Copying experiment: Dysregulations in the levels of lactate dehydrogenase and pyruvate kinase upon IL-17A and echinomycin treatments in human primary keratinocytes

IIT Bombay Proteomics - IL-17A Keratinocyte

Job Status

Created: 2023-03-12 17:12:50
Modified: 2023-03-12 17:14:52
Description: Copying experiment: Dysregulations in the levels of lactate dehydrogenase and pyruvate kinase upon IL-17A and echinomycin treatments in human primary keratinocytes
File Path: /data/labkey/files/Panorama Public/2023/IIT Bombay Proteomics - IL-17A Keratinocyte/@files/Experiment_1670.log
Files: Experiment_1670.log
Completed Runs:

Log File

12 Mar 2023 17:12:50,794 INFO : Copying experiment "Dysregulations in the levels of lactate dehydrogenase and pyruvate kinase upon IL-17A and echinomycin treatments in human primary keratinocytes" from folder /IIT Bombay - Proteomics/Lab users/Medha Gayathri J Pai/IL-17A Keratinocyte to /Panorama Public/2023/IIT Bombay Proteomics - IL-17A Keratinocyte
12 Mar 2023 17:12:50,794 INFO : =======================================
12 Mar 2023 17:12:50,831 INFO : Starting to run task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.ExperimentExportTask' at location 'webserver-high-priority'
12 Mar 2023 17:12:50,831 INFO :
12 Mar 2023 17:12:50,831 INFO : Exporting experiment.
12 Mar 2023 17:13:50,590 INFO : Exporting files metadata.
12 Mar 2023 17:13:50,599 INFO :
12 Mar 2023 17:13:50,599 INFO : Experiment export completed successfully.
12 Mar 2023 17:13:50,599 INFO : Successfully completed task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.ExperimentExportTask'
12 Mar 2023 17:13:50,623 INFO : Starting to run task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.ExperimentImportTask' at location 'webserver-high-priority'
12 Mar 2023 17:13:50,624 INFO :
12 Mar 2023 17:13:50,624 INFO : Importing experiment.
12 Mar 2023 17:13:50,626 INFO : Loading folder properties (folder type, settings and active modules)
12 Mar 2023 17:13:50,694 INFO : Done importing folder properties (folder type, settings and active modules)
12 Mar 2023 17:13:50,695 INFO : Loading container specific module properties
12 Mar 2023 17:13:50,703 INFO : Done importing container specific module properties
12 Mar 2023 17:13:50,705 INFO : Loading etl definitions
12 Mar 2023 17:13:50,706 INFO : Loading wikis
12 Mar 2023 17:13:50,707 INFO : 0 wikis imported
12 Mar 2023 17:13:50,707 INFO : Done importing wikis
12 Mar 2023 17:13:50,707 INFO : Starting to copy files
12 Mar 2023 17:14:46,630 INFO : Copied 21 files
12 Mar 2023 17:14:46,630 INFO : Ensuring rows exist for imported files
12 Mar 2023 17:14:46,716 INFO : Starting Sample Type and Data Class import
12 Mar 2023 17:14:46,716 INFO : No types XAR file to process.
12 Mar 2023 17:14:46,716 INFO : Finished importing Sample Types and Data Classes
12 Mar 2023 17:14:46,718 INFO : Loading xar
12 Mar 2023 17:14:46,990 INFO : Starting import from
12 Mar 2023 17:14:46,993 INFO : Starting to import Skyline document from
12 Mar 2023 17:14:46,994 INFO : Expanding IL17_LFQ.blib
12 Mar 2023 17:14:47,495 INFO : Expanding IL17A_keratinocyte_MRM_final.skyd
12 Mar 2023 17:14:47,519 INFO : Expanding
12 Mar 2023 17:14:47,519 INFO : Expanding
12 Mar 2023 17:14:47,521 INFO : Expanding IL17A_keratinocyte_MRM_final.skyl
12 Mar 2023 17:14:47,524 WARN : The version of this Skyline document is 22.2. This is newer than the highest supported version 22.13
12 Mar 2023 17:14:47,528 INFO : 2% Done
12 Mar 2023 17:14:47,668 INFO : Inserting sp|P00338|LDHA_HUMAN
12 Mar 2023 17:14:47,675 INFO : 9% Done
12 Mar 2023 17:14:47,695 INFO : 14% Done
12 Mar 2023 17:14:47,708 INFO : 20% Done
12 Mar 2023 17:14:47,721 INFO : 25% Done
12 Mar 2023 17:14:47,734 INFO : 32% Done
12 Mar 2023 17:14:47,750 INFO : 39% Done
12 Mar 2023 17:14:47,764 INFO : 40% Done
12 Mar 2023 17:14:47,764 INFO : Inserting sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN
12 Mar 2023 17:14:47,771 INFO : 48% Done
12 Mar 2023 17:14:47,788 INFO : 54% Done
12 Mar 2023 17:14:47,803 INFO : 65% Done
12 Mar 2023 17:14:47,823 INFO : 71% Done
12 Mar 2023 17:14:47,837 INFO : 75% Done
12 Mar 2023 17:14:47,850 INFO : 83% Done
12 Mar 2023 17:14:47,867 INFO : 92% Done
12 Mar 2023 17:14:47,885 INFO : 98% Done
12 Mar 2023 17:14:47,898 INFO : Done parsing Skyline document.
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,001 INFO : Creating and populating temp tables for Proportion values
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,057 INFO : Setting PrecursorModifiedAreaProportion values on precursorchrominfo
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,063 INFO : Setting ModifiedAreaProportion values on generalmoleculechrominfo
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,067 INFO : Cleaning up temp tables
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,436 INFO : Completed import of Skyline document from
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,438 INFO : 100% Done
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,447 INFO : Done importing xar
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,448 INFO : Loading pages and webpart properties
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,536 INFO : Done importing 4 page(s) with 7 webpart(s)
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,536 INFO : Loading File Browser config
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,536 INFO : Done importing File Browser config
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,537 INFO : Starting Sample Status Data import
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,537 INFO : No sample types XAR file to process.
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,537 INFO : Finished importing Sample Status Data
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,541 INFO : Starting data import from QCAnnotationType.tsv into targetedms.QCAnnotationType
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,542 INFO : A row containing [Description: 'null', Color: '800000', Name: 'Reagent Change'] values already exists. Skipping
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,543 INFO : A row containing [Description: 'null', Color: 'FF0000', Name: 'Instrumentation Change'] values already exists. Skipping
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,543 INFO : A row containing [Description: 'null', Color: '0000FF', Name: 'Technician Change'] values already exists. Skipping
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,543 INFO : Finished importing 0 rows from QCAnnotationType.tsv into targetedms.QCAnnotationType
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,543 INFO : Importing files metadata.
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,544 INFO :
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,544 INFO : Experiment import completed successfully.
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,544 INFO : Successfully completed task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.ExperimentImportTask'
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,564 INFO : Starting to run task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.CopyLibraryStateTask' at location 'webserver-high-priority'
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,564 INFO :
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,564 INFO : Checking for library folders.
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,566 INFO : Successfully completed task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.CopyLibraryStateTask'
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,583 INFO : Starting to run task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.CopyExperimentFinalTask' at location 'webserver-high-priority'
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,583 INFO :
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,583 INFO : Finishing up experiment copy.
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,590 INFO : Creating a new TargetedMS experiment entry in panoramapublic.ExperimentAnnotations.
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,590 INFO : Setting version on new experiment to 2
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,590 INFO : Copying ProteomeXchange ID from the previous copy of the data.
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,590 INFO : Copying DOI from the previous copy of the data.
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,592 INFO : Updating access URL to point to the new copy of the data.
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,596 INFO : Removing copy permissions given to Panorama Public
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,608 INFO : Adding read permissions to all users that are folder admins in the source folder.
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,609 INFO : Adding read permissions to all users that had read access to previous copy.
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,618 INFO : Updating the 'Raw Data' tab configuration
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,620 INFO : Updating dataFileUrls for run; targetedms run ID 155141
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,620 INFO : Updating dataFileUrl...
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,620 INFO : from: file:///data/apache-tomcat/instance/panoramaweb/temp/Pipeline_temp/IIT%20Bombay%20Proteomics%20-%20IL-17A%20Keratinocyte_f2b05238-a360-103b-8de3-fea6ddf5390e/_temp__2023-03-12_17-12-50/export/xar/experiments_and_runs.xar.exploded/Run152710/
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,620 INFO : to: file:///data/labkey/files/Panorama%20Public/2023/IIT%20Bombay%20Proteomics%20-%20IL-17A%20Keratinocyte/@files/
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,622 INFO : Updating dataFileUrl...
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,622 INFO : from: file:///data/apache-tomcat/instance/panoramaweb/temp/Pipeline_temp/IIT%20Bombay%20Proteomics%20-%20IL-17A%20Keratinocyte_f2b05238-a360-103b-8de3-fea6ddf5390e/_temp__2023-03-12_17-12-50/export/xar/experiments_and_runs.xar.exploded/Run152710/IL17A_keratinocyte_MRM_final_2023-03-07_10-13-53/IL17A_keratinocyte_MRM_final.skyd
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,622 INFO : to: file:///data/labkey/files/Panorama%20Public/2023/IIT%20Bombay%20Proteomics%20-%20IL-17A%20Keratinocyte/@files/IL17A_keratinocyte_MRM_final_2023-03-07_10-13-53/IL17A_keratinocyte_MRM_final.skyd
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,627 INFO : Hiding the Data Pipeline tab.
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,632 INFO : Updating Submission. Setting copiedExperimentId to 1595
12 Mar 2023 17:14:48,633 INFO : Deleting old folder /Panorama Public/2023/IIT Bombay Proteomics - IL-17A Keratinocyte V.1
12 Mar 2023 17:14:51,120 INFO : Successfully completed task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.CopyExperimentFinalTask'