Sign Up for Hosted Project


Does your lab or organization already have a project? You can ask the person in your group who set it up to add you to it.

If you are the first in your lab or organization, looking to become the project administrator for your group, sign up here to request a new project on PanoramaWeb.

You can own a free project for your lab on PanoramaWeb. The security infrastructure will allow you to keep your data as private as you want or release it publicly through Panorama Public when you are ready.

Need more privacy? If you work for an organization with a strict data access policy, we encourage you to join the Panorama Partners Program to use your own private Panorama server. PanoramaWeb admins have access to all projects on this server. We respect your privacy and security, using our access strictly for troubleshooting purposes and to understand aggregate usage of Skyline and Panorama features. If you have stricter requirements, contact us about becoming a Panorama Partner.

Please provide your institution or company name in the Organization field and your department or lab's name for Lab / Dept. name. The information you provide will not be shared with any outside organizations.

First Name*
Last Name*
If your institution or company already has a project on PanoramaWeb, please contact the administrator of the project to create an account for you.
Instructions for project administrators to add users their project can be found here.
Lab / Dept. name
Lab / Dept. name should be your department's name within the institution or the name of your lab. (eg: MacCoss Lab).


NOTE: The PanoramaWeb administrators will review your request and email you once your request is accepted. This can take a few days.
If you have questions about requesting a Panorama Project, please email