Error configuring new instrument in Panorama

Error configuring new instrument in Panorama Taher Elgierari  2020-03-26 14:05:14

just configured a new instrument in Panorama, that went fine, but when configuring the AutoQC I kept getting the an error saying the folder i entered is not a Panorama folder, i confirmed the folder directory and name matches what in Panorama.

Vagisha Sharma responded:  2020-03-26 14:58:12

Hi Taher,

"Thermo_Orbitrap-2/PepCalMix in Matrix" that is entered in the folder field in your AutoQCLoader screenshot is not a Panorama QC type folder. If you navigate to that folder in a browser you will not see the "QC Summary" and "QC Plots" panel that you expect to see in a QC folder.

Here is the documentation on folder creation in Panorama: a folder in Panorama.
In the final step of folder creation please select "QC" as the Panorama folder type.

It is probably easiest to delete the folder and create a new one of the correct type. To delete a folder, first navigate to the folder, and then go the the "Admin" menu (gear icon in the top right corner) and select "Folder" > "Management". Confirm that the folder you want to delete is selected in the "Folder Tree" tab and click the "Delete" link.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards,