Ratio light/heavy or concentrations in QC Control cards

Ratio light/heavy or concentrations in QC Control cards jean-christophe prost  2024-09-17 03:12:14

Dear Panorama,

We started now to use Panorama to have homogenized control cards for our two research panel we are using.
It works really well. Thank you. I showed your tool to my collegue working with routine methods, and for here purposes, the concentrations are missing.
They would not need areas but concentrations of their QCs or at least the light/heavy ratio of them.

I found the metric "Light/Heavy Ratio". In my skyline file, the ratio is calculated as shown in the tif file "light_heavy_Ratio_skyline". When I enable the light/heavy metric, there is no indication, and it tells me "There were no records found. The date filter applied may be too restrictive". In the panorama gride, there is no possibility to indicate light or heavy transition.
Or should I do something in my skyline template? I send you my template I am using.

Let me know what I can do, to be able to use this "light/heavy ratio" metric.
In advance thank you for your help and wish you a nice start in the new day.


Vagisha Sharma responded:  2024-09-17 15:43:10

Dear Jean-Christophe,

Thank you for bringing this up. Currently, Panorama is not calculating the light/heavy ratios for small molecules. I apologize for the inconvenience. I've added this to our issues list and will let you know once we have a fix.

Thank you for attaching your Skyline document. Would it be okay if we use it for testing purposes?

Best regards,

jean-christophe prost responded:  2024-09-17 23:58:46

Good monring Vagisha,

Thank you for your feedback. Of course you can use my template for testing.

Hope you will be able to implement this feature for small molecules and happy to hear about you soon.

Kind regards