen this, where we get low protein IDs or PSMs or MS2 signal, but MS1 signal does not appear to be suffering, although injection times are high. After instrument cleaning, performance in other metrics goes up but MS1 signal does not change much and injection times return down to baseline.
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QC Plots |
(2 responses) |
witold szymanski |
2023-01-09 01:06:25 |
Dear Panorama Team!
Thanks for the awesome platform! I have one question though:
Is it possible to have multiple plots in the Dashboard at once? Like different metrics below each other
- Retention time
- Mass Accuracy
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QC trend report |
(18 responses) |
jean-christophe prost |
2022-11-10 02:27:00 |
Dear Panorama Team,
I tried quite a long time to generate reports or grids to get a quick overview for SST measurements.
Currently we have to import the data in skyline and extract them a csv report, that is then imported in Excel to get a final SST (see attachment) report and tells you, if your system works properly to measure your run.
Of course, in case we could have everything directly in panorama, it would increase the easiness of our workflow. I do not know, since we use already a set up report from skyline, if we can import it in panorama? or how to set something similar, or a report that gives you the standard deviation of the retention tim, mass error, CV of area and height, in one shot.
In advance thank you for your support and help.
Best, Jean-Christophe
Small molecule precursor list.docx |
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Problem with server |
(4 responses) |
jean-christophe prost |
2022-11-01 07:10:21 |
Dear PanaoramWeb Team,
Nat made me, few days ago, a new PanoramaWeb project. Today I tried, following your "import Data Into Panorama" to generate the zip, without success.
As you can see in the word file, I tested two url. and both of them did not worked
I was wondering what I did wrong
In advance thank you for your help and I wish you a nice day
Panorama_server_Problem.docx |
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Unable to search for small molecules on Panorama Public |
(1 response) |
chrashwood |
2022-10-13 12:17:48 |
Dear Panorama team,
I hope you are doing well. I was trying to search for small molecules with the PanoramaPublic search function however I have noticed that recently small molecule assays are no longer coming up for searches. Previously, small molecule results would show up if I used the right keyword but now they no longer appear.
E.g. if I search for "arginine" under Protein search or Peptide search, only protein results appear. However, the following Panorama Public document has Skyline assays with arginine listed as a molecule ( as well as many others. Just checking in to see if this is a bug or perhaps there is a different way I should be searching for small molecules.
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Peptide 'header' and molecule name? |
(1 response) |
Alejandro Cohen |
2022-08-31 11:09:22 |
Hi Panorama people,
I'm setting up a QC workflow using a BSA digest standard on our Lumos LC-MSMS system. I am acquiring by PRM using both CID and HCD for different peptides. I have set a Skyline document with two different Protein Names/Labels (see attached image). When I upload the data to Panorama, the QC plots show the peptide precursor sequence and m/z (see also attached image), but there is no information on the protein name/label as per the Skyline document. Also, the peptides are ordered in alphabetical order.
Is there any way I can group the peptide based on the Proteins Names (as found in Skyline) or any way I can filter them using the protein name/label (BSA_CID or BSA_HCD)?
Hope I made myself clear! Thanks again for your support, the QC feature is KEY for running our lab and checking on instrument health :)
Screenshot 2022-08-31 150624.png Screenshot 2022-08-31 150722.png |
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QCannotations in Panoramaweb |
(2 responses) |
hao pham |
2022-06-02 13:05:59 |
Hi Panorama team,
First of all, thank you for your work in creating this platform to monitor instruments.
I'd like to bulk upload QCannotation for an instrument, but there is this error (image attached).
This is what I have tried.
-create a single line dummy annotation, export it as excel or text file, add in the desired annotations. When I upload this file, I received that error.
-download the template and fill out with the desired annotations. When I upload this file, I received that error.
We also want to look into R script for QCannotation, but is there a place to integrate this.
Thank you so much for your suggestion
Screenshot 2022-06-02 125821.jpg |
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Are all peptides incl. iRTs used for normalization? |
(2 responses) |
roberthardt |
2022-05-31 09:16:19 |
Dear Skyline-team,
I am just curious to know if Skyline actually uses all peptides/precursors present in the document when I select "normalize medians" in the quantification settings? Or does it only use the target peptides and omits the iRTs? I am asking because I currently rely on the CiRt peptides, of which not all are present in all my samples at the same amounts. Thus taking also this peptides into account for normalization could potentially skew my results.
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ProteomeXchange submission UniMod ID Missing from Modification |
(2 responses) |
ncl trostlab |
2022-05-09 09:40:12 |
Hello, I'm trying to upload our Skyline method files and raw data from an experiment we're submitting with a paper, in this particular experiment we were using a SIL standard (QconCAT) and in Skyline we just modified our target peptides to have 15N atoms instead to include the heavy peptides in the method file. However, this modification is not accepted as a Unimod modification and I can't submit the data as a result. I've included a screenshot which shows the details of the error. I was wondering if you could offer some assistance as to how I can circumvent this problem. Thanks a lot for your help.
proteomexchange_error.png |
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Cannot create folder |
(1 response) |
xfbubu |
2022-04-14 22:07:33 |
I was trying to create a folder to upload skyline files and eventually deposit it to Panorama Public. However, I can only see the icon for Permalink but not the one to create folder. I am wondering if you could help me with it.
Thank you.
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Assay validation reports to chromatogram libraries |
(2 responses) |
roman sakson |
2022-01-25 10:20:18 |
Dear Vagisha,
I am exploring the capabilities of chromatogram libraries at the moment, which seem quite useful! Am I correct that there is no way to generate those libraries in Skyline directly, as for spectral libraries (without uploading data to Panorama first)? In a recent announcement to the subscribers you mentioned "Adding new assay validation reports to chromatogram libraries" as a new feature. I am not quite sure what you meant by that and would like to understand better.
Thank you for your time,
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Thank you for supporting my research |
(2 responses) |
Azad Eshghi |
2022-01-11 11:20:32 |
As there is no google review for Panorma Support, I just wanted to drop a line to express my gratitude for all of the research support I have received from the helpful folks that make up the Panorama team. I would especially like to thank Vagisha Sharma for her recent (patient) assistance with data upload to Panorama Public.
While this may not be a novel thought, there may be other researchers like me who have not previously considered thanking individuals in the acknowledgments section of a manuscript. However, now that the thought has dawned (for me) I have acknowledged Vagisha accordingly in a "to be submitted" manuscript and will remember to do so in all future manuscripts when appropriate.
Thanks again Vagisha and the rest of the Panorama support team.
All the best,
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uploading files to panorama |
(2 responses) |
christoph baumgartinger |
2021-11-24 06:43:55 |
i am just wondering if there is another way to upload files to panorama? In past i always uploaded my files directly from skyline to panorama.
Could you help me out with this?
Thank you very much in advance!
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Skyline Document Setup for MAM |
(2 responses) |
david schmidt |
2021-10-26 02:09:26 |
thank you very much for this excellent piece of software!
I'm trying to monitor PTMs within a MAM Folder.
Could you tell me whether this is possible with MS1 Full-Scan Filtering (DDA) and with DIA (all-ion) MS2-based quantification? In your example it seems that only precursors were used.
Upon import of my Skyline document, the %modified column of the PTM report remains empty. Also the Peptide Mapping report is completely empty. Do I need to specify certain parameters in the Skyline results or Document grid?
best wishes,
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Changing the system email address again |
(7 responses) |
roman sakson |
2021-10-20 13:04:56 |
Dear Panorama Team,
a former colleague of mine was the first one to be added to the PanoramaWeb project of my current institute. However, my colleague has left our team recently and his email has been deactivated by our IT department. Despite that, newly registered users within our project still receive a PanoramaWeb welcoming email that seemingly comes from my former colleague's email address and the (probably default) text also suggests to contact the PanoramaWeb team at my former colleague's email in case of questions. How could we change this default message?
Thank you,
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Boilerplate language for regulatory documents |
(3 responses) |
brittany |
2021-09-22 16:53:26 |
I was wondering if you provide and/or prefer standard language for use of AutoQC in describing quality control protocols in regulatory documents?
Thank you
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Fail to upload QC files into Panorama QC folders |
(2 responses) |
kaitm |
2021-09-16 14:04:10 |
QC folders require that all documents use the same molecule, but they did not match. Please create a new QC folder if you wish to work with different molecules. Attempted import: [C19H29N3O5, C27H38N2O4, C28H37N5O7, C32H41NO2, C33H40N2O9, C7H10N4O2S, C8H10N4O2, C8H9NO2]. Previously imported: [C12H14N4O4, C19H29N3O5, C27H38N2O4, C28H37N5O7, C32H41NO2, C33H40N2O9, C7H10N4O2S, C8H10N4O2, C8H9NO2].
QC folders require that all documents use the same molecule, but they did not match. Please create a new QC
This is an error message I'm getting when trying to upload new files onto QC Panorama. There were edits made to the original Skyline documents and the molecule was modified. I tried reverting the file back but it's still continuing to error when I use this Skyline file. I wanted to see what my options were with uploading a QC. Could I delete all the information already on the Panorama QC and then re-upload the files on processed through the Skyline method? How would I go about wiping the QCs already loaded?
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Importing R Markdown report |
(2 responses) |
Juan C. Rojas E. |
2021-09-14 02:30:54 |
Hi Panorama team!
I am wondering if there is a way to either display a R Markdown report in Panorama that was saved as an HTML file. I tried copying the generated HTML text to the Advanced Editor of a custom Wiki, but I got the following error after clicking "Save and Close":
Error: "There was a problem wile saving: Illegal element"
I have also just tried importing the file in a "Files" Web Part, but fort only the .html file I am getting the following error:
"You do not have privileges to upload"
For all other file types (so far) I have been able to upload.
Sorry if I am quite new to this whole web display and I am not approaching this right, but I hope you can help me with this.
Juan C. Rojas E.
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issues with uploading skyline file to Panorama Public |
(3 responses) |
realjune |
2021-08-23 02:15:18 |
Dear Panoramaweb team,
I submitted skyline files to Panorama Public on 8/14/21, and I found that the files are still on "Copy pending" status.
I realized some files from other teams were uploaded to Panorama Public on 8/16/21 or 8/17/21.
I am wondering why my skyline files are still not copied to Panorama Public.
The skyline file I submitted is on revision now, so I appreciate any help for solving this problem.
Injoon Yeo
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Collision Energy per transition displayed as "0.0000". |
(5 responses) |
Roman Sakson |
2021-07-20 13:37:43 |
Dear Panorama team,
I am now in the process of uploading a targeted MS Run to Panorama (preparation to publish). This is some MRM data where CEs were optimized for each transition. An optimized library ".optdb" as well as the usual CE Equation were selected in the transition settings in Skyline at the moment of data upload to the Panorama folder. When I click on the peptides in Panorama in the MS Run, one CE as well as one DP-value per peptide are being displayed, those values are probably derived from the equations. However, when I select transitions to be displayed and I customize the grid for CE values to be shown at transition level, I am getting a CE value of 0.0000 everywhere. I expected my optimized CE values to appear there, am I doing something wrong?
Thanks a lot in advance,
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issues with folder format and raw data upload |
(2 responses) |
spacil |
2021-07-14 02:49:33 |
I'm having persistent issues with the raw data upload in my folder named: "Profiling tryptophan catabolites and APP in DBS". Other folders have the same setting and work normally, please fix the bug.
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Column 'aminoacid' error importing a Skyline ZIP file into Panorama |
(3 responses) |
Nathan Manes |
2021-06-28 17:29:17 |
The ZIP:
NIH_NitaLazar / Manes_BMDM_TLR-Chemotaxis_2021 /
Uploading the Skyline "Share" ZIP worked fine. When I clicked "Import Data", It failed. Snippet of the log file:
28 Jun 2021 17:02:25,214 INFO : Expanding
28 Jun 2021 17:02:25,353 INFO : 1% Done
28 Jun 2021 17:03:03,307 ERROR: Import failed
28 Jun 2021 17:03:03,355 INFO : Failed to complete task 'org.labkey.targetedms.pipeline.TargetedMSImportTask'
28 Jun 2021 17:03:03,357 ERROR: aminoacid: Value is too long for column 'aminoacid', a maximum length of 30 is allowed. Supplied value was 64 characters long.
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Array dimension Error |
(1 response) |
dkueltz |
2021-05-01 11:09:27 |
I am getting an error with the latest Skyline daily release that I had not seen before. This pops up when I import a results file with a large RT range specified. The assay library contains less than 200,000 transitions - so it should not be a problem. I did not see this error with previous versions even though the assay libraries I had used before were much larger (>1 million transitions). The error message is below. FYI - i am only allowing for about 15 or so PTMs in the corresponding document. I am using a workstation with 64GB RAM, which in my mind makes it unlikely that memory limitation is the issue. The results file import also crashed a couple of times already with the latest release and it kept hanging up on me when trying to close -reopen - I had to completekly uninstall and reinstall Skyline daily to render it to respond properly again - something seems to have changed that renders the import of results files more error-prone.
Thanks for looking into the array dimension limit errror pasted below,
At 10:57 AM:
Failed importing results file 'E:\EAM0025_Oremo-Testes_V8-AmBic\DIA\EAM0021_CnF1T_V8AmBic_1-C,2_01_3712.d'.
Array dimensions exceeded supported range.
pwiz.Skyline.Model.Results.ChromCacheBuildException: Failed importing results file 'E:\EAM0025_Oremo-Testes_V8-AmBic\DIA\EAM0021_CnF1T_V8AmBic_1-C,2_01_3712.d'.
Array dimensions exceeded supported range. ---> System.OverflowException: Array dimensions exceeded supported range.
at pwiz.Skyline.Model.Results.ChromGroups.ReleaseChromatogram(Int32 chromatogramIndex, Single retentionTime, ChromCollector collector, TimeIntensities& timeIntensities) in C:\proj\skyline_21_1_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Model\Results\ChromCollector.cs:line 625
at pwiz.Skyline.Model.Results.SpectraChromDataProvider.Collectors.ReleaseChromatogram(Int32 chromatogramIndex, ChromGroups chromGroups, TimeIntensities& timeIntensities) in C:\proj\skyline_21_1_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Model\Results\SpectraChromDataProvider.cs:line 1298
at pwiz.Skyline.Model.Results.SpectraChromDataProvider.GetChromatogram(Int32 id, Target modifiedSequence, Color peptideColor, ChromExtra& extra, TimeIntensities& timeIntensities) in C:\proj\skyline_21_1_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Model\Results\SpectraChromDataProvider.cs:line 609
at pwiz.Skyline.Model.Results.ChromData.Load(ChromDataProvider provider, Target modifiedSequence, Color peptideColor) in C:\proj\skyline_21_1_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Model\Results\ChromData.cs:line 77
at pwiz.Skyline.Model.Results.ChromDataSet.Load(ChromDataProvider provider, Target modifiedSequence, Color peptideColor) in C:\proj\skyline_21_1_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Model\Results\ChromDataSet.cs:line 234
at pwiz.Skyline.Model.Results.PeptideChromDataSets.Load(ChromDataProvider provider) in C:\proj\skyline_21_1_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Model\Results\PeptideChromData.cs:line 143
at pwiz.Skyline.Model.Results.ChromCacheBuilder.Read(ChromDataProvider provider) in C:\proj\skyline_21_1_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Model\Results\ChromCacheBuilder.cs:line 439
at pwiz.Skyline.Model.Results.ChromCacheBuilder.BuildCache() in C:\proj\skyline_21_1_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Model\Results\ChromCacheBuilder.cs:line 252
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
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Problems uploading files and them being recognized |
(1 response) |
mmart137 |
2021-03-15 16:43:51 |
I'm trying to publish a full dataset for a paper. When I hit submit, it says that there are files missing that have clearly been uploaded. In addition, it is asking for new, different raw files that it says are missing every time I hit 'resubmit'. Can you please help here? Thanks!
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Problem uploading Skyline file to home folder |
(1 response) |
michael-e-wright |
2021-03-02 10:21:47 |
Can't access home folder to upload a Skyline file. Am I doing something wrong? Also, how do I control permissions to view the folder?
ErrorUploadtoPanaroma.png |
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Problems with AutoQC loader |
(5 responses) |
a gorol |
2021-01-05 01:35:08 |
since yesterday i have problems with uploading QC Files to Panorama. We are using the AutoQC loader since May last year and it worked perfectly for us. Since yesterday i can not start the configuration anymore. The log File gives me several error messages but i don`t know how to solve this issue. I attached the LogFiles.
I assume there is a problem with the skyline document but since this is the same one we are using since May I am not sure. Can you help us?
AutoQC.log |
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Uploading error to Panorama |
(2 responses) |
roberthardt |
2021-01-04 06:16:41 |
Dear Skyline-Team,
I cannot upload any sky-zip files to the Panorama server anymore. I'm pretty confident that this has been caused by myself while using the "Cancel upload" button within Skyline daily. I also tried by myself cleaning the upload queue within Panorama, but this is also not working. I guess the server itself somehow got stuck?
panorama canceling.PNG panorama canceling2.PNG |
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Error while uploading data to Panorama from Skyline-daily |
(1 response) |
hana kucharikova |
2020-11-06 06:58:32 |
I have encountered an error while uploading data from Skyline-daily ( to Panorama.
I am using GoogleChrome web-browser and Windows 10 OS (OS build 18363.1139).
I have opened my Skyline document, in section File press Upoload to Panorama, selected folder and start uploading the file. At the end of upload (when 98% was finished) an error message appear.
"Failed to complete task 'org.labkey.targetedms.pipeline.TargetedMSImportTask'
ERROR: SqlExecutor.execute(); uncategorized SQLException for SQL []; SQL state [25P02];"
There was also warning about Skyline versions incompatibility: "The version of this Skyline document is 20.14. This is newer than the highest supported version 4.1".
I have tried the upload again into new folder and after the notes in Skyline were removed, neither helped.
Detail information about the error log are in the attachment.
Can you, please, help me?
Thank you,
Panorama upload_log_error |
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AutoQC loader disconnects from local servers |
(2 responses) |
David Kotol |
2020-10-20 05:14:53 |
I have been struggling with the AutoQC for some time now. It works great but just for about 24 hours. Then I lose connection to local server where the data, in this case Thermo raw files, is stored. The connection to server remains lost until the PC is restarted.
To describe the problem:
1. QC sample is measured
2. Resulting file is automatically pushed to MassStorage local server (using
scheduler and .bat script) and to a designated folder
3. Another computer is running the AutoQC Loader and is paired
with the designated folder on the server
4. The QC software locates the result file on the server and uploads it
to the Panorama
This works for about 24 hours and then connection to the server is lost. The connection is restored by restarting the computer. But just for another 24 hours or so.
What I tried with always the same result:
- reinstall AutoQC Loader
- update AutoQC Loader
- use different computer
- reinstall and update Skyline
Is this a known issue or is it something with the servers of my institution, please? The institutional IT guys claim it is the software so I just want to check if anyone experienced this issue when loading raw files from servers and not the local storage.
All the best,
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AutoQC and skyline stuck at IMPORT WAITING |
(2 responses) |
DennisGoldfarb |
2020-10-06 06:51:13 |
I created a new AutoQC folder, but am having trouble uploading to it. I tried cancelling everything in the data pipeline, but those are now stuck in "cancelling". Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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Unable to authenticate my panorama site password and email within Auto QC |
(2 responses) |
chris brown-2 |
2020-09-29 14:01:19 |
Hello - I am unable to sign in to my panorama account and password in AutoQC to upload QC data.
Skyline account:
AutoQC loader
Location of Panorama Folder: /Corteva Agrisciences - MSCOE/Lumos-Daily QC
Exact error message:
Configuration Validation Error
The username and password could not be authenticated with the panorama server.
Let me know what else you need.
Thanks, cjb
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Panorama for AutoQC |
(1 response) |
imene bousahba |
2020-09-17 03:23:10 |
I wanted to know if it is necessary to use panorama for AutoQC (to publish my files in purpose to view the results)
If not how can i do ?
Thank you very much
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New Auto-QC install and transferring Configurations |
(1 response) |
Alejandro Cohen |
2020-09-01 10:19:07 |
I'm transferring my configurations from one computer to another in a new installation of AutoQC ( I followed the instructions as per your email and get the error attached. The passwords are there in the original configurations. I tried editing the .xml file with the correct password, but that does not seem to work either
Is there a way around this?
Trouble Shoot Auto QC_Screen shots.docx |
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Error uploading from skyline-daily but not skyline |
(2 responses) |
d foschepoth |
2020-08-06 11:47:01 |
I want to upload a bunch of skyline files and all but two of them I could readily upload using Skyline without issues. But two files provided by a colleague were opviously edited with a newer version so I used skyline-daily to upload. Upon Ăśpload to Panorama" I get this error message of a connection error (The program added some german text in the error report):
Brief german list of ingredients:
Zeile = Line
bei =at
Ende der internen AusnahmestapelĂĽberwachung = End of internal exception stack monitoring (or so)
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Failed attempting to retrieve information from the following servers: ---> System.Exception: Failed attempting to retrieve information from the following servers:
bei pwiz.Skyline.FileUI.PublishDocumentDlg.PublishDocumentDlgLoad(List`1 listServerFolders) in C:\proj\pwiz_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\FileUI\PublishDocumentDlg.cs:Zeile 139.
bei pwiz.Skyline.Controls.LongWaitDlg.RunWork(Action`1 performWork) in C:\proj\pwiz_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Controls\LongWaitDlg.cs:Zeile 254.
--- Ende der internen AusnahmestapelĂĽberwachung ---
bei pwiz.Skyline.Util.Helpers.WrapAndThrowException(Exception x) in C:\proj\pwiz_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Util\Util.cs:Zeile 1942.
bei pwiz.Skyline.Controls.LongWaitDlg.PerformWork(Control parent, Int32 delayMillis, Action`1 performWork) in C:\proj\pwiz_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Controls\LongWaitDlg.cs:Zeile 202.
bei pwiz.Skyline.FileUI.PublishDocumentDlg.PublishDocumentDlg_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\proj\pwiz_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\FileUI\PublishDocumentDlg.cs:Zeile 88.
I tried with the most recent versions of skyline-daily on multiple computers. Always same outcome. The current version is of skyline-daily.
Any ideas what could be the cause for this?
Thanks in advance
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Manuscript on Biotin Acceptor Peptide |
(3 responses) |
akulyyasov |
2020-08-06 05:40:33 |
Dear Skyline/Panorama team and users,
I have uploaded the graphical abstract of the manuscript which I prepared during lockdown time.
In this paper, I summarized the application of Biotin Acceptor Peptide 1070 which is used in proximity utilizing biotinylation method.
The paper contains the description of its design, construction, and quantitation by Skyline software on the example of DNA dependent interaction of Sox2 and Oct4.
If someone would like to read the text of the article, please send a message to my address
I will be very grateful for any help in improving the text, remarks, and comments on this manuscript.
With best regards,
JP_BAP_graphical_abstract.png |
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Creating folders |
(1 response) |
weixiandeng1990 |
2020-07-24 18:39:07 |
I can't see creating folder tab on the dashboard where it is supposed to be. Is it because I'm not an administrator of the lab account?
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AutoQC problem |
(1 response) |
eversa |
2020-07-23 13:11:49 |
Hi, I tried to run a AutoQC and got the below error message:
--in="C:\ZWC-autoQC\" --remove-before=6/23/2020 --import-file="C:\ZWC-autoQC\ZWC_459_a1b3_10uMOPD.raw" --import-on-or-after=6/23/2020 --save
--panorama-server="" --panorama-folder="Washington University STL - Evers Lab/AutoQC" --panorama-username=""
[7/23/2020 2:26:58 PM] Opening file...
[7/23/2020 2:26:59 PM] File opened.
[7/23/2020 2:27:00 PM]
[7/23/2020 2:27:00 PM] Adding results...
[7/23/2020 2:27:00 PM] 1. C:\ZWC-autoQC\ZWC_459_a1b3_10uMOPD.raw
[7/23/2020 2:27:00 PM]
[7/23/2020 2:27:01 PM] ERROR: Error: Failed importing the results file C:\ZWC-autoQC\ZWC_459_a1b3_10uMOPD.raw.
[7/23/2020 2:27:01 PM] Message: pwiz.Skyline.Model.Results.MissingDataException: The file C:\ZWC-autoQC\ZWC_459_a1b3_10uMOPD.raw does not contain SRM/MRM chromatograms. To extract chromatograms from its spectra, go to Settings > Transition Settings > Full-Scan and choose options appropriate to the acquisition method used. ---> pwiz.Skyline.Model.Results.NoFullScanFilteringException: The file C:\ZWC-autoQC\ZWC_459_a1b3_10uMOPD.raw does not contain SRM/MRM chromatograms. To extract chromatograms from its spectra, go to Settings > Transition Settings > Full-Scan and choose options appropriate to the acquisition method used.
[7/23/2020 2:27:01 PM] at pwiz.Skyline.Model.Results.SpectraChromDataProvider..ctor(MsDataFileImpl dataFile, ChromFileInfo fileInfo, SrmDocument document, IRetentionTimePredictor retentionTimePredictor, String cachePath, IProgressStatus status, Int32 startPercent, Int32 endPercent, IProgressMonitor loader) in C:\proj\skyline_20_1_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Model\Results\SpectraChromDataProvider.cs:line 98
[7/23/2020 2:27:01 PM] at pwiz.Skyline.Model.Results.ChromCacheBuilder.CreateSpectraChromProvider(MsDataFileImpl dataFile, ChromFileInfo fileInfo) in C:\proj\skyline_20_1_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Model\Results\ChromCacheBuilder.cs:line 1265
[7/23/2020 2:27:01 PM] at pwiz.Skyline.Model.Results.ChromCacheBuilder.BuildCache() in C:\proj\skyline_20_1_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Model\Results\ChromCacheBuilder.cs:line 237
[7/23/2020 2:27:01 PM] --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
[7/23/2020 2:27:01 PM]
[7/23/2020 2:27:01 PM] ERROR: SkylineRunner.exe exited with code 0. Skyline document import failed.
[7/23/2020 2:27:01 PM] Adding C:\ZWC-autoQC\ZWC_459_a1b3_10uMOPD.raw to the re-import queue.
[7/23/2020 2:27:01 PM] Attempting to re-import C:\ZWC-autoQC\ZWC_459_a1b3_30uMOPD_200719145246.raw.
[7/23/2020 2:27:01 PM] ZWC_459_a1b3_30uMOPD_200719145246.raw is ready
[7/23/2020 2:27:01 PM] Running SkylineRunner.exe with args:
[7/23/2020 2:27:01 PM]
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Insufficient system resources |
(18 responses) |
Tobias Kockmann |
2020-07-23 02:24:44 |
Hi Panorama support,
I am getting the following error message when trying to execute autoQC:
Windows : 6.3.9600.0 (Win32NT)
Common Language Runtime : 4.0.30319.42000
System.Deployment.dll : 4.7.3062.0 built by: NET472REL1
clr.dll : 4.7.3221.0 built by: NET472REL1LAST_C
dfdll.dll : 4.7.3062.0 built by: NET472REL1
dfshim.dll : 6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)
Deployment url : file:///C:/Users/autoQC_user/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/Start%20Menu/Programs/AutoQC/AutoQC.appref-ms%7C
Deployment Provider url :
Below is a summary of the errors, details of these errors are listed later in the log.
* Activation of C:\Users\autoQC_user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\AutoQC\AutoQC.appref-ms| resulted in exception. Following failure messages were detected:
+ Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800705AA)
No transaction error was detected.
There were no warnings during this operation.
* [7/23/2020 11:07:47 AM] : Activation of C:\Users\autoQC_user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\AutoQC\AutoQC.appref-ms| has started.
* [7/23/2020 11:07:47 AM] : Performing necessary update check as specified by the deployment.
Following errors were detected during this operation.
* [7/23/2020 11:07:49 AM] System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
- Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800705AA)
- Source: mscorlib
- Stack trace:
at System.Deployment.Internal.Isolation.IsolationInterop.CreateActContext(CreateActContextParameters& Params)
at System.Deployment.Internal.Isolation.IsolationInterop.CreateActContext(IDefinitionAppId AppId)
at System.ActivationContext.CreateFromName(ApplicationIdentity applicationIdentity)
at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.Activate(DefinitionAppId appId, AssemblyManifest appManifest, String activationParameter, Boolean useActivationParameter)
at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.ProcessOrFollowShortcut(String shortcutFile, String& errorPageUrl, TempFile& deployFile)
at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.PerformDeploymentActivation(Uri activationUri, Boolean isShortcut, String textualSubId, String deploymentProviderUrlFromExtension, BrowserSettings browserSettings, String& errorPageUrl, Uri& deploymentUri)
at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.PerformDeploymentActivationWithRetry(Uri activationUri, Boolean isShortcut, String textualSubId, String deploymentProviderUrlFromExtension, BrowserSettings browserSettings, String& errorPageUrl)
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.PerformDeploymentActivationWithRetry(Uri activationUri, Boolean isShortcut, String textualSubId, String deploymentProviderUrlFromExtension, BrowserSettings browserSettings, String& errorPageUrl)
at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.ActivateDeploymentWorker(Object state)
No transaction information is available.
Any idea what this might indicate?
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DIA can't demultiplex |
(1 response) |
wendy white |
2020-06-18 11:35:55 |
I made a DIA overlap method on the instrument- but when I use MS Convert GUI, it fails and reports this error:
Opening file "C:\Users\WHITEW01\Desktop\Histones\2020_0617_histones.raw" for read...
Calculating SHA1 checksum...
Writing "C:\Users\WHITEW01\Desktop\Histones\2020_0617_histones.mzML"...
Failed - System.Exception: SpectrumToIndices() Number of demultiplexing windows changed. Minimum window size or window boundary tolerance may be set too low.
at pwiz.CLI.msdata.MSDataFile.write(MSData msd, String filename, WriteConfig config, IterationListenerRegistry iterationListenerRegistry)
at MSConvertGUI.MainLogic.processFile(String filename, Config config, ReaderList readers, Map`2 usedOutputFilenames)
at MSConvertGUI.MainLogic.Go(Config config, Map`2 usedOutputFilenames).
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Building Overlap DIA on Thermo Exploris 480 |
(1 response) |
wendy white |
2020-06-18 11:34:50 |
I want to quantitate histone modifications using Thermo Exploris 480. When I make the acquisition method from Skyline, this error is displayed: Columns don’t match:
error DIA exploris.docx |
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Problems adding new chromatograms to assay library |
(4 responses) |
Andreas Hober |
2020-05-08 06:28:13 |
I have a Panorama Assay Library to which I have uploaded several runs from one of our mass spectrometers. However, recently we have had some problems while rerunning some samples. Since the proteins already exist in the library we get prompted with the following message: "There are 36 conflicting proteins in this folder. Resolve conflicts", but when we try to update these proteins an error occurs (see attached screenshot).
How can we resolve this issue?
Best regards,
Screen Shot 2020-05-08 at 15.23.03.png |
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Recurring Error pinging Panorama server |
(7 responses) |
Roman Sakson |
2020-05-04 01:04:52 |
Dear Panorama Team,
we seem to have recurring troubles pinging the Panorama server (it started already before Easter and goes on). Remarkably, it seems to work every now and then, so that we can upload our QC files, however, delays do occur and I would like to understand where this error comes from (to my knowledge, we did not change anything regarding our internet connection). A typical error message looks like this (could go on for hours or even days):
[5/4/2020 5:20:42 AM] ERROR: [5/4/2020 5:20:42 AM] Error pinging Panorama server
System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
at System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Boolean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Exception& exception)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Net.WebClient.UploadValues(Uri address, String method, NameValueCollection data)
at AutoQC.WebClientWithCredentials.Post(Uri uri, NameValueCollection postData)
at AutoQC.WebPanoramaClient.PingPanorama(String folderPath, String username, String password)
at AutoQC.PanoramaPinger.PingPanoramaServer()
Thank you very much in advance!
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ERROR: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 |
(3 responses) |
Maithreyan |
2020-04-27 08:21:41 |
When I try to upload the QC data from Skyline to panorama, I am getting the following error, I have attached the log file. I think it is something to do with our data. Could you please explain it. Also, Auto QC is not uploading the data automatically to Panorama even after giving the required details for panorama.
27 Apr 2020 08:12:43,074 INFO : Failed to complete task 'org.labkey.targetedms.pipeline.TargetedMSImportTask'
27 Apr 2020 08:12:43,079 ERROR: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0
QC_2020-04-27_17-10-51.sky_2020-04-27_08-12-17.log |
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Error when resubmitting data |
(1 response) |
Markus |
2020-04-25 14:21:31 |
Dear Panoramaweb team,
during revision we have added a second dataset to a project, which had already received a ProteomeXchange ID for review before. I have now added all data to the existing project and then tried to resubmit but I get the following error:
You are not authorized to edit the short URL 'fK1Nbw'
The former submission was done by a colleague of mine (who has meanwhile left) but I have full rights for the project - could that still be the problem?
Many thanks in advance for your help with this! BTW, would the PX-ID remain the same or would a new one be assigned?
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Upload to Panorama error - ERROR: MoleculeId: Value is too long for column 'MoleculeId' |
(1 response) |
emmanuel varesio |
2020-04-23 10:06:31 |
I'm setting up two similar autoQC configurations for either ACN or MeOH gradient SST with the same LCMS QC mix for a Waters H-Class - G2 TOF MS.
Raw data filenames are similar, folder names for each solvent are similar, the two Skyline template files have the same molecule names and transitions for MH+ .... in brief everything is the same except that it's either ACN or MeOH written in the names.
When running the MeOH AutoQC loader config this works fine, but when switching to ACN dataset I got the following error message at the stage when the Skyline zip file is apparently uploaded to Panorama server.
Any help appreciated.
23 Apr 2020 09:53:26,365 INFO : Starting to run task 'org.labkey.targetedms.pipeline.TargetedMSImportTask' at location 'webserver-high-priority'
23 Apr 2020 09:53:26,392 INFO : Starting to import Skyline document from
23 Apr 2020 09:53:26,395 INFO : Expanding QC_Xevo-ACN_LCMS_QCmix_PrecOnly.skyd
23 Apr 2020 09:53:26,451 INFO : Expanding
23 Apr 2020 09:53:26,464 INFO : Expanding
23 Apr 2020 09:53:26,476 WARN : The version of this Skyline document is 20.11. This is newer than the highest supported version 4.1
23 Apr 2020 09:53:26,486 INFO : 8% Done
23 Apr 2020 09:53:26,851 INFO : 11% Done
23 Apr 2020 09:53:26,852 INFO : Inserting QC-Xevo_LC_ACN
23 Apr 2020 09:53:26,865 INFO : 16% Done
23 Apr 2020 09:53:26,895 INFO : 19% Done
23 Apr 2020 09:53:26,918 INFO : 27% Done
23 Apr 2020 09:53:26,939 INFO : 31% Done
23 Apr 2020 09:53:26,978 INFO : 39% Done
23 Apr 2020 09:53:27,001 INFO : 43% Done
23 Apr 2020 09:53:27,021 INFO : 50% Done
23 Apr 2020 09:53:27,102 INFO : 55% Done
23 Apr 2020 09:53:27,630 INFO : Failed to complete task 'org.labkey.targetedms.pipeline.TargetedMSImportTask'
23 Apr 2020 09:53:27,633 ERROR: MoleculeId: Value is too long for column 'MoleculeId', a maximum length of 200 is allowed. Supplied value was 241 characters long.
Caused by: MoleculeId: Value is too long for column 'MoleculeId', a maximum length of 200 is allowed. Supplied value was 241 characters long.
23 Apr 2020 09:53:27,729 ERROR: MoleculeId: Value is too long for column 'MoleculeId', a maximum length of 200 is allowed. Supplied value was 241 characters long.
org.labkey.api.query.RuntimeValidationException: MoleculeId: Value is too long for column 'MoleculeId', a maximum length of 200 is allowed. Supplied value was 241 characters long.
Caused by: MoleculeId: Value is too long for column 'MoleculeId', a maximum length of 200 is allowed. Supplied value was 241 characters long.
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Auto QC Trend report |
(4 responses) |
Srujana |
2020-04-16 13:11:03 |
I am working on Metabolomics data files for Skyline/PanoramaWeb/AutoQC. I am looking for answers for below queries.
- While installation of AutoQC Loader I am having issues with updated version, which is different from the tutorial version. I don.t see create new configuration tab or panorama settings and has different tabs like import and export. How do I use autoQC loader updated version.
- While creating QC trend report, run date tab is showing blocked and without that report doesn't proceed to next step.
Thank you,
view message |
AutoQC Loader |
(2 responses) |
Srujana |
2020-04-07 11:59:08 |
Hi Panorama development team,
I have recently got access to ParamaWeb. I am working on "Sharing Skyline Document" tutorial. While uploading a file, "IMPORT WAITING" prompt appearin. And in Panorama page also i am seeing the same information. Could you please suggeste me if I need to get additonal acess to use this tutorial? As mentioned in the tutorial overiwe section, I didnt fid a TOTUORIAL folder but I have created a folder in Icahn Scool of Medicine page.
I have a uploaded word document with screen shots.
Thanks- Srujana
SG_Panorama_support.docx |
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Upload raw data |
(1 response) |
ferdinando cerciello |
2020-04-04 09:15:40 |
Hi Vagisha,
I have another question: I m now trying to upload the raw data related to the Skyline files, but when I go to the Raw Data page it tells it is not possible to upload data. Indeed I can t drop and drag anything or even upload by browsing to them. Also, I can t create subfolders. The error report is something like...file root web to this part could not be found.
Is there any setting I need to change in the file settings in order to be able to upload the raw files?
Thank you
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Errror: Aminoacid value |
(2 responses) |
ferdinando cerciello |
2020-03-30 14:43:09 |
Hi all,
I m trying to upload my files on panorama, but when submitting the import button, I get this error back: AminoAcid: value is too long for column "AminoAcid", a maximum length of 1 is allowed. Supplied value was 4 characters long. I can t understand to what it refers. I tried by shortening the name of the files, but it did not help. The aminoacids within the files are normally visible within the Skyline file.
Thank you
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Error configuring new instrument in Panorama |
(1 response) |
Taher Elgierari |
2020-03-26 14:05:14 |
just configured a new instrument in Panorama, that went fine, but when configuring the AutoQC I kept getting the an error saying the folder i entered is not a Panorama folder, i confirmed the folder directory and name matches what in Panorama.
Panorama.PNG |
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Error when adjusting |
(4 responses) |
Taher Elgierari |
2020-02-07 17:35:49 |
when using "Monitoring molecular contaminants and interferences in proteomic data sets" document i get error every time i try to adjust the resolution to accommodate Sciex 6600 instruments , it is fixed on orbtrap 60,000 at 400, is there a way to change it, or it doesn't matter sense it contains MS1 data only.
the link to the document;
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Errors uploading XL data to Panorama |
azelter |
2020-01-10 14:53:40 |
I have successfully uploaded one skyline document to Panorama which contains XL targets created by Nick's crosslinker tool. Two subsequent runs failed with different errors (see below).
Any insight into what the problem might be would be much appreciated! Thanks very much for your help!
10 Jan 2020 14:36:18,683 INFO : Failed to complete task 'org.labkey.targetedms.pipeline.TargetedMSImportTask'
10 Jan 2020 14:36:18,684 ERROR: SqlExecutor.execute(); uncategorized SQLException for SQL []; SQL state [25P02]; error code [0]; ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "uix_auditlogentry_document"
Detail: Key (documentguid, entryhash)=(f13e38db-d3d1-483f-9157-a8ed31613ac8, R5jGBMHhj59meKIGY6s1/mns8Z4=) already exists.
10 Jan 2020 14:44:39,469 INFO : Done parsing Skyline document.
10 Jan 2020 14:44:41,209 INFO : Failed to complete task 'org.labkey.targetedms.pipeline.TargetedMSImportTask'
10 Jan 2020 14:44:41,209 ERROR: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0
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Issue with Unimod modification IDs needed for ProteomeXchange submission |
(5 responses) |
j hamey |
2019-12-10 13:39:36 |
Hi there,
I'm having an issue submitting data to Panorama public that I would like to get a ProteomeXchange ID for.
In order to analyse my data in Skyline, I had to create custom modifications. In particular, I created two modifications that are essentially the same as two existing unimod modifications (accessions 1291 and 298), but which were not findable in Skyline.
The submission process says that the modifications must have a Unimod ID in order to get a ProteomeXchange ID, and that the remedy is to edit the modifications in Skyline and reupload everything. However, this seems like it would be untenable given the number of Skyline documents and peptides in my dataset, and the modification names in Unimod would also make the dataset more confusing. Is it possible to simply associate the data with the two relevant Unimod modifications rather than change every instance of these modifications?
Thank you for your help.
view message |
Not possible to view chromatogram library |
(2 responses) |
Andreas Hober |
2019-11-26 07:19:17 |
I have been working quite a lot with Panorama for building chromatogram libraries and it has worked splendidly. However, the libraries that I have downloaded lately have all been corrupt in some way and I cannot view the chromatograms in Skylines, but I can clearly view them in the corresponding Panorama project.
Is there anything I can do in order to solve this or is there some issue which the creation of the .clib on the server?
I have attached the error message that I receive below.
Best regards
Installation ID: cfcf80a6-7631-4cba-8bf1-6cbb20a1ff50
Exception type: NullReferenceException
Error message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Stack trace:
at pwiz.Skyline.Model.Lib.ChromLib.ChromatogramLibrary.ReadChromatogram(ChromLibSpectrumInfo info) in C:\proj\pwiz_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Model\Lib\ChromLib\ChromatogramLibrary.cs:line 96
at pwiz.Skyline.Model.Lib.CachedLibrary`1.LoadChromatogramData(Object spectrumKey) in C:\proj\pwiz_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Model\Lib\Library.cs:line 1044
at pwiz.Skyline.SettingsUI.ViewLibraryDlg.UpdateUI(Boolean selectionChanged) in C:\proj\pwiz_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\SettingsUI\ViewLibraryDlg.cs:line 697
at pwiz.Skyline.SettingsUI.ViewLibraryDlg.listPeptide_SelectedIndexChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\proj\pwiz_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\SettingsUI\ViewLibraryDlg.cs:line 1070
at System.Windows.Forms.ListBox.OnSelectedIndexChanged(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.ListBox.set_SelectedIndex(Int32 value)
at pwiz.Skyline.SettingsUI.ViewLibraryDlg.UpdateListPeptide(Int32 selectPeptideIndex) in C:\proj\pwiz_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\SettingsUI\ViewLibraryDlg.cs:line 512
at pwiz.Skyline.SettingsUI.ViewLibraryDlg.UpdateViewLibraryDlg() in C:\proj\pwiz_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\SettingsUI\ViewLibraryDlg.cs:line 311
at pwiz.Skyline.SettingsUI.ViewLibraryDlg.ViewLibraryDlg_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\proj\pwiz_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\SettingsUI\ViewLibraryDlg.cs:line 222
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
at pwiz.Skyline.Util.FormEx.OnLoad(EventArgs e) in C:\proj\pwiz_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Util\FormEx.cs:line 198
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnCreateControl()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl(Boolean fIgnoreVisible)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmShowWindow(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WmShowWindow(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
Exception caught at:
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.OnThreadException(Exception t)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProcException(Exception e)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
at System.Windows.Forms.SafeNativeMethods.ShowWindow(HandleRef hWnd, Int32 nCmdShow)
at System.Windows.Forms.SafeNativeMethods.ShowWindow(HandleRef hWnd, Int32 nCmdShow)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.SetVisibleCore(Boolean value)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.SetVisibleCore(Boolean value)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.Show(IWin32Window owner)
at pwiz.Skyline.SkylineWindow.OpenLibraryExplorer(String libraryName) in C:\proj\pwiz_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Skyline.cs:line 2921
at pwiz.Skyline.SkylineWindow.ViewSpectralLibraries() in C:\proj\pwiz_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Skyline.cs:line 2871
at pwiz.Skyline.SkylineWindow.spectralLibrariesToolStripMenuItem_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\proj\pwiz_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Skyline.cs:line 2840
at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.RaiseEvent(Object key, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
at System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.DispatchMessageW(MSG& msg)
at System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.DispatchMessageW(MSG& msg)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ComponentManager.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponentManager.FPushMessageLoop(IntPtr dwComponentID, Int32 reason, Int32 pvLoopData)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoopInner(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoop(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
at pwiz.Skyline.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\proj\pwiz_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Program.cs:line 305
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Upload to Panorama Public |
michael plank |
2019-10-01 11:19:41 |
could anyone please tell me what 'Drag and drop to the files browser in the Raw Data tab to upload files' means when trying to do an upload to Panorama Public. (I encounter this after selecting 'Submit'.)
When I press 'Upload Raw Data', I always get reverted to the project folder, but I don`t see a Raw Data tab'.
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Folder on Panorama |
(2 responses) |
romeally |
2019-09-20 12:00:16 |
I am trying to set up AutoQC and when I input the path to my folder on Panorama it says it is not a Panorama folder. I can get on Panorama and navigate to the folder so it does exist. Do AutoQC folders need a special designation? I am attaching the error I received as a screen capture. How do I connect to my folder?
Bob O'Meally
PanoramaSetupQuestion.docx |
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Submit button is missing |
(2 responses) |
Sabrina Geisslitz |
2019-09-16 23:32:54 |
I already submitted data of another project to Panorama. I think, this time, I did it exactly the same way. I created a folder and two subfolders. In the main folder, I created the "targeted MS experiment" and included the subfolders. I checked the folder permissions. They are exactly the same as for the previous project. I also checked that the folders are "Panorama" folders and not Collaboration folders.
But now, the submit button is missing. I used Skyline version and Mozilla Firefox.
I hope you can help me that I can submit my data.
SubmitButtonMissing.docx |
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Updating chromatogram libraries with metadata |
(1 response) |
Andreas Hober |
2019-08-19 07:52:32 |
I was only wondering if it would be possible to update chromatogram libraries on Panorama with metadata from e.g. a background proteome.
It would be very useful when looking at the overviews for protein coverage etc. I am currently working with quite a few Skyline files where all the proteins are named based on the standards that have been used for the method development and it would be great if I would be able to add a background proteome for grouping of the peptides once they have been added to assay project on Panorama, since now I have quite a few "proteins" which actually map towards the same actual protein.
Best regards
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AutoQC Loader Fails to download |
(1 response) |
romeally |
2019-08-05 13:39:41 |
Is anyone else getting this error when they try to run setup? I am getting the same error when I try to upgrade Skyline and I have never had any issues with that in the past. Could there be a firewall issue?
An error occurred trying to download ''.
See the setup log file located at 'C:\Users\BobO\AppData\Local\Temp\VSDEF38.tmp\install.log' for more information.
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Building assay libraries using Panorama |
Andreas Hober |
2019-07-24 18:11:55 |
I have gone through the tutorial material for storing chromatogram libraries using Panorama and that seems to be working great from a perspective of continuously expanding your assay library. I was wondering if it is possible to store iRT libraries and Collision energy libraries in a similar way using Panorama.
If not, is this something that you plan on implementing in the future?
Best regards
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Error message when trying to view chromatogram in Panorama |
(4 responses) |
Azad Eshghi |
2019-07-04 14:29:17 |
Dear folks,
I've "successfully" uploaded data to Panorama, however when I try to view chromatograms I receive an error message. I have attached a screenshot of the message. Thanks in advance.
Panorama error message trying to view chromatogram.pdf |
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AutoQC Multiple (at least 2?) Metrics Side by side?? |
(10 responses) |
Alejandro Cohen |
2019-06-07 05:47:25 |
Hi Panorama people!!!
Wonderful job with AutoQC, one of the best tools I've used for QC in the lab... for more than 25 years!!! (I used to plot Shewhart cotrol chart rules by hand!)
So, here suggestion that might work. Due to the generous real state of large screens, it would be very helpful if you could choose more than one metric (eg Rt and Area) side my side for each target. That would sometimes help quickly identifying and diagnosing problems, as switching from metric to metric for a big list of targets makes it hard to visualize. Of course, I could just split the browser into to screens, but then you have to synchronize scrolling (me?? ?lazy???)
You are doing a great job!!! Keep it up!!!
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