The message to view email to fake email does not appear

The message to view email to fake email does not appear yngvild bjorlykke  2014-10-02 07:05:00
I am following the tutorial for publishing data in Panorama. When doing: "If you use a fake email
address you can set the password for the account by clicking on a link to the email message that gets
generated for the new user.", the link to the message does not appear, instead I have:
"System membership status for new group members:
test@test.ts added as a new user to the system and emailed successfully."

Any idea on how to get unstuck?

Thank you!
Vagisha Sharma responded:  2014-10-02 08:28:33
Hi Yngvild,

I will look into why you don't see the link for the email message. In the mean time, I have forwarded you the link you can use to set the password for this user.

Thank you,
benjamin parker responded:  2014-10-07 21:51:39
Dear Vagisha,
I am also having the same issue. I alternatively set up an email "" and requested a Panorama account but this hasn't been added to Panorama yet.
Vagisha Sharma responded:  2014-10-07 22:47:22
Hi Benjamin,

We are working to resolve this issue. In the mean time please go ahead and add as described in the tutorial. Even though you will not see a link to the email in the web browser, you should receive an automated email from Panorama informing you that a new user has been added. This email should also contain the link to set the user's password. If you do not receive this email, please email me directly and I will send you the link.

I apologize for the inconvenience.
