Copying experiment: Sortase A-cleavable CD1d identifies sphingomyelins as major class of CD1d-associated lipids

MPI-CBG Shevchenko Lab - CD1d

Job Status

Created: 2022-06-13 09:48:29
Modified: 2022-06-13 09:50:17
Description: Copying experiment: Sortase A-cleavable CD1d identifies sphingomyelins as major class of CD1d-associated lipids
File Path: /data/apache-tomcat/instance/panoramaweb/temp/Pipeline_temp/MPI-CBG Shevchenko Lab - CD1d_8e2a9954-cd65-103a-b0c0-fea6ddf5cd3a/_temp__2022-06-13_09-48-29/Experiment_1536.log
Files: Experiment_1536.log
Completed Runs:

Log File

13 Jun 2022 09:48:29,616 INFO : Copying experiment "Sortase A-cleavable CD1d identifies sphingomyelins as major class of CD1d-associated lipids" from folder /MPI-CBG - Shevchenko Lab/CD1d to /Panorama Public/2022/MPI-CBG Shevchenko Lab - CD1d
13 Jun 2022 09:48:29,616 INFO : =======================================
13 Jun 2022 09:48:29,781 INFO : Starting to run task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.ExperimentExportTask' at location 'webserver-high-priority'
13 Jun 2022 09:48:29,781 INFO :
13 Jun 2022 09:48:29,781 INFO : Exporting experiment.
13 Jun 2022 09:49:21,660 INFO : Exporting files metadata.
13 Jun 2022 09:49:21,669 INFO :
13 Jun 2022 09:49:21,669 INFO : Experiment export completed successfully.
13 Jun 2022 09:49:21,669 INFO : Successfully completed task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.ExperimentExportTask'
13 Jun 2022 09:49:21,822 INFO : Starting to run task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.ExperimentImportTask' at location 'webserver-high-priority'
13 Jun 2022 09:49:21,822 INFO :
13 Jun 2022 09:49:21,822 INFO : Importing experiment.
13 Jun 2022 09:49:21,867 INFO : Loading folder properties (folder type, settings and active modules)
13 Jun 2022 09:49:21,932 INFO : Done importing folder properties (folder type, settings and active modules)
13 Jun 2022 09:49:21,974 INFO : Loading container specific module properties
13 Jun 2022 09:49:21,985 INFO : Done importing container specific module properties
13 Jun 2022 09:49:22,028 INFO : Loading etl definitions
13 Jun 2022 09:49:22,070 INFO : Loading wikis
13 Jun 2022 09:49:22,072 INFO : 0 wikis imported
13 Jun 2022 09:49:22,072 INFO : Done importing wikis
13 Jun 2022 09:49:22,072 INFO : Starting to copy files
13 Jun 2022 09:50:12,710 INFO : Copied 11 files
13 Jun 2022 09:50:12,710 INFO : Ensuring rows exist for imported files
13 Jun 2022 09:50:12,821 INFO : Starting Sample Type and Data Class import
13 Jun 2022 09:50:12,821 INFO : No types XAR file to process.
13 Jun 2022 09:50:12,821 INFO : Finished importing Sample Types and Data Classes
13 Jun 2022 09:50:12,865 INFO : Loading xar
13 Jun 2022 09:50:12,961 INFO : Starting import from
13 Jun 2022 09:50:12,963 INFO : Starting to import Skyline document from
13 Jun 2022 09:50:12,964 INFO : Expanding 20220609_cd1d.skyd
13 Jun 2022 09:50:12,973 INFO : Expanding
13 Jun 2022 09:50:12,973 INFO : Expanding
13 Jun 2022 09:50:12,974 INFO : Expanding 20220609_cd1d.skyl
13 Jun 2022 09:50:13,004 WARN : The version of this Skyline document is 21.2. This is newer than the highest supported version 20.22
13 Jun 2022 09:50:13,051 INFO : 6% Done
13 Jun 2022 09:50:13,194 INFO : Inserting CD1D
13 Jun 2022 09:50:13,268 INFO : 64% Done
13 Jun 2022 09:50:13,407 INFO : 98% Done
13 Jun 2022 09:50:13,577 INFO : Done parsing Skyline document.
13 Jun 2022 09:50:14,640 INFO : Creating and populating temp tables for Proportion values
13 Jun 2022 09:50:14,668 INFO : Setting PrecursorModifiedAreaProportion values on precursorchrominfo
13 Jun 2022 09:50:14,669 INFO : Setting ModifiedAreaProportion values on generalmoleculechrominfo
13 Jun 2022 09:50:14,670 INFO : Cleaning up temp tables
13 Jun 2022 09:50:14,995 INFO : Completed import of Skyline document from
13 Jun 2022 09:50:15,037 INFO : 100% Done
13 Jun 2022 09:50:15,050 INFO : Done importing xar
13 Jun 2022 09:50:15,092 INFO : Loading pages and webpart properties
13 Jun 2022 09:50:15,170 INFO : Done importing 4 page(s) with 7 webpart(s)
13 Jun 2022 09:50:15,212 INFO : Starting Sample Status Data import
13 Jun 2022 09:50:15,212 INFO : No sample types XAR file to process.
13 Jun 2022 09:50:15,212 INFO : Finished importing Sample Status Data
13 Jun 2022 09:50:15,258 INFO : Starting data import from QCAnnotationType.tsv into targetedms.QCAnnotationType
13 Jun 2022 09:50:15,263 INFO : A row containing [Description: 'null', Color: '800000', Name: 'Reagent Change'] values already exists. Skipping
13 Jun 2022 09:50:15,264 INFO : A row containing [Description: 'null', Color: 'FF0000', Name: 'Instrumentation Change'] values already exists. Skipping
13 Jun 2022 09:50:15,264 INFO : A row containing [Description: 'null', Color: '0000FF', Name: 'Technician Change'] values already exists. Skipping
13 Jun 2022 09:50:15,265 INFO : Finished importing 0 rows from QCAnnotationType.tsv into targetedms.QCAnnotationType
13 Jun 2022 09:50:15,265 INFO : Starting QC Plot settings import
13 Jun 2022 09:50:15,266 INFO : Finished importing 0 QC Plot settings from as properties.
13 Jun 2022 09:50:15,268 INFO : Importing files metadata.
13 Jun 2022 09:50:15,269 INFO :
13 Jun 2022 09:50:15,269 INFO : Experiment import completed successfully.
13 Jun 2022 09:50:15,269 INFO : Successfully completed task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.ExperimentImportTask'
13 Jun 2022 09:50:15,415 INFO : Starting to run task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.CopyLibraryStateTask' at location 'webserver-high-priority'
13 Jun 2022 09:50:15,415 INFO :
13 Jun 2022 09:50:15,415 INFO : Checking for library folders.
13 Jun 2022 09:50:15,417 INFO : Successfully completed task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.CopyLibraryStateTask'
13 Jun 2022 09:50:15,559 INFO : Starting to run task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.CopyExperimentFinalTask' at location 'webserver-high-priority'
13 Jun 2022 09:50:15,560 INFO :
13 Jun 2022 09:50:15,560 INFO : Finishing up experiment copy.
13 Jun 2022 09:50:15,562 INFO : Creating a new TargetedMS experiment entry in panoramapublic.ExperimentAnnotations.
13 Jun 2022 09:50:15,562 INFO : Setting version on new experiment to 1
13 Jun 2022 09:50:15,562 INFO : Assigning a ProteomeXchange ID.
13 Jun 2022 09:50:16,450 INFO : Assigning a DOI.
13 Jun 2022 09:50:17,397 INFO : Assigned DOI: 10.6069/e53r-0052
13 Jun 2022 09:50:17,400 INFO : Updating access URL to point to the new copy of the data.
13 Jun 2022 09:50:17,404 INFO : Removing copy permissions given to Panorama Public
13 Jun 2022 09:50:17,419 INFO : Adding read permissions to all users that are folder admins in the source folder.
13 Jun 2022 09:50:17,425 INFO : Updating the 'Raw Data' tab configuration
13 Jun 2022 09:50:17,428 INFO : Updating dataFileUrls for run; targetedms run ID 139545
13 Jun 2022 09:50:17,428 INFO : Updating dataFileUrl...
13 Jun 2022 09:50:17,428 INFO : from: file:///data/apache-tomcat/instance/panoramaweb/temp/Pipeline_temp/MPI-CBG%20Shevchenko%20Lab%20-%20CD1d_8e2a9954-cd65-103a-b0c0-fea6ddf5cd3a/_temp__2022-06-13_09-48-29/export/xar/experiments_and_runs.xar.exploded/Run137268/
13 Jun 2022 09:50:17,429 INFO : to: file:///data/labkey/files/Panorama%20Public/2022/MPI-CBG%20Shevchenko%20Lab%20-%20CD1d/@files/
13 Jun 2022 09:50:17,430 INFO : Updating dataFileUrl...
13 Jun 2022 09:50:17,430 INFO : from: file:///data/apache-tomcat/instance/panoramaweb/temp/Pipeline_temp/MPI-CBG%20Shevchenko%20Lab%20-%20CD1d_8e2a9954-cd65-103a-b0c0-fea6ddf5cd3a/_temp__2022-06-13_09-48-29/export/xar/experiments_and_runs.xar.exploded/Run137268/20220609_cd1d_2022-06-13_14-26-16/20220609_cd1d.skyd
13 Jun 2022 09:50:17,430 INFO : to: file:///data/labkey/files/Panorama%20Public/2022/MPI-CBG%20Shevchenko%20Lab%20-%20CD1d/@files/20220609_cd1d_2022-06-13_14-26-16/20220609_cd1d.skyd
13 Jun 2022 09:50:17,435 INFO : Making folder public.
13 Jun 2022 09:50:17,440 INFO : Hiding the Data Pipeline tab.
13 Jun 2022 09:50:17,444 INFO : Updating Submission. Setting copiedExperimentId to 1458
13 Jun 2022 09:50:17,500 INFO : Emailing submitter.
13 Jun 2022 09:50:17,571 INFO : Successfully completed task 'org.labkey.panoramapublic.pipeline.CopyExperimentFinalTask'