Entire cPRISM-SRM reproducibility (100 intact HMEC)_2018-04-17_13-50-51.sky.zip

PNNL - Carrier-assisted targeted proteomics
Entire cPRISM-SRM reproducibility (100 intact HMEC)_2018-04-17_13-50-51.sky.zip   1 version
5 proteins, 5 peptides, 10 precursors, 30 transitions  -  4 replicates, 5 calibration curves  -  Skyline-daily (64-bit)
ATADDELSFK0.0000E00.0000E000.0000E0 Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points availableGRB2
LVVVGAGGVGK0.0000E00.0000E000.0000E0 Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points availableRAS
SFADINLYR0.0000E00.0000E000.0000E0 Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points availableNRAS
SYGIPFIETSAK0.0000E00.0000E000.0000E0 Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points availableHKRAS
VLTPTQVK0.0000E00.0000E000.0000E0 Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points availablePEBP1