Copying experiment: RPLC-IM-MS of S. aureus Branched Lipids

UGA Hines Lab - Staphylococcus aureus

Job Status

Created: 2024-09-12 20:47:52
Modified: 2024-09-12 20:48:00
Description: Copying experiment: RPLC-IM-MS of S. aureus Branched Lipids
File Path: /data/labkey/files/Panorama Public/2024/UGA Hines Lab - Staphylococcus aureus/@files/Experiment_2001.log
Files: Experiment_2001.log
Completed Runs:

Log File

12 Sep 2024 20:47:52,376 INFO : Copying experiment "RPLC-IM-MS of S. aureus Branched Lipids" from folder /UGA - Hines Lab/Staphylococcus aureus to /Panorama Public/2024/UGA Hines Lab - Staphylococcus aureus
12 Sep 2024 20:47:52,377 INFO : =======================================
12 Sep 2024 20:47:52,420 INFO : Starting to run task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.ExperimentExportTask' at location 'webserver-high-priority'
12 Sep 2024 20:47:52,420 INFO :
12 Sep 2024 20:47:52,420 INFO : Exporting experiment.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,416 INFO : Exporting files metadata.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,418 INFO :
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,418 INFO : Experiment export completed successfully.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,418 INFO : Successfully completed task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.ExperimentExportTask'
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,439 INFO : Starting to run task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.ExperimentImportTask' at location 'webserver-high-priority'
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,439 INFO :
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,439 INFO : Importing experiment.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,442 INFO : Loading folder properties (folder type, settings and active modules)
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,529 INFO : Done importing folder properties (folder type, settings and active modules)
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,530 INFO : Loading container specific module properties
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,534 INFO : Done importing container specific module properties
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,535 INFO : Loading queries
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,538 INFO : 1 query imported
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,538 INFO : Done importing queries
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,539 INFO : Loading etl definitions
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,540 INFO : Loading wikis
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,541 INFO : 0 wikis imported
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,541 INFO : Done importing wikis
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,543 INFO : Starting Data Class Importer
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,543 INFO : No types XAR file to process.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,543 INFO : Finished Data Class Importer
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,543 INFO : Starting to copy files
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,544 INFO : Copied 0 files
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,544 INFO : Ensuring rows exist for imported files
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,622 INFO : Starting Sample Type Importer
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,622 INFO : No types XAR file to process.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,622 INFO : Finished Sample Type Importer
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,623 INFO : Loading xar
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,729 INFO : Starting import from
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,744 INFO : Starting to import Skyline document from
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,745 INFO : Expanding RPLC Staph PGs Neg.imsdb
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,745 INFO : Expanding 2024_07_18_N_RPLC_Skyline_NP.skyd
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,760 INFO : Expanding
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,761 INFO : Expanding
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,762 INFO : Expanding 2024_07_18_N_RPLC_Skyline_NP.skyl
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,764 INFO : Reading Skyline file,, to determine if the TransitionChromInfos in the document should be stored...
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,766 INFO : TransitionChromInfo counts or precursor counts are within the allowed limits. TransitionChromInfos will be stored
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,766 WARN : The version of this Skyline document is 24.1. This is newer than the highest supported version 23.1
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,768 INFO : 3% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,942 INFO : Inserting PG
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,946 INFO : 12% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,956 INFO : 19% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,965 INFO : 26% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,974 INFO : 36% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,983 INFO : 43% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:53,992 INFO : 53% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:54,001 INFO : 63% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:54,012 INFO : 74% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:54,022 INFO : 81% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:54,030 INFO : 90% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:54,040 INFO : 98% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:54,048 INFO : Done parsing Skyline document.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:54,143 INFO : Creating and populating temp tables for Proportion values
12 Sep 2024 20:47:54,151 INFO : Setting PrecursorModifiedAreaProportion values on precursorchrominfo
12 Sep 2024 20:47:54,154 INFO : Setting ModifiedAreaProportion values on generalmoleculechrominfo
12 Sep 2024 20:47:54,155 INFO : Cleaning up temp tables
12 Sep 2024 20:47:54,157 INFO : Completed import of Skyline document from
12 Sep 2024 20:47:54,183 INFO : 100% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:54,193 INFO : Starting import from
12 Sep 2024 20:47:54,212 INFO : Starting to import Skyline document from
12 Sep 2024 20:47:54,213 INFO : Expanding ion mobility library RPLC DGDG Positive mode.imsdb
12 Sep 2024 20:47:54,213 INFO : Expanding 2024_08_26_Skyline_RPLC_DGDG_P_KC_reshare.skyd
12 Sep 2024 20:47:54,217 INFO : Expanding
12 Sep 2024 20:47:54,218 INFO : Expanding
12 Sep 2024 20:47:54,219 INFO : Expanding 2024_08_26_Skyline_RPLC_DGDG_P_KC_reshare.skyl
12 Sep 2024 20:47:54,220 INFO : Reading Skyline file,, to determine if the TransitionChromInfos in the document should be stored...
12 Sep 2024 20:47:54,221 INFO : TransitionChromInfo counts or precursor counts are within the allowed limits. TransitionChromInfos will be stored
12 Sep 2024 20:47:54,222 WARN : The version of this Skyline document is 24.1. This is newer than the highest supported version 23.1
12 Sep 2024 20:47:54,225 INFO : 6% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:55,793 INFO : Inserting DGDG
12 Sep 2024 20:47:55,796 INFO : 13% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:55,803 INFO : 17% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:55,807 INFO : 21% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:55,811 INFO : 29% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:55,815 INFO : 33% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:55,819 INFO : 37% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:55,822 INFO : 41% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:55,826 INFO : 50% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:55,830 INFO : 54% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:55,834 INFO : 58% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:55,838 INFO : 62% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:55,842 INFO : 71% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:55,846 INFO : 74% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:55,849 INFO : 78% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:55,853 INFO : 82% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:55,857 INFO : 91% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:55,861 INFO : 95% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:55,865 INFO : 98% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:55,867 INFO : Done parsing Skyline document.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:55,898 INFO : Creating and populating temp tables for Proportion values
12 Sep 2024 20:47:55,904 INFO : Setting PrecursorModifiedAreaProportion values on precursorchrominfo
12 Sep 2024 20:47:55,906 INFO : Setting ModifiedAreaProportion values on generalmoleculechrominfo
12 Sep 2024 20:47:55,907 INFO : Cleaning up temp tables
12 Sep 2024 20:47:55,908 INFO : Completed import of Skyline document from
12 Sep 2024 20:47:55,914 INFO : 100% Done
12 Sep 2024 20:47:55,923 INFO : Done importing xar
12 Sep 2024 20:47:55,924 INFO : Loading pages and webpart properties
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,008 INFO : Done importing 4 page(s) with 7 webpart(s)
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,009 INFO : Loading File Browser config
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,009 INFO : Done importing File Browser config
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,010 INFO : Starting Sample Status Data import
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,010 INFO : No sample types XAR file to process.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,010 INFO : Finished importing Sample Status Data
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,014 INFO : Starting data import from QCAnnotationType.tsv into targetedms.QCAnnotationType
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,016 INFO : A row containing [Name: 'Reagent Change', Description: 'null', Color: '800000'] values already exists. Skipping
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,017 INFO : A row containing [Name: 'Instrumentation Change', Description: 'null', Color: 'FF0000'] values already exists. Skipping
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,017 INFO : A row containing [Name: 'Technician Change', Description: 'null', Color: '0000FF'] values already exists. Skipping
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,017 INFO : A row containing [Name: 'Instrument Downtime', Description: 'null', Color: 'CCCC00'] values already exists. Skipping
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,017 INFO : Finished importing 0 rows from QCAnnotationType.tsv into targetedms.QCAnnotationType
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,019 INFO : Creating a new TargetedMS experiment entry in panoramapublic.ExperimentAnnotations.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,028 INFO : Moving files to folder /Panorama Public/2024/UGA Hines Lab - Staphylococcus aureus and creating symlinks
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,133 INFO : Aligning data files urls in folder: /Panorama Public/2024/UGA Hines Lab - Staphylococcus aureus
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,142 INFO : Importing files metadata.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,143 INFO :
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,143 INFO : Experiment import completed successfully.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,143 INFO : Successfully completed task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.ExperimentImportTask'
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,161 INFO : Starting to run task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.CopyLibraryStateTask' at location 'webserver-high-priority'
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,161 INFO :
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,161 INFO : Checking for library folders.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,162 INFO : Copying 'Peptide Library' state from source folder '/UGA - Hines Lab/Staphylococcus aureus' into target folder '/Panorama Public/2024/UGA Hines Lab - Staphylococcus aureus' .
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,162 INFO : Setting the value of property 'chromLibRevision' to '4'.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,169 INFO : Exporting peptide library state in container '/UGA - Hines Lab/Staphylococcus aureus' to file '/data/labkey/files/Panorama Public/2024/UGA Hines Lab - Staphylococcus aureus/@files/targetedMSLib/chrom_lib_state_export_13583_2024-09-12_20-47-55.tsv'.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,170 INFO : Exporting library state of peptides in ''.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,177 INFO : Exporting library state of peptides in ''.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,180 INFO : Done exporting library state.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,183 INFO : Importing peptide library state in container '/Panorama Public/2024/UGA Hines Lab - Staphylococcus aureus' from file '/data/labkey/files/Panorama Public/2024/UGA Hines Lab - Staphylococcus aureus/@files/targetedMSLib/chrom_lib_state_export_13583_2024-09-12_20-47-55.tsv'.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,186 INFO : Importing library state of peptides in ''.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,190 INFO : Importing library state of peptides in ''.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,194 INFO : Done importing library state.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,194 INFO : Changing chromatogram library file name from 'chromlib_13583_rev1.clib' to 'chromlib_13859_rev1.clib'.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,194 INFO : Changing chromatogram library file name from 'chromlib_13583_rev2.clib' to 'chromlib_13859_rev2.clib'.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,195 INFO : Changing chromatogram library file name from 'chromlib_13583_rev3.clib' to 'chromlib_13859_rev3.clib'.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,195 INFO : Changing chromatogram library file name from 'chromlib_13583_rev4.clib' to 'chromlib_13859_rev4.clib'.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,196 INFO : Successfully completed task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.CopyLibraryStateTask'
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,215 INFO : Starting to run task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.CopyExperimentFinalTask' at location 'webserver-high-priority'
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,215 INFO :
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,215 INFO : Finishing up experiment copy.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,216 INFO : Updating TargetedMS experiment entry in target folder /Panorama Public/2024/UGA Hines Lab - Staphylococcus aureus
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,217 INFO : Setting version on new experiment to 1
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,219 INFO : Updating permanent link to point to the new copy of the data.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,292 INFO : Removing copy permissions given to Panorama Public
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,295 INFO : Adding read permissions to all users that are folder admins in the source folder.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,295 INFO : Assigning ReaderRole to
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,295 INFO : Assigning PanoramaPublicSubmitterRole to
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,299 INFO : User is already a member of group Panorama Public Submitters
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,299 INFO : Updating the 'Raw Data' tab configuration
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,300 INFO : Making folder public.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,302 INFO : Hiding the Data Pipeline tab.
12 Sep 2024 20:47:56,307 INFO : Updating Submission. Setting copiedExperimentId to 1912
12 Sep 2024 20:47:58,400 INFO : Assigning a DOI.
12 Sep 2024 20:48:00,207 INFO : Assigned DOI: 10.6069/qwsr-vw47
12 Sep 2024 20:48:00,267 INFO : Successfully completed task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.CopyExperimentFinalTask'