| | | | | | | | |
| Factor H and related proteins in AMD | Homo sapiens | 6495A Triple Quadrupole LC/MS | Yes | 2 | AMD, Factor H, FHL-1 | Cipriani V, Tierney A, Griffiths JR, Zuber V, S... | PXD023466 |
| Tracking Gluten throughout Brewing Using N-Terminal Labeling Mass Spectrometry | Triticum aestivum, Hordeum vulgare, Humulus lupulus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae | Q Exactive Plus | No | 18 | Gluten, gliadin, wheat, barley, beer, brewing, celiac disease, fermentation | Cao W, Baumert JL, Downs ML. Tracking Gluten th... | PXD023495 |
| Grizzly Bear Serum DIA Proteomics | grizzly bear | Q Exactive HF,nanoACQUITY UPLC | No | 1 | Type II diabetes (T2D), DIA mass spectrometry, hibernation | Saxton MW, Perry BW, Evans Hutzenbiler BD, Troj... | PXD023555 |
| Smoothened Transduces Hedgehog Signals via Activity-Dependent Sequestration of PKA Catalytic Subunits | Homo sapiens | Orbitrap Exploris 480 | No | 1 | PRM, Phosphorylation, Smoothened | Arveseth CD, Happ JT, Hedeen DS, Zhu JF, Capene... | PXD023893 |
| Spotlight on alternative frame coding: two long overlapping genes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa are translated and under purifying selection | Pseudomonas aeruginosa | Q Exactive HF-X | Yes | 1 | Overlapping genes, mass spectrometry, ribosome profiling, orphan genes, overprinting, de novo gene origin | publication pending | PXD024029 |
| Capillary Electrophoresis-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry for Measuring in vivo Arginine Isotope Incorporation in Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse Models | Mus musculus | Q Exactive HF | No | 8 | Capillary Electrophoresis, High Resolution MS, Flux, Isotope, Arginine, Nitrogen Oxide Synthase | Adams KJ, Wilson JG, Millington DS, Moseley MA,... | |
| Endogenous THBS1 is C-mannosylated by human induced pluripotent stem cells. | Homo sapiens | QTRAP 5500 | Yes | 1 | hiPSC, TSR, thrombospondin, C-Mannosylation | Cirksena K, Hütte HJ, Shcherbakova A, Thumberge... | PXD024117 |
| Identification of proteins deregulated by platinum-based chemotherapy as novel biomarkers and therapeutic targets in non-small cell lung cancer | Homo sapiens | TripleTOF 5600 | No | 1 | NSCLC, H460, Cisplatin | Ryan SL, Dave KA, Beard S, Gyimesi M, McTaggart... | PXD024209 |
| Role of Epigenetics in Unicellular to Multicellular Transition in Dictyostelium | Dictyostelium discoideum AX2 | Q Exactive HF,Orbitrap Fusion | No | 1 | epigenetics, histone, multicellularity | Wang SY, Pollina EA, Wang IH, Pino LK, Bushnell... | PXD024225 |
| Mouse Heart SS31 Targeted Proteomics | Mus musculus | Orbitrap Fusion Lumos | No | 1 | Aging, PRM mass spectrometry, phosphoproteomics | Whitson JA, Martín-Pérez M, Zhang T, Gaffrey MJ... | PXD024247 |
| PRMT6 substrate specificity analysis | Homo sapiens | Orbitrap Fusion Lumos | No | 95 | Arginine methyltransferase, enzyme specificity, synthetic peptides | Hamey JJ, Rakow S, Bouchard C, Senst JM, Kolb P... | PXD016711 |
| ACONITASE 3 is part of the ANAC017 transcription factor-dependent mitochondrial dysfunction response | Arabidopsis thaliana | Q Exactive,Q Exactive HF | No | 15 | aconitase, mitochondrial dysfunction response, phosphorylation, post-translational regulation | Pascual J, Rahikainen M, Angeleri M, Alegre S, ... | PXD018881 |
| Utilizing Skyline to Analyze Lipidomics Data Containing Liquid Chromatography, Ion Mobility Spectrometry and Mass Spectrometry Dimensions | Homo sapiens | 6560 Q-TOF LC/MS | No | 6 | ion mobility spectrometry, Skyline, lipidomics, data independent acquisition | Kirkwood KI, Pratt BS, Shulman N, Tamura K, Mac... | |
| Regulation of electrogenic Na+/HCO3- cotransporter 1 (NBCe1) in mouse cortical astrocytes and its dependence on m-TOR mediated phosphorylation of Ser245. | Mus musculus | Q Exactive HF-X | No | 1 | glial cells, acid-base, pH, signaling, acidosis | Giannaki M, Ludwig C, Heermann S, Roussa E. Reg... | PXD024529 |
| Targeted plasma proteome analysis using vacuum-dried protein standards | Homo sapiens | Q Exactive HF | Yes | 12 | Targeted Proteomics, Plasma Profilinge, Protein Stability | Kotol D, Hober A, Strandberg L, Svensson AS, Uh... | PXD024536 |
| Chronic temperature-induced liver proteome changes in two populations of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) revealed by data-independent acquisition mass spectrometry | Gasterosteus aculeatus | impact II | No | 1 | proteomics, chronic temperature stress, liver, threespine stickleback | in prep. | PXD024617 |
| Nonlinear effects of environmental salinity on the gill transcriptome versus proteome of Oreochromis niloticus | Oreochromis niloticus | impact II | No | 1 | quantitative proteomics, DIA assay library, gill, mRNA:protein ratio, mass spectrometry, osmoregulation | Root L, Campo A, MacNiven L, Con P, Cnaani A, K... | PXD024648 |
| Highly multiplexed kinase profiling in spleen with targeted mass spectrometry reveals kinome plasticity across species | Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, Canis lupus familiaris, Macaca fascicularis | TSQ Altis,Orbitrap Exploris 480 | Yes | 7 | Kinase, spleen, preclinical species | Marholz LJ, Federspiel JD, Suh H, Fernandez Oca... | PXD024650 |
| Alternative LC-MS/MS Platforms and Data Acquisition Strategies for Proteomic Genotyping | Homo sapiens | Q Exactive Plus,Orbitrap Fusion Lumos,6495A Triple Quadrupole LC/MS | Yes | 4 | Genetically Variant Peptide, Hair, Forensic | Goecker ZC, Legg KM, Salemi MR, Herren AW, Phin... | PXD024651 |
| Acute temperature-induced liver proteome changes in two populations of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) revealed by data-independent acquisition mass spectrometry | Gasterosteus aculeatus | impact II | No | 4 | proteomics, acute temperature stress, liver, threespine stickleback | in prep. | PXD024677 |
| MRM for validation of Brain tumor biomarkers | Homo sapiens | TSQ Altis | No | 8 | Multiple reaction monitoring, brain tumor, cerebrospinal fluid, tumor tissue, biomarkers | Ghantasala S, Pai MGJ, Biswas D, Gahoi N, Mukhe... | PXD024238 |
| Quantitative proteomic approach for discriminating major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder by multiple reaction monitoring-mass spectrometry | Homo sapiens | 6490 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS | No | 1 | major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, quantitative targeted proteomics, multiple reaction monitoring-mass spectrometry, generalizable model for discriminating MDD and BD | Shin D, Rhee SJ, Lee J, Yeo I, Do M, Joo EJ, Ju... | PXD024752 |
| Quantitative Proteomics Reveals that the OGT Interactome is
Remodeled in Response to Oxidative Stress | Mus musculus | Orbitrap Fusion Lumos | No | 2 | O-GlcNAc, OGT, oxidative stress | Martinez M, Renuse S, Kreimer S, O'Meally R, Na... | PXD021091 |
| Phospho-proteomic Profiling Dataset of Chemical Perturbations in Multiple Biological Backgrounds | Homo sapiens | Q Exactive HF | Yes | 28 | Data-Independent Acquisition, mass spectrometry, proteomics, phospho-signaling, phosphoproteomics | Dele-Oni DO, Christianson KE, Egri SB, Vaca Jac... | PXD017458 |
| Standardized workflow for precise mid- and high-throughput proteomics of blood biofluids | Homo sapiens | Orbitrap Exploris 480 | No | 3 | automation, clinical proteomics, plasma, blood, data independent acquisition | Mc Ardle A, Binek A, Moradian A, Chazarin Orgel... | PXD024884 |
| Quantification of Raloxifene Specific 471 Da Adducts in CYP3A4 and P450-Reductase | Homo sapiens, Rattus norvegicus | Q Exactive HF | No | 2 | Raloxifene, CYP3A4, P450-Reductase, Open Search, Adduct, Magnum, Limelight, Reactive Metabolite | Riffle M, Hoopmann MR, Jaschob D, Zhong G, Mori... | PXD024932 |
| A microbial supply chain for production of anti-cancer drug vinblastine | Saccharomyces cerevisiae | 6460 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS | No | 1 | Synthetic biology, Vinblastine, Metabolic engineering | Zhang J, Hansen LG, Gudich O, Viehrig K, Lassen... | PXD024976 |
| Targeted Phosphoinositides Analysis Using High Performance Ion Chromatography-Coupled Selected Reaction Monitoring Mass Spectrometry | Homo sapiens, Rattus norvegicus, Mus musculus | Q Exactive HF,QTRAP 6500 | Yes | 11 | lipidomics, PIPs, IC-MS | Cheung HYF, Coman C, Westhoff P, Manke M, Sickm... | |
| Towards zero variance in proteomics - positive pressure FASP in 96-well format (PF96) enables highly reproducible and time-efficient analysis of sample cohorts | Mus musculus | Q Exactive HF | Yes | 1 | automation, FASP, PF96, proteomics, sample preparation | Loroch S, Kopczynski D, Schneider AC, Schumbrut... | PXD025089 |
| Biomarker Discovery in FFPE tissues by SRM | Homo sapiens | TSQ Vantage | Yes | 6 | SRM, triple-negative breast cancer, luminal A breast cancer, HER2 breast cancer, formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE), biomarker discovery, targeted mass spectrometry | Steiner C, Lescuyer P, Cutler P, Tille JC, Ducr... | PXD025135 |
| A Workflow Towards The Reproducible Identification and Quantitation of Protein Carbonylation Sites in Human Plasma | Homo sapiens | SYNAPT G2-Si | No | 3 | protein carbonylation; human plasma; aldehyde reactive probe (ARP); biotin-avidin affinity; LC-MS/MS | Rojas Echeverri JC, Milkovska-Stamenova S, Hoff... | |
| Quantitation of frataxin-related proteins in I151F mice | Mus musculus | 6420 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS | Yes | 3 | Friedreich ataxia, frataxin, iron-sulfur | Medina-Carbonero M, Sanz-Alcázar A, Britti E, D... | |
| Alzheimer's Disease Isomerization | Homo sapiens | Orbitrap Fusion Lumos | No | 33 | amino acid isomerization, Alzheimer’s disease, autophagy, DIA mass spectrometry | Hubbard EE, Heil LR, Merrihew GE, Chhatwal JP, ... | PXD025668 |
| Proteomic analysis of spermatozoa reveals caseins play a pivotal role in preventing short-term periods of subfertility in stallions | Equus caballus | Orbitrap Exploris 480 | No | 1 | biomarker; capacitation; fertilization; infertility; subfertility; membrane stability | Griffin RA, Swegen A, Baker MA, Ogle RA, Smith ... | |
| Comparison of unit resolution versus high-resolution accurate mass for parallel reaction monitoring | Homo sapiens | Orbitrap Eclipse,Orbitrap Fusion Lumos | No | 6 | mass spectrometry, limit of quantitation, precision, PRM | Heil LR, Remes PM, MacCoss MJ. Comparison of Un... | PXD023334 |
| C.auto_3gas_absquant: Anchor protein absolute quantification | Clostridium autoethanogenum | Q Exactive HF-X | Yes | 1 | absolute quantification, acetogen, gas fermentation, data-independent acquisition | | |
| C.auto_3gas_absquant: Label-free proteome-wide absolute quantification | Clostridium autoethanogenum | Q Exactive HF-X | No | 1 | absolute quantification, acetogen, gas fermentation, data-independent acquisition | | |
| C.auto_3gas_absquant: Spike-in SIL-protein stock absolute quantification | Clostridium autoethanogenum | Q Exactive HF-X | No | 1 | absolute quantification, acetogen, gas fermentation, PRM | Publication pending | PXD025760 |
| Mapping interactome networks of FOSL1 and FOSL2 in human Th17 cells | Homo sapiens | Q Exactive HF | Yes | 2 | Interactome, Th17, PRM, FOSL1, FOSL2 | Shetty A, Bhosale SD, Tripathi SK, Buchacher T,... | PXD025840 |
| Cell cycle phosphorylation dynamics in vivo reveals switch-like control of intrinsic disorder | Xenopus laevis | Q Exactive HF | Yes | 1 | phosphoproteomics, PRM, cell cycle, single cell | Valverde JM, Dubra G, Phillips M, Haider A, Ele... | PXD026088 |
| Analytical Comparison of absolute quantification strategies to investigate the Insulin signaling pathway in fat cells | Mus musculus | Q Exactive HF | Yes | 5 | Insulin Signalling Proteins, PRM | Li T, Hentschel A, Ahrends R. Analytical compar... | PXD026204 |
| GFAP and MBP peptides in Traumatic Brain Injury | Homo sapiens | TSQ Altis | Yes | 1 | GFAP MBP | Sarkis GA, Lees-Gayed N, Banoub J, Abbatielo SE... | PXD026550 |
| Targeted validation of interaction between ErbB4 JM-a isoform and β1 integrin | Homo sapiens | Orbitrap Fusion Lumos | No | 1 | ErbB4, JM-a, JM-b, STAT signaling, Receptor tyrosine kinase | Publication pending | PXD026617 |
| The global Proteome and Ubiquitinome of bacterial and viral co-infected Bronchial Epithelial Cells | Homo sapiens, Streptococcus pyogenes, Influenza A virus (A/Germany-BY/74/2009(H1N1)), Staphylococcus aureus | Q Exactive | No | 1 | co-infection, influenza A virus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, 16HBE, proteomics | Sura T, Surabhi S, Maaß S, Hammerschmidt S, Sie... | PXD026625 |
| Multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) based data for targeted validation of proteins in Labeo rohita | Labeo rohita | TSQ Altis | No | 1 | Labeo rohita, MRM, SRM | Nissa MU, Reddy PJ, Pinto N, Sun Z, Ghosh B, Mo... | PXD026757 |
| Validation of proteins showing significant dysregulation from shotgun proteomics experiments in longitudinal plasma samples of COVID-19 patients | Homo sapiens | TSQ Altis | Yes | 1 | COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, mass-spectrometry, longitudinal, proteomics, metabolomics | Suvarna K, Salkar A, Palanivel V, Bankar R, Ban... | PXD026848 |
| Targeted validation of significantly altered semen proteins in COVID-19 patients | Homo sapiens | TSQ Altis | Yes | 2 | SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, SRM/MRM, Proteomics, Semen | Ghosh S, Parikh S, Nissa MU, Acharjee A, Singh ... | PXD026849 |
| Targeted Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Protein Variants by Mass Spectrometry | Homo sapiens | Orbitrap Exploris 480 | Yes | 2 | Nucleocapsid, SARS-CoV-2, Single Amino Acid Protein Variants, Tandem Mass Spectrometry | Maus A, Renuse S, Kemp J, Madugundu AK, Vanderb... | |
| Targeted Proteomics Using Stable Isotope Labeled Protein Fragments Enables Precise and Robust Determination of Total Apolipoprotein(a) in Human Plasma | Homo sapiens | TSQ Altis,6490 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS | Yes | 6 | apolipoprotein(a) (apo(a)), apolipoproteins, quantification, stable isotope labeled recombinant protein fragment standard, liquid chromatography, tandem mass spectrometry | Hober A, Rekanovic M, Forsström B, Hansson S, K... | PXD026976 |
| Synthetic biology meets proteomics: Construction of à la carte QconCATs for absolute protein quantification | Escherichia coli | QTRAP 5500 | No | 1 | ALACAT; QconCAT; Cell-free protein synthesis | Johnson J, Harman VM, Franco C, Emmott E, Rockl... | PXD027047 |
| Optimized liquid and gas phase fractionations increase HLA-peptidome coverage for primary cell and tissue samples | Homo sapiens | TSQ Quantis | Yes | 1 | HLA, targeted MS | Klaeger S, Apffel A, Clauser KR, Sarkizova S, O... | PXD027165 |
| Comparison of allergen quantification strategies for egg, milk, and peanut in food using targeted LC-MS/MS | | QTRAP 6500 | No | 6 | Food Allergens, Mass Spectrometry, Targeted MRM Proteomics, Quantification Strategies, Reference Materials | Xiong W, Parker CH, Boo CC, Fiedler KL. Compari... | |
| Loss of DNAJC3 impairs cholesterol metabolism and mitochondrial function | Homo sapiens | Orbitrap Fusion Lumos | Yes | 1 | Targeted Proteomics, PRM | Jennings MJ, Hathazi D, Nguyen CDL, Munro B, Mü... | PXD027372 |
| DDR2 pharmacodynamic profiling | Homo sapiens | QTRAP 5500 | Yes | 4 | multiple reaction monitoring; DNA damage response; immuno-MRM; targeted proteomics | Whiteaker JR, Wang T, Zhao L, Schoenherr RM, Ke... | |
| The metabolome as a biomarker of aging in Drosophila melanogaster | Drosophila melanogaster | TSQ Vantage | No | 2 | | Zhao X, Golic FT, Harrison BR, Manoj M, Hoffman... | |
| Age-Related Disruption of the Proteome and Acetylome in Mouse Hearts Correlates with Differential Loss of Function that is Attenuated by SS-31 and NMN | Mus musculus | Q Exactive HF-X | No | 3 | Acetyl-lysine, post translational modifications, targeted proteomics, mitochondria, aging, heart | Whitson JA, Johnson R, Wang L, Bammler TK, Imai... | PXD027458 |
| Quantification of the ratio between the two PsbO protein isoforms in the thylakoids lumen of Arabidopsis thaliana | Arabidopsis thaliana | TSQ Vantage | No | 1 | Photosynthesis, thylakoids, lumen, Oxygen Evolving Complex, SRM | Gollan PJ, Trotta A, Bajwa AA, Mancini I, Aro E... | PXD027514 |
| Profiling Tryptophan Catabolites of Human Gut Microbiota and Acute-Phase Protein Levels in Neonatal Dried Blood Specimens | Homo sapiens | 6495B Triple Quadrupole LC/MS | Yes | 5 | Masaryk University, Faculty of Science, RECETOX | Aust AC, Benesova E, Vidova V, Coufalikova K, S... | PXD027606 |
| Targeted mass spectrometry enables multiplexed quantification of immunomodulatory proteins in clinical biospecimens | Homo sapiens | QTRAP 5500 | No | 3 | immuno-MRM, peptide immunoaffinity enrichment, immuno-oncology, immunotherapeutics, cancer | Whiteaker JR, Lundeen RA, Zhao L, Schoenherr RM... | PXD029167 |
| Targeted MRM assay Complement System AMD cohort | Homo sapiens | Xevo TQ-S | Yes | 1 | Age-related macular degeneration, AMD, complement system, quantitative multiplex profiling, mass spectrometry, C4, vitronectin, factor I, genetic variants, metabolites, HDL | Acar IE, Willems E, Kersten E, Keizer-Garritsen... | PXD027689 |
| Linking post-translational modifications and protein turnover by site-resolved protein turnover (SPOT) profiling | Homo sapiens | Q Exactive HF-X,Orbitrap Fusion Lumos | No | 7 | Phospho, Ubiquitin, PTMs, proteasome, FBXW7, TKT | Zecha J, Gabriel W, Spallek R, Chang YC, Mergne... | PXD023234 |
| Plasma proteomic analysis to identify potential biomarkers of histologic chorioamnionitis in women with preterm premature rupture of membranes | Homo sapiens | 6495A Triple Quadrupole LC/MS | Yes | 2 | MRM, SRM, PLASMA,Clinical | Lee JE, Dan K, Kim HJ, Kim YM, Park KH. Plasma ... | |
| Utilizing Pine Needles to Temporally and Spatially Profile Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) | | 6560 Q-TOF LC/MS | Yes | 2 | PFAS, ion mobility, biomonitoring | | |
| Whole blood peptide assay stability by MRM-MS | Homo sapiens | 6495B Triple Quadrupole LC/MS | Yes | 1 | whole blood, mass spectrometry, MRM, plasma, proteomics, internal standards | Gaither C, Popp R, Zahedi RP, Borchers CH. Mult... | PXD027957 |
| Targeted MS based multi-omic analysis of blood plasma from COVID-19 patients to predict survival | Homo sapiens | 6495B Triple Quadrupole LC/MS | Yes | 1 | COVID-19, SARS COV 2, mass spectrometry, MRM, plasma, proteomics, internal standards | Richard VR, Gaither C, Popp R, Chaplygina D, Br... | PXD027959 |
| Multisite proteome provides insights into the biology and prognostic markers for head and neck cancer | Homo sapiens | Xevo TQ-XS,ACQUITY UPLC | Yes | 2 | Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Mouth Neoplasms, Proteomics, Lymph Node Metastasis, Buffy coat, Saliva, Biomarkers, Prognosis, Immune System, Machine Learning | Busso-Lopes AF, Neves LX, Câmara GA, Granato DC... | PXD027984 |
| A comparative study of synthetic winged peptides for absolute protein quantification | Homo sapiens | 6495B Triple Quadrupole LC/MS | Yes | 9 | targeted proteomics assays, internal standards, SIL-proteins, SIL-peptides, synthetic winged peptides, absolute protein quantification | Benesova E, Vidova V, Spacil Z. A comparative s... | PXD027985 |
| Simultaneous quantitative profiling of clinically relevant immune markers in neonatal stool swabs to reveal inflammation | Homo sapiens | 6495B Triple Quadrupole LC/MS | Yes | 13 | fecal inflammatory markers, microbial colonization, immune response, targeted quantitative proteomics, mass spectrometry | Vidova V, Benesova E, Klanova J, Thon V, Spacil... | PXD027988 |
| A hierarchical transcriptional network controls appressorium-mediated plant infection by the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae | Magnaporthe oryzae | Orbitrap Eclipse,Orbitrap Fusion | No | 1 | Magnaporthe oryzae, appressorium, Hox7,transcriptional profiling, Pmk1, MAP kinase, phosphorylation | Osés-Ruiz M, Cruz-Mireles N, Martin-Urdiroz M, ... | PXD028052 |
| Plasma Protein Biomarker Model for Screening Alzheimer Disease Using Multiple Reaction Monitoring-Mass Spectrometry | Homo sapiens | 6490 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS | Yes | 1 | | Kim Y, Kim J, Son M, Lee J, Yeo I, Choi KY, Kim... | |
| 2020_Human BAK125 kit _Room Temperature | Homo sapiens | 6495B Triple Quadrupole LC/MS,Xevo TQ-XS | Yes | 13 | multiple reaction monitoring, MRM, mass spectrometry, peptide stability, proteomics, targeted proteomics, internal standards | Gaither C, Popp R, Borchers SP, Skarphedinsson ... | PXD028179 |
| Mitochondrial inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) is a contributor towards maintaining cellular bioenergetics in SH-SY5Y cells: a proteomics and metabolomics approach | Homo sapiens | Orbitrap Fusion Lumos | No | 2 | mitochondria, mitochondrial bioenergetics, OXPHOS, inorganic polyphosphate, polyP, metabolomics, proteomics, data-independent acquisiton | Guitart-Mampel M, Urquiza P, Carnevale Neto F, ... | PXD028185 |
| Triage of >1300 candidate biomarkers in plasma using internal standard-triggered parallel reaction monitoring mass spectrometry | Homo sapiens | Orbitrap Eclipse | Yes | 16 | Human, Plasma, Breast cancer, Protein, IS-PRM | Publication pending | |
| Ocular proteomic and transcriptomic changes with aging in response to lensectomy in a rabbit model of lensectomy with intraocular lens insertion | New Zealand rabbit | Orbitrap Fusion Lumos | No | 1 | aqueous humor, eye, coagulation, rabbit, age | | PXD028205 |
| Organ wise targeted mass spectrometric analysis of proteins in Labeo rohita using SRM/MRM approach | Labeo rohita | TSQ Altis | Yes | 1 | Labeo rohita, organ wise, MRM, SRM | Nissa MU, Pinto N, Mukherjee A, Reddy PJ, Ghosh... | PXD028017 |
| HDL proteomics on CPROBE samples | Homo sapiens | Orbitrap Fusion | No | 2 | HDL proteomics, parallel reaction monitoring, quantification, Orbitrap Fusion, Skyline | Shao B, Mathew AV, Thornock C, Pennathur S; Mic... | PXD028216 |
| SARS-CoV2 Immunocomplex by LC-MS/MS on vaccinated cohort | Homo sapiens | Xevo TQ-S | No | 3 | SARS-CoV2, Antibody, complement, spike | Publication pending | PXD028450 |
| Next-generation Serology by Mass Spectrometry:Readout of the SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Repertoire | Homo sapiens | Q Exactive HF | No | 1 | Glycan, Full MS scan | Melani RD, Des Soye BJ, Kafader JO, Forte E, Ho... | PXD028627 |
| Highly multiplexed quantitative phosphosite assay for biology and preclinical studies | Homo sapiens | TSQ Quantiva | Yes | 9 | Proteomics, post-translational modifications, targeted mass spectrometry, multiple reaction monitoring, selected reaction monitoring, breast cancer, medulloblastoma, CPTAC | Keshishian H, McDonald ER 3rd, Mundt F, Melanso... | PXD026939 |
| Diagnosing pleural effusions using mass spectrometry-based multiplexed targeted proteomics quantitating mid- to high-abundance markers of cancer, infection/inflammation and tuberculosis | Homo sapiens | Xevo TQ MS | No | 1 | pleural effusion, targeted proteomics, MRM, mass spectrometry | Robak, A., Kistowski, M., Wojtas, G. et al. Dia... | |
| Identification of cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers for parkinsonism using a proteomics approach | Homo sapiens | Xevo TQ-S | Yes | 1 | Parkinson’s disease; multiple system atrophy; cerebrospinal fluid; biomarkers; mass spectrometry; selected reaction monitoring | Marques TM, van Rumund A, Kersten I, Bruinsma I... | PXD028888 |
| Quantification of organelle membrane contact site protein abundances during infection with human viruses | Homo sapiens, HHV-5, HSV-1, HCoV-OC43, Influenza A virus (A/Puerto Rico/8/1934(H1N1)) | Q Exactive HF | No | 4 | organelle; membrane contact site; organelle contacts; virus; HCMV; HSV-1; influenza A; HCoV-OC43; PRM; MCS-PRM | Publication pending | PXD023761 |
| MS quantification of circulating CFP-10, p24 and VP40 | Human immunodeficiency virus 1, EBOV, SUDV, Mycobacterium tuberculosis | TSQ Altis,Orbitrap Fusion Lumos | Yes | 12 | MRM | Shu Q, Kenny T, Fan J, Lyon CJ, Cazares LH, Hu ... | PXD021149 |
| Rapid and Sensitive Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Using Quantitative Peptide Enrichment Analysis | Homo sapiens, SARS-CoV-2 | Xevo TQ-XS | Yes | 1 | LC-MS, MRM, SARS-Cov-2, NCAP, RT-PCR, digest, peptide, SISCAPA, affinity | Hober A, Tran-Minh KH, Foley D, McDonald T, Vis... | PXD026366 |
| Monitoring of histidine methylated Rpl3p | Saccharomyces cerevisiae | Orbitrap Fusion Lumos | No | 1 | histidine methylation | | |
| Selected reaction monitoring based analysis of proteins in liver tissue of Labeo rohita | Labeo rohita | TSQ Altis | Yes | 2 | FASP, method optimization, rohu liver, SRM, STRAP | Nissa MU, Pinto N, Varshnay A, Goswami M, Sriva... | PXD028997 |
| Development and Application of Multidimensional Lipid Libraries to Investigate Lipidomic Dysregulation Related to Smoke Inhalation Injury Severity | Homo sapiens | 6560 Q-TOF LC/MS | No | 6 | lipidomics, ion mobility | Kirkwood KI, Christopher MW, Burgess JL, Littau... | |
| RGI-GOLVEN signalling promotes FLS2 abundance to regulate plant immunity | Arabidopsis thaliana | Q Exactive HF-X | No | 2 | phytocytokines, targeted proteomics, plant immune response, GLV2 peptides | | PXD023855 |
| Quantification of Soy-Derived Ingredients in Model Bread and Frankfurter Matrices with an Optimized LC-MS/MS External Standard Calibration Workflow | Glycine max | Q Exactive Plus | Yes | 2 | Food Allergen, Soybean Allergy, Parallel Reaction Monitoring, Incurred Food Matrices, Mass Spectrometry | Krager J, Baumert JL, Downs M. Quantification o... | PXD029137 |
| Gill proteome networks explain salinity tolerance of Oreochromis mossambicus | Oreochromis mossambicus | impact II | No | 4 | Gill, Tilapia, Osmoregulation, Salinity, Data-independent acquisition, Ecological proteomics | Root L, Kültz D. Effects of pejus and pessimum ... | PXD029254 |
| Targeted proteomic validation of dysregulated proteins in liver tissue of Labeo rohita after Aeromonas hydrophila infection | Labeo rohita | TSQ Altis | Yes | 1 | Aeromonas hydrophila, Liver proteomics, mass spectrometry, rohu, SRM | Nissa MU, Pinto N, Ghosh B, Singh U, Goswami M,... | PXD029483 |
| Skyline Batch: An Intuitive User Interface for Batch Processing with Skyline | Homo sapiens | Q Exactive | Yes | 2 | Skyline, workflow, reproducible, data analysis, reprocessing, software, mass spectrometry | Marsh AN, Sharma V, Mani SK, Vitek O, MacCoss M... | PXD029663 |
| Skyline Batch: An Intuitive User Interface for Batch Processing with Skyline | Saccharomyces cerevisiae | TripleTOF 5600 | No | 4 | Skyline, workflow, reproducible, data analysis, reprocessing, software, mass spectrometry | Marsh AN, Sharma V, Mani SK, Vitek O, MacCoss M... | PXD029665 |
| A comprehensive LFQ benchmark dataset on modern day acquisition strategies in proteomics | Homo sapiens, Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae | TripleTOF 5600,TripleTOF 6600,timsTOF Pro,Q Exactive HF-X,SYNAPT G2-Si,Synapt MS | No | 6 | Proteomics, DDA, DIA, Label-Free, Benchmark | Van Puyvelde B, Daled S, Willems S, Gabriels R,... | |
| Absolute quantification of influenza virus proteins | Influenza A virus (A/Puerto Rico/8/1934(H1N1)) | timsTOF Pro | Yes | 8 | influenza A virus, MDCK cells, absolute quantification, AQUA peptides | Küchler J, Püttker S, Lahmann P, Genzel Y, Kupk... | PXD029784 |
| Uncovering Xenobiotics in the Dark Metabolome using Ion Mobility Spectrometry, Mass Defect Analysis and Machine Learning | | 6560 Q-TOF LC/MS | No | 1 | PFAS, Library | Foster M, Rainey M, Watson C, Dodds JN, Kirkwoo... | |
| Evaluation of volumetric absorptive microsampling and mass spectrometry data-independent acquisition in hemoglobin related clinical markers | Homo sapiens | Q Exactive HF-X | No | 1 | Data-independent acquisition, proteomics, volumetric absorptive microsampling, glycated hemoglobin, hemoglobin variants. | Lima DA, Schuch RA, Salgueiro JS, Pintão MCT, C... | PXD029918 |
| MRM quantification of circulating CFP-10 in TB patients | Mycobacterium tuberculosis | TSQ Altis | Yes | 10 | CFP10 plasma TB | Shu Q, Liu S, Alonzi T, LaCourse SM, Singh DK, ... | PXD021150 |
| Relative quantification of acetylated histone peptides in HAP1 cells after treatment with MS-275 | Homo sapiens | Q Exactive HF-X | No | 1 | Chromatin, histone deacetylase, acetylome, HDAC inhibitor | Publication pending | PXD030272 |
| Check of selected NTR peptide spectra by comparison with synthetic peptides | Homo sapiens | Orbitrap Fusion Lumos | No | 1 | N-terminal enrichment, cytosol; HEK293T, ATIS, cells, NTR, COFRADIC | Bogaert A, Fijalkowska D, Staes A, Van de Steen... | PXD030285 |