Errors uploading XL data to Panorama

Errors uploading XL data to Panorama azelter  2020-01-10 14:53:40
I have successfully uploaded one skyline document to Panorama which contains XL targets created by Nick's crosslinker tool. Two subsequent runs failed with different errors (see below).
Any insight into what the problem might be would be much appreciated! Thanks very much for your help!

10 Jan 2020 14:36:18,683 INFO : Failed to complete task 'org.labkey.targetedms.pipeline.TargetedMSImportTask'
10 Jan 2020 14:36:18,684 ERROR: SqlExecutor.execute(); uncategorized SQLException for SQL []; SQL state [25P02]; error code [0]; ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "uix_auditlogentry_document"
  Detail: Key (documentguid, entryhash)=(f13e38db-d3d1-483f-9157-a8ed31613ac8, R5jGBMHhj59meKIGY6s1/mns8Z4=) already exists.
10 Jan 2020 14:44:39,469 INFO : Done parsing Skyline document.
10 Jan 2020 14:44:41,209 INFO : Failed to complete task 'org.labkey.targetedms.pipeline.TargetedMSImportTask'
10 Jan 2020 14:44:41,209 ERROR: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0