Comparison between multi-format vs

Assessment of assay performance
Comparison between multi-format vs   1 version
3 proteins, 6 peptides, 12 precursors, 12 transitions  -  35 replicates, 6 calibration curves  -  Skyline-daily (64-bit) (34055c02f)
AISSIGLEC[+57.021464]QSVTSR0.0000E00.0000E000.0000E0 Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points availableRETN
DLLHVLAFSK0.0000E00.0000E000.0000E0 Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points availableLEP
GDIGETGVPGAEGPR0.0000E00.0000E000.0000E0 Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points availableADIP
GDPGLIGPK0.0000E00.0000E000.0000E0 Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points availableADIP
IQEVAGSLIFR0.0000E00.0000E000.0000E0 Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points availableRETN
VTGLDFIPGLHPILTLSK0.0000E00.0000E000.0000E0 Unable to calculate curve, since there are no data points availableLEP