Table of Contents

High-density lipoprotein protein remodeling post-stroke
   Supplemental Table 3. PRM quant data
   Supplemental Table 2. DDA analysis

High-density lipoprotein protein remodeling post-stroke

Prospective cohort studies and meta-analyses examining the relationship between high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) and stroke risk are discordant and question the value of HDL-C as a marker for stroke risk prediction. We investigated changes in HDL protein composition and function -cholesterol efflux capacity (CEC)- after acute ischemic stroke, and their relationship to long-term recovery after stroke. Protein abundance was assessed by PRM analysis of at least 2 peptides per protein, with normalization to total ion current and spiked-in N15 APOA1 peptides. We find post-stroke event HDL proteome remodeling is dynamic, with distinct time-dependent changes in proteins that predict recovery from stroke.

This Panorama Project includes:

  • Targeted PRM data (see below)
  • RAW instrument files (see tab "Raw Data")
  • Analysis results (see "Data Matrices" - includes Supplamental Tables 2 & 3)

Supplemental Table 3. PRM quant data

HDL peptide PRM results were imported into Skyline, where peaks were manually inspected and adjusted to ensure comparable integration for peptides used for quantitation across all samples. Fragment areas were exported and normalized for TIC and to [N15] APOA1 peptides. A sample key is provided with basic sample and run information, the Skyline export results and normalization results are included, and the inclusion list for the assay is included.

Supplemental Table 2. DDA analysis

HDL peptides were pooled for preliminary analysis by DDA. 3 pooled samples were created for both the control patient samples and 24 h post stroke samples, while 2 pooled samples were created for the 96 h post stroke samples. Pooled samples were created from combining equal volumes from a subset of 10 samples per experimental group. ProteomeDiscoverer reports are included for each run, as is a combined, filtered results table for 97 shared proteins. Additional ProteomeDiscoverer results files can be found at the bottom of the page.