| AEALVQYLEEPLTQVAAS[+79.966331] | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | lamtor2 |
| AEVEDGWSR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | rps6kb1a |
| AGELTEDEVER | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | RPS18 |
| AGFAGDDAPR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | actb1 |
| ALETIGANLQK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | rptor |
| ALS[+79.966331]FASLDK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | Rictorb_isoform_X1 |
| ASET[+79.966331]LQAIINR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | prkag1 |
| ASETLQAIINR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | prkag1 |
| AYPKPTVNNNSISPPVDK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | eif4ebp1 |
| DEVAHTLTESR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | Akt3_gamma |
| DLEPEVAALY[+79.966331]FPK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | LPIN1b |
| DLEPEVAALYFPK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | LPIN1b |
| EGITDAATMK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | Akt3_gamma |
| EGITDGATMK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | Akt1 |
| EGITNEATMK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | AKT2_beta |
| EQLNVGDLLPLLETSDLR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | tsc1b |
| FFTGIVWQDVYEK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | Akt1 |
| FHPSGIEVEGQR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | akt1s1 |
| FLLDC[+57.021464]RSS[+79.966331]PLAR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | eif4ebp1 |
| FTSQT[+79.966331]PVDSPDDTK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | rps6kb1a |
| FTSQTPVDSPDDTK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | rps6kb1a |
| GAEQAMY[+79.966331]K | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | fkbp8 |
| GASPLILESLIS[+79.966331]INNK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | mTOR |
| GASPLILESLISINNK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | mTOR |
| GHT[+79.966331]ISVSAPSSR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | tsc2 |
| GHTISVSAPSSR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | tsc2 |
| GMLEYDPVK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | stk11 |
| GNVHY[+79.966331]QR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | fkbp8 |
| GSLS[+79.966331]DEHGGVVSVLAK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | lamtor5 |
| GSLSDEHGGVVSVLAK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | lamtor5 |
| GYSFTTTAER | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | actb1 |
| HGTITLAVHK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | lamtor5 |
| HLGSDGVY[+79.966331]LDDIK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | LPIN1b |
| HTLDELNPQK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | prkaa1 |
| IAAYAY[+79.966331]SAISQIK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | lamtor1 |
| IADFGLS[+79.966331]NMMSDGEFLR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | prkaa1 |
| IADFGLSNMMSDGEFLR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | prkaa1 |
| IDS[+79.966331]TEVIYQPR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | stk11 |
| IDSTEVIYQPR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | stk11 |
| ILDSGSLTQSAPAS[+79.966331]PTSK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | rptor |
| ILDSGSLTQSAPASPTSK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | rptor |
| KVLGS[+79.966331]PR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | rps6kb1a |
| LEPES[+79.966331]PPQFAENSVSFSK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | pparg |
| LGEVVDHVFPLLK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | LPIN1b |
| LHVS[+79.966331]TTALQK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | mTOR |
| LHVSTTALQK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | mTOR |
| LIEVDDER | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | rps6 |
| LLDMVGK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | rheb |
| LNS[+79.966331]APC[+57.021464]LLEAAGGC[+57.021464]R | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | ulk1b |
| LNT[+79.966331]GDFSLK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | akt1s1 |
| LNTGDFSLK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | akt1s1 |
| LPLSLS[+79.966331]PLTPSDSIPALTK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | hif1ab |
| LPLSLSPLTPSDSIPALTK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | hif1ab |
| LS[+79.966331]SLRAS[+79.966331]TSK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | rps6 |
| LSS[+79.966331]LRASTSK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | rps6 |
| LTDFGFC[+57.021464]AQITPEQSK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | PAK1 |
| LVVFDTSLQVK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | prkag1 |
| MSLQLYQVDS[+79.966331]R | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | prkaa1 |
| MSLQLYQVDSR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | prkaa1 |
| NLFLPNTEPFY[+79.966331]AAFGNR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | LPIN1b |
| NLFYPNAEPFY[+79.966331]AAFGNR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | lpin1a |
| NLFYPNAEPFYAAFGNR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | lpin1a |
| NPLPTILGSPSR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | ulk1b |
| NTPTLVLPSFYK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | tsc2 |
| NYLLSLPLR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | ERK2 |
| RLSSLRAS[+79.966331]TSK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | rps6 |
| RPHFPQFS[+79.966331]YSASGRE | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | Akt3_gamma |
| RPHFPQFS[+79.966331]YSASGTA | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | Akt1 |
| RPHFPQFSYSASGTA | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | Akt1 |
| S[+79.966331]LPVSVPVWGYR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | akt1s1 |
| S[+79.966331]SSSPELQTLPEAFSK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | tsc2 |
| S[+79.966331]TELVLGVK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | Rictorb_isoform_X1 |
| SDTLGHILPTLGK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | lpin1a |
| SES[+79.966331]QC[+57.021464]DEEETPPPR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | tsc1b |
| SGS[+79.966331]TAGLLRPR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | prkaa2 |
| SGS[+79.966331]VGNYR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | prkaa1 |
| SGSVGNYR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | prkaa1 |
| SGTAT[+79.966331]PHR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | prkaa1 |
| SGTATPHR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | prkaa1 |
| SIS[+79.966331]GGHALR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | tsc2 |
| SIS[+79.966331]VSEHAVR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | tsc2 |
| SISGGHALR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | tsc2 |
| SISVSEHAVR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | tsc2 |
| SLPVSVPVWGYR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | akt1s1 |
| SLVAAGLGDGSVR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | rptor |
| SMIAAAGYQHIR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | mlst8 |
| SQY[+79.966331]FEGVLTC[+57.021464]R | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | prkag1 |
| SQYFEGVLTC[+57.021464]R | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | prkag1 |
| SS[+79.966331]PLAR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | eif4ebp1 |
| SSSSPELQTLPEAFSK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | tsc2 |
| STAS[+79.966331]PPC[+57.021464]K | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | tsc1b |
| STGEDAQFEMDI | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | eif4ebp1 |
| STS[+79.966331]LNERPK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | tsc2 |
| STSLNERPK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | tsc2 |
| SVIEPLPPPLSTK | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | PAK1 |
| SVNS[+79.966331]YTNLR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | rptor |
| SVNSYTNLR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | rptor |
| T[+79.966331]SC[+57.021464]GSPNYAAPEVISGR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | prkaa1 |
| TFC[+57.021464]GTPEYLAPEVLEDNDYGR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | Akt1 |
| THFSQFS[+79.966331]YSASVR | 0.0000E0 | 0.0000E0 | 0 | 0.0000E0 | | Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points available | AKT2_beta |