Problem with uploading data to Panorama

Problem with uploading data to Panorama veronika zihlova  2024-11-29 08:36:39

Dear Panorama team,

I am trying to fix a problem with AutoQC and I would really appreciate your help.

I use a few configurations in AutoQC (version Some of them work, some of them do not (see log enclosed, I can mention error 502 Bad Gateway particularly as an example). I employ the same PC as my colleague, we have separate user accounts for Windows, our role assignments do not differ (see screenshot enclosed), our AutoQC configurations are completely the same (we performed the sharing of configurations, changing only user name and password). Using her account, everything works perfectly. Any ideas to solve the riddle successfully?

Kind regards,

Veronika Zihlova

Vagisha Sharma responded:  2024-11-29 11:31:11

Hi Veronika,

Thanks for attaching the log file, and for confirming that you have the same Panorama permissions as your colleague. I had a look at your log, and the folder where you are unable to upload files via AutoQC Loader.

We upgraded the PanoramaWeb server on November 14th, and I believe the problem you are seeing is because some the permission on the Linux filesystem are incorrect after the upgrade. The last document successfully uploaded by your colleague to the "Exploris 480 - SS-FAIMS" folder was on November 13th, before the upgrade. I have fixed the permissions in the folder. Could you please give it another try? Let me know if it still does not work.

I will request our IT group to review the Linux filesystem permissions on the server on Monday. In the mean time, please let me know if there are any other Panorama QC folder where you are having the same problem.

Thank a lot for reporting this issue.


veronika zihlova responded:  2024-12-02 08:56:02

Dear Vagisha,

thank you for your kind help, the folder works now.
There are two more configurations that fail to function, others seem to be OK.


Best regards,

Veronika Zihlova

Vagisha Sharma responded:  2024-12-02 22:38:12

Hi Veronika,

File permissions on the server have been fixed. Could you please retry the failing configurations?


veronika zihlova responded:  2024-12-04 03:50:45

Dear Vagisha,

problem solved completely!
Thank you for your care.

Have a nice day,
