Paulovich - IO3 immunoMRM panel

IO3 immunoMRM panel experimental data
Data License: CC BY 4.0 | ProteomeXchange: PXD049020 | doi:
  • Organism: Homo sapiens
  • Instrument: QTRAP 5500
  • SpikeIn: Yes
  • Keywords: immunotherapy, immunomodulation, mutliplexing
  • Lab head: Jeff Whiteaker Submitter: Jeff Whiteaker
We previously developed robust, multiplexed quantitative assays for immunomodulatory proteins using targeted mass spectrometry, providing measurements that can be performed reproducibly and harmonized across laboratories. Here, we expand upon those efforts in presenting data from a multiplexed immuno-oncology (IO)-3 assay panel targeting 43 peptides representing 39 immune- and inflammation-related proteins.
Experiment Description
The dataset contains three components: (i) characterization of the IO-3 assay used in combination with previously described IO-1 and IO-2 immunomodulatory assay panels, (ii) measurement of endogenous peptides in an array of tissue samples, and (iii) measurement of endogenous peptides in an array of plasma samples.
Created on 1/30/24, 5:02 PM
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