Figure 6 Sample Internal Quality Controls


Please note that this aggregated DIA dataset included several attempts at collecting gas-phase fractionated chromatogram libraries. Those runs spanned one of six m/z ranges:

  • 400-500 m/z
  • 500-600 m/z
  • 600-700 m/z
  • 700-800 m/z
  • 800-900 m/z
  • 900-1000 m/z


The following runs will have missing data for PRTC and Yeast Enolase depending upong the m/z range that was analyzed:

  1. IQC40 - IQC45
  2. IQC82 - IQC87
  3. IQC61 - IQC66
  4. IQC104 - IQC107 (Partial set, run was stopped)
  5. IQC124 - IQC129
  6. IQC145 - IQC150
NOTE: The QC plots below have been filtered to show the total fragment areas for only the samples visualized in Figure 6. To view metrics for all the samples that were run during the experiment, click the "Clear" button next to "Filter: Replicate Annotations" to remove the applied filter. To revert back to the subset of samples depicted in Figure 6, either refresh the page or expand the "Filter: Replicate Annotations" menu, check "true" for the "ForFigure" annotation, and click "Apply".