Requests for samples must be submitted by e-mail to prior to close of business on September 30, 2013. Please include the words “Sample request” in the subject line of the message and provide a contact name, affiliation, and complete mailing address in the body of the message. To reiterate, because of limited availability and the significant effort involved in preparation of the samples by the sPRG, the Research Group asks that samples only be requested if there is a reasonable probability that you will be able to return data by the deadline. And as a bonus, each lab returning results will receive and additional aliquot of the sample for their own use. As in the past, result submissions will be coded to insure anonymity of the participating laboratories. A summary of the results of this study will be presented orally and as a poster at the ABRF 2014 meeting; the results will be subsequently posted on the ABRF website and will ultimately be published.