Targeted MS data of hFLNc phosphopeptides comprising the phosphorylation sites pS2233, pS2233/pS2236 and pS2236.

Warscheid Lab - Targeted FLNc S2233 S2236 phosphorylation assay

Figure 4e.

Targeted MS data of hFLNc phosphopeptides comprising the phosphorylation sites pS2233, pS2233/pS2236 and pS2236. MS data were quantified using Skyline and normalized to an internal phosphopeptide standard and the mock-treated control (DMSO). Intensities of phosphopeptides distinctive for a specific phosphorylation site in hFLNc d18-21 WT were added up per experiment and represented as normalized mean log2 ratio (treatment/control) ± SEM (n=4; *, p ≤ 0.05; **, p ≤ 0.01)