Copying experiment: Brain Creatine Kinase as a biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease

KTH Uhlen Lab - CKB

Job Status

Created: 2024-02-22 21:30:08
Modified: 2024-02-22 21:31:33
Description: Copying experiment: Brain Creatine Kinase as a biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease
File Path: /data/labkey/files/Panorama Public/2024/KTH Uhlen Lab - CKB/@files/Experiment_1832.log
Files: Experiment_1832.log
Completed Runs:

Log File

22 Feb 2024 21:30:08,570 INFO : Copying experiment "Brain Creatine Kinase as a biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease" from folder /KTH - Uhlen Lab/CKB to /Panorama Public/2024/KTH Uhlen Lab - CKB
22 Feb 2024 21:30:08,570 INFO : =======================================
22 Feb 2024 21:30:08,615 INFO : Starting to run task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.ExperimentExportTask' at location 'webserver-high-priority'
22 Feb 2024 21:30:08,615 INFO :
22 Feb 2024 21:30:08,615 INFO : Exporting experiment.
22 Feb 2024 21:30:44,255 INFO : Exporting files metadata.
22 Feb 2024 21:30:44,318 INFO :
22 Feb 2024 21:30:44,318 INFO : Experiment export completed successfully.
22 Feb 2024 21:30:44,318 INFO : Successfully completed task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.ExperimentExportTask'
22 Feb 2024 21:30:44,348 INFO : Starting to run task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.ExperimentImportTask' at location 'webserver-high-priority'
22 Feb 2024 21:30:44,348 INFO :
22 Feb 2024 21:30:44,348 INFO : Importing experiment.
22 Feb 2024 21:30:44,383 INFO : Loading folder properties (folder type, settings and active modules)
22 Feb 2024 21:30:44,478 INFO : Done importing folder properties (folder type, settings and active modules)
22 Feb 2024 21:30:44,480 INFO : Loading container specific module properties
22 Feb 2024 21:30:44,483 INFO : Done importing container specific module properties
22 Feb 2024 21:30:44,485 INFO : Loading etl definitions
22 Feb 2024 21:30:44,487 INFO : Loading wikis
22 Feb 2024 21:30:44,497 INFO : 1 wiki imported
22 Feb 2024 21:30:44,497 INFO : Done importing wikis
22 Feb 2024 21:30:44,498 INFO : Starting Data Class Importer
22 Feb 2024 21:30:44,499 INFO : No types XAR file to process.
22 Feb 2024 21:30:44,499 INFO : Finished Data Class Importer
22 Feb 2024 21:30:44,500 INFO : Starting to copy files
22 Feb 2024 21:30:44,500 INFO : Copied 0 files
22 Feb 2024 21:30:44,500 INFO : Ensuring rows exist for imported files
22 Feb 2024 21:30:44,570 INFO : Starting Sample Type Importer
22 Feb 2024 21:30:44,570 INFO : No types XAR file to process.
22 Feb 2024 21:30:44,570 INFO : Finished Sample Type Importer
22 Feb 2024 21:30:44,571 INFO : Loading xar
22 Feb 2024 21:30:53,308 INFO : Starting import from
22 Feb 2024 21:30:53,311 INFO : Starting to import Skyline document from
22 Feb 2024 21:30:53,415 INFO : Expanding QTag_iRT.irtdb
22 Feb 2024 21:30:53,417 INFO : Expanding Alzheimer_s_set_1.blib
22 Feb 2024 21:30:53,434 INFO : Expanding Alzheimer_s_set_1.redundant.blib
22 Feb 2024 21:30:53,440 INFO : Expanding Final_quant_20180226_iRT.skyd
22 Feb 2024 21:30:57,122 INFO : Expanding
22 Feb 2024 21:30:57,123 INFO : Expanding
22 Feb 2024 21:31:01,527 INFO : Inserting QTag
22 Feb 2024 21:31:01,536 INFO : 1% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:01,637 INFO : 2% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:01,783 INFO : 3% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:01,881 INFO : 4% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:02,029 INFO : 5% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:02,070 INFO : Inserting HPRR140424_CKB
22 Feb 2024 21:31:02,176 INFO : 7% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:02,639 INFO : 8% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:02,951 INFO : 9% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:03,206 INFO : 11% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:03,654 INFO : 12% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:03,988 INFO : 14% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:04,482 INFO : 15% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:04,916 INFO : 17% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:05,294 INFO : 18% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:05,565 INFO : Inserting HPRR2540103_NEFM
22 Feb 2024 21:31:05,606 INFO : 19% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:05,921 INFO : 21% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:06,387 INFO : 22% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:06,663 INFO : 23% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:06,920 INFO : 25% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:07,755 INFO : 27% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:08,023 INFO : Inserting HPRR2760215_IL6
22 Feb 2024 21:31:08,287 INFO : 29% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:08,587 INFO : Inserting HPRR4200138_IL1B
22 Feb 2024 21:31:08,800 INFO : 31% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:09,056 INFO : Inserting HPRR330007_IL6
22 Feb 2024 21:31:09,138 INFO : 32% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:09,544 INFO : 33% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:09,860 INFO : 35% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:10,183 INFO : 36% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:10,363 INFO : Inserting HPRR2010089_GAP43
22 Feb 2024 21:31:10,447 INFO : 37% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:10,775 INFO : 38% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:10,930 INFO : Inserting HPRR2550723_CRP
22 Feb 2024 21:31:10,969 INFO : 39% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:11,256 INFO : 40% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:11,532 INFO : Inserting HPRR3420701_MAPT
22 Feb 2024 21:31:11,629 INFO : 42% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:12,045 INFO : Inserting HPRR1420166_CCT3
22 Feb 2024 21:31:12,084 INFO : 43% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:12,303 INFO : Inserting HPRR2280289_CCT8
22 Feb 2024 21:31:12,389 INFO : 45% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:12,996 INFO : 46% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:13,449 INFO : 47% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:13,877 INFO : 49% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:14,478 INFO : Inserting HPRR1350060_GLUL
22 Feb 2024 21:31:14,507 INFO : 50% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:14,876 INFO : 51% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:15,359 INFO : 53% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:15,810 INFO : 55% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:16,179 INFO : Inserting HPRR3360085_CKMT1B;CKMT1A
22 Feb 2024 21:31:16,212 INFO : 56% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:16,575 INFO : Inserting HPRR330080_PTGS1
22 Feb 2024 21:31:16,601 INFO : 57% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:16,776 INFO : Inserting HPRR2890217_BACE2
22 Feb 2024 21:31:16,793 INFO : 58% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:16,918 INFO : Inserting HPRR3310208_PRNP
22 Feb 2024 21:31:16,967 INFO : 59% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:17,193 INFO : Inserting HPRR3450239_TNF
22 Feb 2024 21:31:17,258 INFO : 60% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:17,620 INFO : 62% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:17,984 INFO : Inserting HPRR2470385_C9orf72
22 Feb 2024 21:31:18,016 INFO : 63% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:18,214 INFO : Inserting HPRR4200068_APOE
22 Feb 2024 21:31:18,267 INFO : 64% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:18,517 INFO : Inserting HPRR260124_APOA4
22 Feb 2024 21:31:18,576 INFO : 65% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:18,958 INFO : 67% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:19,485 INFO : Inserting HPRR3140087_ITIH1
22 Feb 2024 21:31:19,587 INFO : 69% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:19,939 INFO : Inserting HPRR350016_LRG1
22 Feb 2024 21:31:20,043 INFO : 71% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:20,403 INFO : Inserting HPRR670227_PSAP
22 Feb 2024 21:31:20,438 INFO : 72% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:20,857 INFO : Inserting HPRR320021_SERPINA1
22 Feb 2024 21:31:20,885 INFO : 73% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:21,091 INFO : 74% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:21,629 INFO : 76% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:21,863 INFO : Inserting HPRR2190015_S100B
22 Feb 2024 21:31:21,970 INFO : 77% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:22,367 INFO : Inserting HPRR620031_HSP90B1
22 Feb 2024 21:31:22,389 INFO : 78% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:22,558 INFO : Inserting HPRR3760417_SPARCL1
22 Feb 2024 21:31:22,591 INFO : 79% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:22,872 INFO : 81% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:23,251 INFO : Inserting histones
22 Feb 2024 21:31:23,278 INFO : 82% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:23,490 INFO : 83% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:23,889 INFO : Inserting HPRR350015_CD14
22 Feb 2024 21:31:23,939 INFO : 85% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:24,250 INFO : 86% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:24,563 INFO : 87% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:24,854 INFO : 88% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:25,238 INFO : Inserting HPRR4160309_DKK3
22 Feb 2024 21:31:25,308 INFO : 90% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:25,537 INFO : Inserting HPRR3761107_KLK6
22 Feb 2024 21:31:25,578 INFO : 91% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:25,837 INFO : 92% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:26,058 INFO : Inserting HPRR3090317_NBEA
22 Feb 2024 21:31:26,107 INFO : 93% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:26,469 INFO : Inserting HPRR560011_PIK3IP1
22 Feb 2024 21:31:26,611 INFO : 95% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,156 INFO : 97% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,575 INFO : Inserting HPRR3420731_CCK
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,622 INFO : 98% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,869 INFO : Done parsing Skyline document.
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,869 INFO : Calculating iRT correlations for 78 sample(s)
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,873 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,875 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,876 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,877 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,879 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,880 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,884 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,887 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,888 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,890 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,893 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,894 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,895 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,900 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,903 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,904 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,906 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,908 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,910 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,912 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,913 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,915 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,921 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,922 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,924 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,926 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,928 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,930 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,933 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,936 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,938 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,939 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,942 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,943 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,945 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,946 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,950 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,953 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,956 INFO : Calculated iRT regression line by ignoring import value for standard: SIELAEAKVLANR
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,958 INFO : Finished calculating iRT correlations for all samples. 39 had a regression line calculated.
22 Feb 2024 21:31:27,960 INFO : Creating and populating temp tables for Proportion values
22 Feb 2024 21:31:28,101 INFO : Setting PrecursorModifiedAreaProportion values on precursorchrominfo
22 Feb 2024 21:31:28,557 INFO : Setting ModifiedAreaProportion values on generalmoleculechrominfo
22 Feb 2024 21:31:28,769 INFO : Cleaning up temp tables
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,332 INFO : Completed import of Skyline document from
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,335 INFO : 100% Done
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,346 INFO : Done importing xar
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,348 INFO : Loading pages and webpart properties
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,416 INFO : Done importing 3 page(s) with 5 webpart(s)
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,416 INFO : Loading File Browser config
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,416 INFO : Done importing File Browser config
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,417 INFO : Starting Sample Status Data import
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,418 INFO : No sample types XAR file to process.
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,418 INFO : Finished importing Sample Status Data
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,423 INFO : Starting data import from QCAnnotationType.tsv into targetedms.QCAnnotationType
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,426 INFO : A row containing [Name: 'Reagent Change', Description: 'null', Color: '800000'] values already exists. Skipping
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,426 INFO : A row containing [Name: 'Instrumentation Change', Description: 'null', Color: 'FF0000'] values already exists. Skipping
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,427 INFO : A row containing [Name: 'Technician Change', Description: 'null', Color: '0000FF'] values already exists. Skipping
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,427 INFO : A row containing [Name: 'Instrument Downtime', Description: 'null', Color: 'CCCC00'] values already exists. Skipping
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,428 INFO : Finished importing 0 rows from QCAnnotationType.tsv into targetedms.QCAnnotationType
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,430 INFO : Creating a new TargetedMS experiment entry in panoramapublic.ExperimentAnnotations.
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,437 INFO : Moving files to folder /Panorama Public/2024/KTH Uhlen Lab - CKB and creating symlinks
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,660 INFO : Aligning data files urls in folder: /Panorama Public/2024/KTH Uhlen Lab - CKB
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,669 INFO : Importing files metadata.
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,670 INFO :
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,670 INFO : Experiment import completed successfully.
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,671 INFO : Successfully completed task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.ExperimentImportTask'
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,696 INFO : Starting to run task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.CopyLibraryStateTask' at location 'webserver-high-priority'
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,696 INFO :
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,696 INFO : Checking for library folders.
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,698 INFO : Successfully completed task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.CopyLibraryStateTask'
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,720 INFO : Starting to run task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.CopyExperimentFinalTask' at location 'webserver-high-priority'
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,720 INFO :
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,720 INFO : Finishing up experiment copy.
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,721 INFO : Updating TargetedMS experiment entry in target folder /Panorama Public/2024/KTH Uhlen Lab - CKB
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,722 INFO : Setting version on new experiment to 1
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,725 INFO : Updating permanent link to point to the new copy of the data.
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,757 INFO : Removing copy permissions given to Panorama Public
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,762 INFO : Adding read permissions to all users that are folder admins in the source folder.
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,763 INFO : Assigning ReaderRole to
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,763 INFO : Assigning ReaderRole to
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,763 INFO : Assigning ReaderRole to
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,763 INFO : Assigning ReaderRole to
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,763 INFO : Assigning PanoramaPublicSubmitterRole to
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,763 INFO : Assigning PanoramaPublicSubmitterRole to
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,772 INFO : User is already a member of group Panorama Public Submitters
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,772 INFO : User is already a member of group Panorama Public Submitters
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,772 INFO : Updating the 'Raw Data' tab configuration
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,775 INFO : Creating a reviewer account.
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,856 INFO : Created reviewer with email:
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,856 INFO : Generating password.
22 Feb 2024 21:31:29,997 INFO : Set reviewer password successfully.
22 Feb 2024 21:31:30,004 INFO : Adding user to group Reviewers
22 Feb 2024 21:31:30,006 INFO : Hiding the Data Pipeline tab.
22 Feb 2024 21:31:30,010 INFO : Updating Submission. Setting copiedExperimentId to 1779
22 Feb 2024 21:31:31,631 INFO : Assigning a ProteomeXchange ID.
22 Feb 2024 21:31:32,128 INFO : Assigned ProteomeXchange ID: PXD050060
22 Feb 2024 21:31:32,128 INFO : Assigning a DOI.
22 Feb 2024 21:31:33,068 INFO : Assigned DOI: 10.6069/atr3-je88
22 Feb 2024 21:31:33,216 INFO : Successfully completed task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.CopyExperimentFinalTask'