Table SI 3: Analytical Performance Metrics of developed SRM Assays, as measured for Quality Control and in Bound and Non-bound Fractions (see also Figure SI 1).              
Regression parameters are derived from the response curve of synthetic peptides in the solvent matrix, using a 1/x weighting for regression analysis. 'Fraction Type' indicates the format of the measurement. Intra-assay (within day) and Inter-assay (between day) values represent the average precision from replicate measurements (n=5). 'High', 'Medium', and 'Low' refer to synthetic peptide mix samples prepared at three concentration levels. All reported signals are above the Lower Limit of Quantification (LLOQ) in replicate measurements. 'Fragment ion / transition' indicates the specific ion applied for quantification. The table includes data on linearity, sensitivity, and reproducibility across different concentration levels and measurement conditions, providing a comprehensive overview of the assay's analytical performance.  
                    intra-assay precision inter-assay precision  
zebrafish gene corresponding
 to target protein
peptide modified sequence [sequence range] fraction slope intercept correlation coefficient  LOD [fmol/µL] LOQ  [fmol/µL] linear range (log 10) fragment ion / transition low medium high low medium high  
actba K.AGFAGDDAPR.A [19, 28] non-bound 4.016E+03 -8.275E+02 0.9908 0.2074 0.6913 2.21 G [y6] - 640.2924+  4.75 3.14 2.78 5.72 3.80 3.08  
  R.GYSFTTTAER.E [197, 206] non-bound 1.331E+03 -2.635E+02 0.993 0.2167 0.7223 2.19 T [y6] - 688.3500+ 7.29 2.01 1.57 8.19 3.72 2.78  
akt1 K.EGITDGATMK.T [292, 301] non-bound 5.114E+00 -6.772E-01 0.9846 0.6901 2.3003 2.19 T [y7] - 723.3342+ n.d. n.d. 6.72 n.d. n.d. 7.14  
  K.FFTGIVWQDVYEK.K [401, 413] non-bound 3.005E+02 -2.804E+02 0.9639 1.2539 4.1797 1.42 V [y8] - 1074.5346+ 19.77 6.68 2.82 37.14 18.67 4.21  
  R.RPHFPQFS[+80]YSASGTA.- [460, 474] bound 5.729E+01 -1.662E+03 0.9086 29.3962 97.9873 0.05 precursor -98 - 822.9028++ n.d. n.d. 4.56 n.d. n.d. 5.47  
  R.RPHFPQFSYSASGTA.- [460, 474] non-bound 8.266E+01 -5.424E+02 0.8823 10.8451 36.1503 0.99 F [b4] - 538.2885+ 22.99 11.28 8.18 25.43 19.79 15.01  
akt2 K.EGITNEATMK.T [297, 306] non-bound 9.354E+02 -1.201E+02 0.9919 0.1659 0.5530 2.81 T [y7] - 802.3855+ 11.24 3.10 1.88 12.78 4.92 2.56  
  R.THFSQFS[+80]YSASVR.E [466, 478] bound 1.186E+03 2.859E+02 0.9687 0.054 0.1800 2.79 precursor -98 - 503.5767+++ 22.39 12.85 5.74 27.41 14.52 11.56  
  R.THFSQFSYSASVR.E [466, 478] non-bound 7.579E+02 1.172E+03 0.9951 0.5552 1.8507 2.29 S [y5] - 519.2885+ 13.40 4.08 1.75 14.67 4.88 2.98  
akt3 K.DEVAHTLTESR.V [188, 198] QC_both 1.200E+02 -1.140E+01 0.9681 1.1884 3.9613 1.85 T [y6] - 716.3813+   9.53 6.96   12.20 12.16  
  K.EGITDAATMK.T [295, 304] non-bound 1.653E+01 2.983E+00 0.9839 0.0449 0.1497 3.38 T [y7] - 737.3498+   12.41 3.98   13.16 5.77  
akt1/2/3 K.TFC[+57]GTPEYLAPEVLEDNDYGR.A [302, 322] non-bound 2.648E+03 -5.800E+01 0.9774 0.2795 0.9317 2.08 P [y11] - 658.8033++ 20.48 6.17 4.19 59.33 7.90 6.12  
  K.T[+80]FC[+57]GTPEYLAPEVLEDNDYGR.A [302, 322] bound 9.142E+02 1.993E+02 0.9707 0.5633 1.8777 1.77 P [y11] - 653.7991++ 14.04 9.41 6.26 40.01 19.54 8.10  
akt1s1/PRAS40 K.FHPSGIEVEGQR.N [52, 63] non-bound 1.117E+03 -3.325E+03 0.9832 2.9865 9.9550 1.55 P [y10] - 1071.5429+ 8.51 2.61 2.51 12.76 4.23 4.57  
  R.S[+80]LPVSVPVWGYR.N [284, 295] bound 1.371E+03 5.108E+02 0.9744 0.304 1.0133 2.04 precursor -98 - 676.3735++ 10.87 6.99 6.51 22.89 8.63 11.71  
  R.SLPVSVPVWGYR.N [284, 295] non-bound 7.970E+03 -9.932E+03 0.9669 1.2697 4.2323 1.93 P [y10] - 580.3166++ 7.64 6.11 7.14 12.87 10.33 15.14  
  R.VGC[+57]ADLDHIAASMK.A [310, 323] non-bound 6.152E+01 -5.805E+01 0.9907 1.2725 4.2417 1.93 G [y13] - 694.8185++   7.50 5.18   12.39 10.41  
  R.LNT[+80]GDFSLK.H [345, 353] bound 1.712E+03 -1.051E+02 0.9913 0.1313 0.4377 2.40 precursor -98 - 492.7656++ 12.04 4.53 4.51 14.63 4.97 8.68  
  R.LNTGDFSLK.H [345, 353] non-bound 4.684E+03 -9.952E+02 0.9848 0.2196 0.7320 2.69 T [y7] - 767.3934+ 5.45 3.22 3.77 6.60 3.50 4.37  
eif4ebp1 K.FLLDC[+57]RSS[+80]PLAR.T [55, 66] (missed 1) QC_both 4.744E+02 -2.669E+02 0.9709 0.7786 2.5953 1.63 precursor -98 - 713.8786++ 19.84 5.59 3.73 22.69 7.80 6.57  
  R.SS[+80]PLAR.T [61, 66] bound 4.75E+03 5.79E+01 0.9104 0.0025 0.0083 4.12 precursor -98 - 311.6810++ 12.14 10.39 11.92 17.73 20.44 25.51  
  K.AYPKPTVNNNSISPPVDK.S [91, 108] non-bound 2.03E+03 -2.93E+03 0.9905 1.4533 4.8443 1.87 S [y6] - 642.3457+ 5.34 3.39 3.45 6.47 4.21 4.87  
  K.STGEDAQFEMDI.- [109, 120] non-bound 2.93E+01 -1.00E+01 0.9643 1.9306 6.4353 1.74 A [b6] - 561.2151+   19.94 9.28   21.79 17.06  
Erk2 R.VADPDHDHTGFLTEYVATR.W [182, 200] non-bound 3.78E+02 -3.04E+03 0.9636 8.1556 27.1853 1.12 P [y16] - 929.9396++   9.38 5.29   17.05 9.90  
  R.NYLLSLPLR.S [271, 279] non-bound 1.29E+04 -1.10E+04 0.9947 0.8809 2.9363 2.09 L [y6] - 698.4559+  2.62 1.70 2.23 8.44 2.77 3.19  
fkbp8 R.GNVHY[+80]QR.A [221, 227] bound 1.43E+02 -5.68E+01 0.9747 0.4378 1.4593 1.88 H [y4] - 693.2744+ 7.93 4.61 4.11 11.79 9.84 9.46  
  K.VLALQGEFAEAIK.T [308, 320] non-bound 1.18E+03 1.10E+04 0.9576 2.0995 6.9983 1.71 G [y8] - 864.4462+ 12.45 4.11 2.03 19.42 19.12 4.68  
  K.GAEQAMY[+80]K.K [351, 358] bound 4.79E+02 -7.18E+01 0.9926 0.1904 0.6347 2.24 A [y4] - 600.2343+ 9.08 3.49 2.30 10.53 5.17 4.28  
gapdh K.VGINGFGR.I [4, 11] QC_both 2.51E+03 1.46E+01 0.9807 0.0042 0.0139 3.90 N [y5] - 560.2815+ 6.18 3.46 3.50 7.31 3.59 3.84  
hif1ab K.LPLSLSPLTPSDSIPALTK.L [453, 471] non-bound 3.63E+03 -3.83E+03 0.9815 1.0838 3.6127 2.00 P [y10] - 514.7848++   6.10 4.05   11.42 6.44  
  K.LPLSLS[+80]PLTPSDSIPALTK.L [453, 471] bound 2.12E+02 -9.80E+01 0.9864 0.5609 1.8695 1.77 P [y5] - 537.3486+   15.94 2.73   41.14 4.31  
  K.TILILPSDVASR.L [720, 731] non-bound 1.10E+04 -9.70E+03 0.9949 0.8941 2.9802 2.08 P [y7] - 731.3682+ 3.44 2.46 2.57 6.90 3.36 3.19  
lamtor1 K.IAAYAY[+80]SAISQIK.V [134, 146] QC_both 1.72E+02 -4.77E+01 0.9841 0.8250 2.7501 1.61 A [y9] - 1068.5217+ 17.14 5.49 1.82 22.88 10.21 5.44  
lamtor2 K.AEALVQYLEEPLTQVAAS[+80].- [108, 125] bound 6.49E+00 -1.72E+02 0.8361 29.0593 96.8643 0.06 P [y8] - 866.4019+     14.45     18.31  
lamtor5 R.GSLSDEHGGVVSVLAK.Q [35, 50] non-bound 1.34E+04 -5.11E+03 0.9936 0.7139 2.3797 2.18 S [y13] - 649.3410++ 4.47 2.33 1.43 6.75 4.18 3.25  
  R.GSLS[+80]DEHGGVVSVLAK.Q [35, 50] bound 5.96E+02 1.13E+02 0.9918 0.2917 0.9722 2.06 precursor -98 - 515.6101+++ 7.66 1.88   8.38 2.29  
  R.HGTITLAVHK.M [79, 88] non-bound 1.86E+02 -8.92E+02 0.9602 4.9752 16.5840 1.33 V [b8] - 793.4567+   10.99 6.10   17.43 12.25  
lpin1a R.SDTLGHILPTLGK.D [693, 705] non-bound 3.35E+02 -7.74E+02 0.9763 2.4286 8.0953 1.64 T [y11] - 575.3531++ 11.61 3.24 2.45 15.31 5.77 4.32  
  K.NLFYPNAEPFYAAFGNR.A [792, 808] non-bound 5.99E+02 -1.05E+03 0.9837 1.9015 6.3383 1.75 P [y9] - 521.7589++ 19.30 6.32 5.95 64.27 9.61 9.51  
  K.NLFYPNAEPFY[+80]AAFGNR.A [792, 808] bound 2.33E+02 5.34E+00 0.9585 0.6363 2.1210 1.72 P [y9] - 566.7462++ 15.70 6.11 3.84 26.41 22.40 5.40  
lpin1 isoform X1  R.HLGSDGVY[+80]LDDIK.D [375, 387] bound 2.44E+02 1.97E+00 0.9761 0.7062 2.3540 1.67 G [b6] - 567.2522+     6.46     8.53  
  K.DLEPEVAALYFPK.S [388, 400] non-bound 7.82E+03 -1.03E+04 0.9739 1.3530 4.5100 1.90 P [y10] - 567.8133++ 6.55 4.22 4.94 18.95 5.38 7.83  
  K.DLEPEVAALY[+80]FPK.S [388, 400] bound 3.00E+02 -5.01E+01 0.9734 0.4762 1.5873 1.85 P [y10] - 1222.5999+ 13.19 4.84 4.72 35.39 12.42 6.56  
  R.NLFLPNTEPFY[+80]AAFGNR.D [751, 767] bound 4.59E+02 -1.99E+01 0.9494 0.6749 2.2497 1.69 P [y9] - 566.7462++ 14.27 10.34 4.06 34.64 31.94 5.10  
  R.LGEVVDHVFPLLK.R [808, 820] non-bound 1.21E+04 -1.52E+04 0.9953 1.3851 4.6170 1.89 G [y12] - 676.8823++ 6.55 4.38 2.99 27.32 9.66 8.37  
mlst8 R.TVQHQDSQVNSLEVTPDR.S [37, 54] non-bound 1.13E+03 -9.99E+02 0.9961 1.0138 3.3793 2.02 E [y6] - 716.3573+ 3.48 2.84 2.08 6.02 3.69 2.46  
  R.TVQHQDS[+80]QVNSLEVTPDR.S [37, 54] bound 2.42E+02 -2.05E+01 0.9956 0.2892 0.9639 2.06 D [y13 -98] - 726.3537++ 19.82 6.81 2.23 21.58 7.81 2.73  
  R.SMIAAAGYQHIR.M [55, 66] non-bound 1.09E+03 -8.62E+02 0.9843 1.0807 3.6023 2.00 A [y9] - 493.7620++ 7.90 5.45 4.79 9.40 5.76 6.27  
mTOR R.VLGLLGALDPYK.H [870, 881] non-bound 2.72E+03 -1.07E+03 0.9932 0.4294 1.4312 1.89 G [y10] - 1054.6023+  15.37 4.05 2.58 62.76 9.25 5.79  
  K.LHVS[+80]TTALQK.A [1241, 1250] bound 1.62E+03 -5.01E+02 0.9965 0.3604 1.2013 1.97 precursor -98 - 544.3211++ 7.16 2.08 3.13 8.04 2.44 3.74  
  K.LHVSTTALQK.A [1241, 1250] non-bound 3.04E+03 -4.56E+03 0.9949 1.5162 5.0540 1.85 H [b2] - 251.1503+ 5.36 3.53 2.36 8.18 6.44 4.98  
  K.GASPLILESLIS[+80]INNK.L [1390, 1405] bound 3.51E+01 7.16E+00 0.9007 0.8277 2.7591 1.60 precursor -98 - 829.9820++   17.25     19.12  
  K.GASPLILESLISINNK.L [1390, 1405] non-bound 4.78E+02 1.76E+02 0.9421 1.2748 4.2493 1.92 P [y13] - 727.4349++ 8.79 16.14 5.15 26.66 48.58 7.24  
pak1 R.SVIEPLPPPLSTK.D [203, 215] non-bound 4.66E+03 -4.56E+03 0.9798 0.9838 3.2793 2.04 P [y9] - 949.5717+  4.34 2.99 3.50 6.02 3.72 4.65  
  K.LTDFGFC[+57]AQITPEQSK.R [437, 452] non-bound 6.48E+02 1.09E+03 0.9848 0.2685 0.8949 2.60 P [y5] - 588.2988+ 10.26 5.00 2.89 17.88 12.83 5.06  
PPAR[g] K.LEPES[+80]PPQFAENSVSFSK.T [124, 141] bound 4.30E+01 1.55E+02 0.9662 3.5607 11.8690 0.97 precursor -98 - 661.6577+++   6.88     8.81  
prkaa1/AMPK1 R.HTLDELNPQK.S [381, 390] non-bound 2.47E+02 -5.51E+02 0.9882 2.2918 7.6393 1.67 L [y8] - 956.5047+ 18.08 4.57 2.78 19.68 6.46 5.99  
  K.MSLQLYQVDSR.T [452, 462] non-bound 1.50E+03 -1.78E+03 0.9941 1.3386 4.4620 1.90 Y [y6] - 767.3682+  3.60 2.49 1.54 8.77 4.03 3.52  
  K.MSLQLYQVDS[+80]R.T [452, 462] bound 1.42E+02 8.77E+00 0.9555 0.2343 0.7809 2.15 precursor -98 - 666.3362++   14.10     19.29  
  K.SGTATPHR.S [480, 487] non-bound 4.36E+02 -5.52E+02 0.9827 1.2984 4.3280 1.92 P [y3] - 409.2306+ 14.43 2.73 2.66 16.06 3.79 3.65  
  K.SGTAT[+80]PHR.S [480, 487] bound 2.17E+02 -5.35E+01 0.9774 0.3128 1.0427 2.03 precursor -98 - 409.7108++ 11.35 7.56 8.29 13.99 10.42 14.18  
  R.SGSVGNYR.T [488, 495] non-bound 2.78E+03 -7.65E+02 0.9745 0.2835 0.9451 2.58 G [y4] - 509.2467+ 4.95 3.90 3.87 5.34 4.57 4.80  
  R.SGS[+80]VGNYR.T [488, 495] bound 1.07E+03 -1.93E+02 0.9945 0.2221 0.7403 2.18 G [y4] - 519.2549+ 5.79 2.43 2.24 6.54 5.06 4.48  
prkaa2/AMPK2 R.SGS[+80]TAGLLRPR.L [488, 498] bound 3.98E+03 -1.91E+03 0.9860 0.5522 1.8407 1.78 precursor -98 - 553.8189++ 10.22 3.12 3.29 13.57 5.96 6.02  
prkaa1/2 K.IADFGLSNMMSDGEFLR.T [156, 172] non-bound 4.28E+00 -2.35E+01 0.9406 8.3225 27.7417 1.11 S [y11] - 1286.5504+     6.05     9.85  
  K.IADFGLS[+80]NMMSDGEFLR.T [156, 172] bound 5.55E+01 -6.25E+01 0.8912 1.8375 6.1250 1.26 precursor -98 - 947.9387++ 22.45 7.74   58.43 9.13  
  R.TSC[+57]GSPNYAAPEVISGR.L [173, 189] non-bound 2.80E+02 4.95E+01 0.9870 0.0212 0.0707 3.70 P [y7] - 757.4203+ 8.06 3.53 2.40 9.57 4.17 2.88  
  R.T[+80]SC[+57]GSPNYAAPEVISGR.L [173, 189] bound 3.28E+02 -1.13E+02 0.9710 0.5664 1.8881 1.77 precursor -98 - 879.4112++ 15.99 6.78 6.23 16.11 7.76 9.32  
prkag1/AMPKg K.LVVFDTSLQVK.K [46, 56] non-bound 3.01E+03 -1.70E+03 0.9446 5.8910 19.6367 1.26 V [y9] - 1036.5673+ 15.21 13.44 5.38 29.34 54.32 9.75  
  R.SQYFEGVLTC[+57]R.A [268, 278] non-bound 1.09E+03 -1.49E+03 0.9941 1.4642 4.8807 1.86 G [y6] - 705.3712+ 5.31 2.61 1.97 5.70 2.95 2.34  
  R.SQY[+80]FEGVLTC[+57]R.A [268, 278] bound 2.54E+02 -2.89E+01 0.9915 0.5896 1.9653 1.75 L [y4] - 559.2896+   3.90 2.77   7.45 4.56  
  R.ASETLQAIINR.L [279, 289] non-bound 2.15E+03 -1.61E+03 0.9959 0.9507 3.1691 2.05 Q [y6] - 714.4257+  4.37 2.18 1.47 5.88 3.93 2.85  
  R.ASET[+80]LQAIINR.L [279, 289] bound 1.41E+03 -2.37E+02 0.9901 0.2776 0.9254 2.08 precursor -98 - 604.3371++ 8.42 4.91 5.79 10.35 5.87 8.36  
rheb K.LLDMVGK.V [103, 109] non-bound 4.61E+01 2.97E+01 0.9522 0.6492 2.1640 2.22 D [y5] - 549.2701+   8.43 8.04   11.96 12.55  
  R.VISC[+57]EEGK.A [128, 135] non-bound 2.15E+03 -5.41E+02 0.9725 0.2606 0.8688 2.61 S [y6] - 709.2821+ 4.78 4.77 5.88 5.41 5.96 7.46  
  R.VIS[+80]C[+57]EEGK.A [128, 135] bound 1.11E+03 -8.82E+01 0.9808 0.1161 0.3869 2.46 precursor -98 - 456.2228++ 8.37 6.03 6.50 9.84 6.23 9.85  
rictorb K.TLDTQDSTSS[+80]IGEQEVR.L [1186, 1202] bound 1.39E+02 1.15E+00 0.9944 0.2739 0.9129 2.09 G [y6] - 727.3609+ 23.25 6.50 1.96 28.26 11.71 4.57  
  K.ALS[+80]FASLDK.E [1434, 1442] bound 3.05E+03 5.33E+02 0.9692 0.0267 0.0890 3.10 precursor -98 - 471.2627++ 9.67 5.74 6.24 11.04 6.93 12.77  
  R.S[+80]TELVLGVK.N [1631, 1639] bound 3.07E+03 2.01E+03 0.9770 0.2243 0.7476 2.17 precursor -98 - 468.2862++ 12.35 5.84 8.24 15.087489 8.107909703 14.48  
rps6 K.LIEVDDER.K [15, 22] non-bound 4.63E+03 -6.19E+00 0.9891 0.0059 0.0198 3.75 E [y6] - 772.3347+  5.37 2.87 3.30 6.50 3.37 3.98  
  R.RLSSLRAS[+80]TSK.S [233, 243] (missed 2) bound 3.68E+02 -9.48E+02 0.9655 2.6973 8.9910 1.09 precursor -98 - 598.3535++ 5.92 5.90   6.76 7.96  
  R.LSS[+80]LRASTSK.S [234, 243] (missed 1) bound 2.17E+03 -7.34E+02 0.9901 0.3483 1.1611 1.98 precursor -98 - 520.3029++ 6.12 2.95 2.40 8.62 4.58 2.93  
  R.LS[+80]SLRAS[+80]TSK.S [234, 243] (missed 1) bound 6.20E+03 -2.36E+03 0.9756 0.4264 1.4215 1.89 precursor -98 - 556.2790++ 24.92 18.14 5.05 28.86 22.49 7.36  
rps6kb1b K.FTSQTPVDSPDDTK.L [360, 373] non-bound 5.01E+02 -7.87E+02 0.9938 1.6176 5.3920 1.82 P [y9] - 973.4473+ 7.89 2.49 1.80 9.31 4.05 2.30  
  K.FTSQT[+80]PVDSPDDTK.L [360, 373] bound 8.20E+01 -1.03E+01 0.9940 0.4106 1.3687 1.91 precursor -98 - 764.3563++ 12.92 2.59   17.81 3.22  
  R.KVLGS[+80]PR.T [411, 417] (missed 1) bound 1.55E+03 -3.79E+02 0.9918 0.2625 0.8749 2.10 precursor -98 - 374.7388++ 10.15 7.37 8.12 12.99 12.77 15.61  
  K.VLGS[+80]PR.T [412, 417] bound 2.75E+03 5.26E+01 0.9512 0.0035 0.0117 3.98 G [y4 -98] - 408.2229+ 3.02 2.64 2.86 4.46 3.61 3.27  
  R.TPVSPLK.A [418, 424] non-bound 8.33E+03 -1.16E+03 0.9723 0.1672 0.5574 2.81 P [y6] - 320.7051++ 4.70 4.09 5.87 5.94 5.13 8.90  
  R.TPVS[+80]PLK.A [418, 424] bound 1.84E+03 -4.29E+01 0.9718 0.0857 0.2857 2.59 precursor -98 - 366.2307++ 8.99 7.23 9.11 12.38 10.68 17.49  
  K.AEVEDGWSR.G [425, 433] non-bound 1.35E+03 -7.16E+02 0.9900 0.6187 2.0622 2.24 E [y6] - 749.3213+ 7.23 3.14 2.26 8.12 4.95 2.83  
rptor K.ALETIGANLQK.Q [100, 110] non-bound 5.56E+03 -9.93E+02 0.9921 0.1902 0.6339 2.24 G [y6] - 638.3711+  6.32 3.07 3.49 7.04 3.34 5.06  
  R.SVNSYTNLR.A [722, 730] non-bound 1.78E+03 -1.21E+03 0.9922 0.6997 2.3324 2.19 N [y7] - 867.4319+ 4.57 2.25 2.37 5.26 2.71 2.77  
  R.SVNS[+80]YTNLR.A [722, 730] bound 5.02E+02 -6.39E+01 0.9776 0.1840 0.6135 2.26 N [y7 -98] - 859.4296+ 9.15 7.00 5.37 14.18 8.18 8.66  
  R.ILDSGSLTQSAPASPTSK.G [852, 869] non-bound 2.12E+03 -1.10E+02 0.9878 0.0729 0.2432 3.17 P [y7] - 687.3672+ 5.26 2.22 2.54 7.56 3.88 3.11  
  R.ILDSGSLTQSAPAS[+80]PTSK.G [852, 869] bound 1.91E+02 -6.65E+00 0.9889 0.1326 0.4421 2.40 P [y7] - 775.3477+ 24.82 4.02 4.76 27.28 5.17 6.64  
  R.SLVAAGLGDGSVR.V [1207, 1219] non-bound 2.21E+03 -1.28E+03 0.9939 0.7002 2.3341 2.18 G [y6] - 590.2893+ 4.91 2.91 3.23 6.42 3.46 4.68  
stk11 R.IDSTEVIYQPR.R [28, 38] non-bound 1.83E+03 -2.09E+03 0.9913 1.1786 3.9287 1.96 I [y5] - 676.3777+ 6.11 2.52 2.06 6.84 3.45 2.51  
  R.IDS[+80]TEVIYQPR.R [28, 38] bound 7.37E+02 -1.54E+02 0.9894 0.3052 1.0173 2.04 precursor -98 - 656.8422++ 10.83 6.44 5.61 12.22 9.02 10.89  
  R.GMLEYDPVK.R [287, 295] non-bound 3.32E+02 -1.19E+02 0.9744 0.4233 1.4110 2.40 E [y6] - 750.3668+  10.78 2.46 3.73 12.67 3.05 4.44  
tsc1b R.EQLNVGDLLPLLETSDLR.Q [4, 21] non-bound 1.22E+03 -3.30E+03 0.9289 2.7981 9.3270 1.58 P [y9] - 522.2902++ 15.72 30.44 5.31 54.07 74.30 7.47  
  R.STAS[+80]PPC[+57]K.D [434, 441] bound 3.70E+02 -1.20E+02 0.9899 0.3614 1.2048 1.96 A [y6 -98] - 649.3218+ 15.89 4.05 4.02 18.84 8.38 8.29  
  K.SES[+80]QC[+57]DEEETPPPR.L [1137, 1150] bound 1.50E+03 -3.69E+02 0.9960 0.2807 0.9358 2.07 T [b10] - 638.1896++ 5.90 3.46 2.71 6.28 5.08 3.58  
tsc2 K.NTPTLVLPSFYK.A [147, 158] non-bound 6.23E+03 -7.45E+03 0.9702 1.2196 4.0653 1.94 P [y10] - 582.8368++ 6.42 4.31 6.41 13.89 5.65 11.14  
  R.STSLNERPK.S [769, 777] non-bound 4.26E+02 -8.93E+02 0.9619 2.1827 7.2757 1.69 N [y5] - 643.3522+ 12.41 5.80 6.61 18.24 12.61 13.80  
  R.STS[+80]LNERPK.S [769, 777] bound 5.53E+02 -2.36E+02 0.9865 0.5022 1.6740 1.82 precursor -98 - 511.2795++ 12.47 5.11 5.68 15.35 5.80 7.34  
  R.SISVSEHAVR.R [811, 820] non-bound 7.12E+02 -1.40E+03 0.9904 2.0428 6.8093 1.72 S [y8] - 884.4585+ 8.62 4.29 4.51 9.98 8.43 9.37  
  R.SIS[+80]VSEHAVR.R [811, 820] bound 2.32E+03 -9.49E+02 0.9904 0.4688 1.5627 1.85 precursor -98 - 538.7898++ 5.91 3.01 2.60 7.52 4.04 3.06  
  R.SISGGHALR.A [962, 970] non-bound 2.07E+03 -3.52E+03 0.9915 1.7168 5.7227 1.80 S [y7] - 697.3740+ 7.03 2.74 2.20 9.81 5.74 4.90  
  R.SIS[+80]GGHALR.A [962, 970] bound 3.39E+03 -1.33E+03 0.9839 0.4387 1.4624 1.88 precursor -98 - 445.2475++ 4.77 2.88 3.57 7.75 3.26 4.04  
  K.SSSSPELQTLPEAFSK.A [1240, 1255] non-bound 8.03E+02 1.55E+02 0.9856 0.0025 0.0083 4.63 P [y6] - 678.3457+ 4.70 3.29 2.99 8.78 4.49 3.58  
  K.S[+80]SSSPELQTLPEAFSK.A [1240, 1255] bound 2.75E+02 3.99E+01 0.9745 0.3514 1.1713 1.98 P [y12] - 684.3685++   9.64 3.20   12.14 4.02  
  R.GHTISVSAPSSR.R [1327, 1338] non-bound 2.15E+02 -6.33E+02 0.9867 2.9862 9.9540 1.55 T [y10] - 1004.5371+ 15.13 5.35 4.27 18.43 7.50 6.63  
  R.GHT[+80]ISVSAPSSR.R [1327, 1338] bound 1.04E+03 5.13E+01 0.9852 0.0070 0.0233 3.68 P [y4] - 456.2440+ 17.26 7.36 8.65 17.96 8.41 9.13  
  R.YAQFLTGLGK.L [1436, 1445] non-bound 4.83E+03 -2.24E+03 0.9786 0.4804 1.6013 2.35 F [y7] - 735.4400+ 3.62 2.47 2.77 5.51 3.74 3.35  
ulk1b R.LNS[+80]APC[+57]LLEAAGGC[+57]R.Q [549, 563] bound 3.78E+02 -1.82E+02 0.9846 0.5796 1.9321 1.76 precursor -98 - 790.8810++ 16.91 5.88 3.47 24.45 6.38 4.39  
  R.NPLPTILGSPSR.A [600, 611] non-bound 4.72E+03 -5.48E+03 0.9985 1.1721 3.9070 1.96 P [y9] - 927.5258+ 3.90 1.76 1.57 6.51 3.37 2.93  
  R.VVFTIGS[+80]PPSGATPPQNSR.S [715, 733] bound 6.02E+02 -9.31E+01 0.9935 0.3490 1.1632 1.98 P [y6] - 354.6868++   8.06 3.57   9.42 4.94  
          mean median median     median median median median median median  
        non-bound 0.9790 1.0838 3.6127     6.55 3.53 3.30 9.31 5.13 4.87  
        bound 0.9718 0.3559 1.1863     11.69 5.97 4.64 14.86 8.28 7.35  
                    deviation deviation deviation deviation deviation deviation  
                    5.02 4.77 1.88 14.41 12.28 3.59  
                    5.61 4.08 3.28 8.79 10.20 5.01