Y-Axis limits issue

Y-Axis limits issue roberthardt  2024-12-17 06:17:35

Dear developers,

when plotting transition or product ion peak areas with log-scaling enabled, the y-axis for is displaying everything on a quite broad scale (see attached screenshot). Before, the limits have been a bit more tight. It is now really hard to see any trends on the lines. But without log-scaling the plots for lower intense peptides cannot be properly read as well. If I remember it correctly, this has been different in the past, were the y-axis limits were restricted to the min and max values? My preferred way of plotting would actually be if we could manually set the y-axis limits, as is the case for the x-axis (time).

Best and thanks for PanormaQC as well as Skyline.


jeckels responded:  2024-12-17 17:38:20

Hi Robert,

Thanks for reporting the problem. You're right - that plot doesn't look very good. My guess is that it's an issue related to the upgrade of the server earlier today. I've logged a bug to at least restore the previous zoom behavior.



roberthardt responded:  2025-01-21 11:09:47

Hi Josh,

any update on the scaling issue? Still looks like this for me.



jeckels responded:  2025-01-27 17:58:11

Hi Robert,

Thanks for checking in. This is still in the queue. I'm hoping to address it soon as another chunk of work is close to wrapping up.
