Skyline document import -

NCSU Baker Lab - Lipid Libraries

Job Status

Created: 2021-02-27 10:58:23
Modified: 2021-09-29 08:31:59
Description: Skyline document import -
File Path: /data/labkey/files/Panorama Public/2021/NCSU Baker Lab - Lipid Libraries/@files/1_Plasma_Lipid_Library_Negative_iRT_Calibration.sky_2021-02-27_10-58-22.log
Files: 1_Plasma_Lipid_Library_Negative_iRT_Calibration.sky_2021-02-27_10-58-22.log
Completed Runs:

Log File

27 Feb 2021 10:58:23,602 INFO : Starting to run task 'org.labkey.targetedms.pipeline.TargetedMSImportTask' at location 'webserver-high-priority'
27 Feb 2021 10:58:23,623 INFO : Starting to import Skyline document from
27 Feb 2021 10:58:23,631 INFO : Expanding Negative_Plasma_Lipid_iRT.irtdb
27 Feb 2021 10:58:23,668 INFO : Expanding Plasma_Lipids_Negative.blib
27 Feb 2021 10:58:23,695 INFO : Expanding
27 Feb 2021 10:58:23,723 INFO : Expanding
27 Feb 2021 10:58:23,767 INFO : Expanding 1_Plasma_Lipid_Library_Negative_iRT_Calibration.skyl
27 Feb 2021 10:58:23,837 WARN : The version of this Skyline document is 20.22. This is newer than the highest supported version 20.2
27 Feb 2021 10:58:23,848 INFO : 5% Done
27 Feb 2021 10:58:23,860 WARN : Unable to find file /data/labkey/files/Panorama Public/2021/NCSU Baker Lab - Lipid Libraries/@files/1_Plasma_Lipid_Library_Negative_iRT_Calibration/1_Plasma_Lipid_Library_Negative_iRT_Calibration.skyd, unable to import chromatograms
27 Feb 2021 10:58:24,154 INFO : Inserting Negative Plasma Lipid iRT Calibrants
27 Feb 2021 10:58:24,182 INFO : 10% Done
27 Feb 2021 10:58:24,206 INFO : 16% Done
27 Feb 2021 10:58:24,231 INFO : 19% Done
27 Feb 2021 10:58:24,257 INFO : 25% Done
27 Feb 2021 10:58:24,283 INFO : 28% Done
27 Feb 2021 10:58:24,307 INFO : 31% Done
27 Feb 2021 10:58:24,331 INFO : 37% Done
27 Feb 2021 10:58:24,355 INFO : 44% Done
27 Feb 2021 10:58:24,384 INFO : 47% Done
27 Feb 2021 10:58:24,409 INFO : 50% Done
27 Feb 2021 10:58:24,432 INFO : 56% Done
27 Feb 2021 10:58:24,455 INFO : 60% Done
27 Feb 2021 10:58:24,479 INFO : 63% Done
27 Feb 2021 10:58:24,500 INFO : 66% Done
27 Feb 2021 10:58:24,521 INFO : 78% Done
27 Feb 2021 10:58:24,569 INFO : 90% Done
27 Feb 2021 10:58:24,626 INFO : 98% Done
27 Feb 2021 10:58:24,673 INFO : Done parsing Skyline document.
27 Feb 2021 10:58:24,701 INFO : Creating and populating temp tables for Proportion values
27 Feb 2021 10:58:24,718 INFO : Setting PrecursorModifiedAreaProportion values on precursorchrominfo
27 Feb 2021 10:58:24,721 INFO : Setting ModifiedAreaProportion values on generalmoleculechrominfo
27 Feb 2021 10:58:24,724 INFO : Cleaning up temp tables
27 Feb 2021 10:58:24,728 INFO : Completed import of Skyline document from
27 Feb 2021 10:58:24,735 INFO : 100% Done
27 Feb 2021 10:58:24,806 INFO : Successfully completed task 'org.labkey.targetedms.pipeline.TargetedMSImportTask'