Table of Contents

Sample Descriptions
Data Analysis Workflow

Sample Descriptions

Replicate Sample ID Group Acquisition Order Collision Energy Profile
timsTOF_20230623_BSA-DSBU_S-Trap_pool_01_RD6_1_4677 S-Trap Pool (quant) 1 S-Trap Pool (quant) 4677 Low
timsTOF_20230623_BSA-DSBU_S-Trap_pool_02_RD6_1_4678 S-Trap Pool (quant) 2 S-Trap Pool (quant) 4678 Low
timsTOF_20230623_BSA-DSBU_S-Trap_pool_03_RD6_1_4679 S-Trap Pool (quant) 3 S-Trap Pool (quant) 4679 Low
timsTOF_20230623_BSA-DSBU_S-Trap_pool_04_RD6_1_4680 S-Trap Pool (quant) 4 S-Trap Pool (quant) 4680 Low
timsTOF_20230625_BSA-DSBU_S-Trap_pool_High_CE_01_RE1_1_4682 S-Trap Pool (conditionaning) 1 S-Trap Pool (conditionaning) 4682 High
timsTOF_20230625_BSA-DSBU_S-Trap_pool_Mid_CE_01_RE1_1_4683 S-Trap Pool (conditionaning) 2 S-Trap Pool (conditionaning) 4683 Mid
timsTOF_20230625_BSA-DSBU_S-Trap_pool_Low_CE_01_RE1_1_4684 S-Trap Pool (conditionaning) 3 S-Trap Pool (conditionaning) 4684 Low
timsTOF_20230625_BSA-DSBU_S-Trap_Rep_01_RE2_1_4686 S-Trap Rep 1 S-Trap Reps 4686 High
timsTOF_20230625_BSA-DSBU_S-Trap_Rep_02_RE3_1_4687 S-Trap Rep 2 S-Trap Reps 4687 High
timsTOF_20230625_BSA-DSBU_S-Trap_Rep_03_RE4_1_4688 S-Trap Rep 3 S-Trap Reps 4688 High
timsTOF_20230703_BSA-DSBU_S-Trap_NegCtrl_Rep_01_RD5_1_4722 S-Trap NegCtrl Rep 1 S-Trap NegCtrl Reps 4722 High
timsTOF_20230703_BSA-DSBU_S-Trap_NegCtrl_Rep_02_RD6_1_4723 S-Trap NegCtrl Rep 2 S-Trap NegCtrl Reps 4723 High
timsTOF_20230703_BSA-DSBU_S-Trap_NegCtrl_Rep_02_RD6_1_4723 S-Trap NegCtrl Rep 3 S-Trap NegCtrl Reps 4724 High
timsTOF_20230803_BSA-DSBU_SS_S-Trap_July2023Batch_DIA_HighCE_01_RD1_1_4837 S-Trap DIA Rep 1 S-Trap DIA 4837 High

 Short description of the MS files deposited in this Panorama repository.

Data Analysis Workflow

Data Analysis Workflow

1) Raw Bruker DDA-PASEF files are processed with DataAnalysis to obtain summed and filtered fragment ion spectra written in peak lists with a Mascot generic format. 2) The peak lists are then used for identification of cross-linked peptides with MeroX 2.0. 3) The native MeroX results are converted into a standard protein cross-linking (ProXL) XML database scheme. 4) The peak list files and the ProXL XML files are used to create a data dependent acquisition (DDA) spectral library. This spectral library is used to guide Skyline for the creation of extracted ion chromatograms (EICs) of the proposed cross-linked peptides. 5) The Skyline document is refined accounting for other analyte-specific properties (e.g.., isotopic pattern, peak shape, isotope co-elution, consistent chromatographic retention, etc.) accessible with Skyline. At this point data analysis can be stopped and report results or, alternatively, the refined documents can then be used to optimize DDA-PASEF experiments, design and export PRM-PASEF experiments, or serve as a template for analysis of DIA-PASEF data using DDA spectral libraries.