Raw files not recognized in submitted Panorama experiment Laura Spencer  2018-09-27 12:37:38

I'm uploading an SRM experiment (Skyline project file, description, raw files). I uploaded the raw files but they are not being recognized, as it appears the associated raw file names linked to the Skyline project file all have some additional text added to the file names. Is there any way to get my uploaded raw files linked to the skyline project in Panorama? Thanks!

Vagisha Sharma responded:  2018-09-27 12:58:18

Hi Laura,

I see that the raw file names in your Skyline document look like this: 2017_July_10_bivalves_266.raw?centroid_ms2=true. I wasn't expecting to see the '?centroid_ms2=true' part in the file name! I will implement a fix for this and update the server. Would it be alright if I update the server on Monday or do you want this sooner than that?


Laura Spencer responded:  2018-09-27 13:25:26

Thank you! Monday is great. Once that's updated, will the project be publicly accessible? Thanks again!

Vagisha Sharma responded:  2018-09-27 13:39:40

Hi Laura,

When you submit to Panorama Public we will make a copy of your folder to Panorama Public. This copy can be private or public. In the submission form you will see a checkbox labeled "Keep Private". This is checked by default. If you want your data on Panorama Public to be publicly accessible you should un-check this box.
