Skyline document import -


Job Status

Created: 2019-11-22 09:12:42
Modified: 2020-06-01 17:20:42
Description: Skyline document import -
File Path: /data/labkey/files/LINCS/Publications/Touchstone_2/P100/@files/LINCS_P100_DIA_Plate34_annotated_minimized_2019-08-30_17-25-21.sky_2019-11-22_09-12-43.log
Files: LINCS_P100_DIA_Plate34_annotated_minimized_2019-08-30_17-25-21.sky_2019-11-22_09-12-43.log
Completed Runs:

Log File

22 Nov 2019 09:17:31,231 INFO : Starting to run task 'org.labkey.targetedms.pipeline.TargetedMSImportTask' at location 'webserver-high-priority'
22 Nov 2019 09:17:34,263 INFO : Created temp file because input is from cloud: s3://
22 Nov 2019 09:17:34,266 INFO : Starting to import Skyline document from
22 Nov 2019 09:17:34,267 INFO : Expanding P100_DIA_CE30_PurePeptides.blib
22 Nov 2019 09:17:34,271 INFO : Expanding LINCS_P100_DIA_Plate34_annotated_minimized.skyd
22 Nov 2019 09:17:35,390 INFO : Expanding
22 Nov 2019 09:17:35,391 INFO : Expanding
22 Nov 2019 09:17:35,509 WARN : The version of this Skyline document is 19.11. This is newer than the highest supported version 4.1
22 Nov 2019 09:17:38,031 INFO : Inserting NANS_CL01
22 Nov 2019 09:17:38,965 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:17:38,966 INFO : Inserting AHNAK_CL01
22 Nov 2019 09:17:39,735 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:17:39,735 INFO : Inserting DDX54_CL02
22 Nov 2019 09:17:40,553 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:17:40,554 INFO : Inserting HSPC216_CL02
22 Nov 2019 09:17:41,343 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:17:41,344 INFO : Inserting PFKF_CL03
22 Nov 2019 09:17:42,136 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:17:42,136 INFO : Inserting TMSL3_CL03
22 Nov 2019 09:17:43,878 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 2
22 Nov 2019 09:17:43,879 INFO : Inserting AD029_CL04
22 Nov 2019 09:17:44,792 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:17:44,792 INFO : Inserting CDC2_CL04
22 Nov 2019 09:17:45,707 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:17:45,707 INFO : Inserting ATAD2_CL05
22 Nov 2019 09:17:46,466 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:17:46,466 INFO : Inserting BAT2D1_CL05
22 Nov 2019 09:17:47,256 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:17:47,256 INFO : Inserting AGS1_CL06
22 Nov 2019 09:17:48,213 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:17:48,214 INFO : Inserting A2D_CL07
22 Nov 2019 09:17:49,163 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:17:49,164 INFO : Inserting ZNF672_CL07
22 Nov 2019 09:17:49,927 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:17:49,927 INFO : Inserting ABI1_CL08
22 Nov 2019 09:17:50,861 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:17:50,861 INFO : Inserting FOSL2_CL08
22 Nov 2019 09:17:52,223 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 2
22 Nov 2019 09:17:52,223 INFO : Inserting C17orf85_CL09
22 Nov 2019 09:17:53,287 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:17:53,287 INFO : Inserting EPLIN_CL09
22 Nov 2019 09:17:54,240 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:17:54,240 INFO : Inserting BAF155_CL10
22 Nov 2019 09:17:55,373 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:17:55,373 INFO : Inserting FUBP2_CL10
22 Nov 2019 09:17:56,475 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:17:56,475 INFO : Inserting MAP3K2_CL11
22 Nov 2019 09:17:57,280 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:17:57,280 INFO : Inserting FAS_CL12
22 Nov 2019 09:17:59,000 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 2
22 Nov 2019 09:17:59,000 INFO : Inserting ARM2_CL13
22 Nov 2019 09:18:00,162 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:00,162 INFO : Inserting C9orf88_CL14
22 Nov 2019 09:18:01,134 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:01,135 INFO : Inserting ISPK1_CL14
22 Nov 2019 09:18:01,907 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:02,078 INFO : Inserting RBM14_CL15
22 Nov 2019 09:18:02,453 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:02,453 INFO : Inserting KIAA0701_CL15
22 Nov 2019 09:18:03,315 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:03,315 INFO : Inserting RBM17_CL16
22 Nov 2019 09:18:03,997 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:03,997 INFO : Inserting SLC38A1_CL16
22 Nov 2019 09:18:04,999 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:05,000 INFO : Inserting NOC2L_CL17
22 Nov 2019 09:18:06,018 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:06,018 INFO : Inserting RPL12_CL17
22 Nov 2019 09:18:07,236 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:07,236 INFO : Inserting DDX48_CL18
22 Nov 2019 09:18:09,226 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 2
22 Nov 2019 09:18:09,226 INFO : Inserting HCA90_CL18
22 Nov 2019 09:18:09,997 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:09,997 INFO : Inserting CAT53_CL19
22 Nov 2019 09:18:11,235 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:11,236 INFO : Inserting EPLIN_CL19
22 Nov 2019 09:18:12,165 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:12,166 INFO : Inserting HBXAP_CL21
22 Nov 2019 09:18:13,093 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:13,094 INFO : Inserting DCAF1_CL22
22 Nov 2019 09:18:14,300 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:14,300 INFO : Inserting CDW2_CL22
22 Nov 2019 09:18:15,294 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:15,294 INFO : Inserting ANLN_CL23
22 Nov 2019 09:18:16,062 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:16,062 INFO : Inserting OCIA_CL23
22 Nov 2019 09:18:16,869 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:16,869 INFO : Inserting FAM76B_CL24
22 Nov 2019 09:18:17,674 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:17,675 INFO : Inserting HAT1_CL25
22 Nov 2019 09:18:18,632 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:18,632 INFO : Inserting BRAF_CL26
22 Nov 2019 09:18:19,719 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:19,719 INFO : Inserting DYRK_CL27
22 Nov 2019 09:18:20,816 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:20,817 INFO : Inserting LRWD1_CL27
22 Nov 2019 09:18:21,783 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:21,783 INFO : Inserting ALS2_CL28
22 Nov 2019 09:18:22,722 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:22,722 INFO : Inserting BRD4_CL29
22 Nov 2019 09:18:24,006 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:24,007 INFO : Inserting ZC3H14_CL29
22 Nov 2019 09:18:24,934 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:24,935 INFO : Inserting KIF4_CL30
22 Nov 2019 09:18:25,889 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:25,890 INFO : Inserting MAP3K7_CL30
22 Nov 2019 09:18:26,721 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:26,722 INFO : Inserting KIAA0722_CL31
22 Nov 2019 09:18:27,873 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:27,873 INFO : Inserting PAK2_CL31
22 Nov 2019 09:18:29,126 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:29,126 INFO : Inserting LAP2_CL32
22 Nov 2019 09:18:30,053 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:30,053 INFO : Inserting BAT2_CL33
22 Nov 2019 09:18:31,111 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:31,112 INFO : Inserting My038_CL33
22 Nov 2019 09:18:31,877 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:31,878 INFO : Inserting EMK1_CL34
22 Nov 2019 09:18:32,650 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:32,650 INFO : Inserting WDR20_CL34
22 Nov 2019 09:18:33,568 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:33,569 INFO : Inserting THRAP3_CL35
22 Nov 2019 09:18:34,477 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:34,477 INFO : Inserting CAIN_CL35
22 Nov 2019 09:18:35,231 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:35,232 INFO : Inserting GPATC8_CL37
22 Nov 2019 09:18:36,167 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:36,168 INFO : Inserting RP11-373M8.1-002_CL37
22 Nov 2019 09:18:37,096 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:37,096 INFO : Inserting KIAA1734_CL38
22 Nov 2019 09:18:37,848 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:37,848 INFO : Inserting MAP4_CL38
22 Nov 2019 09:18:38,901 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:38,901 INFO : Inserting KIAA0217_CL39
22 Nov 2019 09:18:39,713 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:39,714 INFO : Inserting CTG26_CL40
22 Nov 2019 09:18:40,652 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:40,653 INFO : Inserting KIAA1991_CL40
22 Nov 2019 09:18:41,921 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:41,921 INFO : Inserting DBP2_CL41
22 Nov 2019 09:18:42,843 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:42,843 INFO : Inserting SRRM2_CL41
22 Nov 2019 09:18:43,766 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:43,766 INFO : Inserting KIAA1321_CL42
22 Nov 2019 09:18:44,543 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:44,543 INFO : Inserting MAPKAPK1A_CL43
22 Nov 2019 09:18:46,993 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 2
22 Nov 2019 09:18:46,993 INFO : Inserting C22orf9_CL43
22 Nov 2019 09:18:48,394 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:48,394 INFO : Inserting KIAA1844_CL44
22 Nov 2019 09:18:49,382 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:49,383 INFO : Inserting CCNYL1_CL45
22 Nov 2019 09:18:50,249 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:50,249 INFO : Inserting PDK1_CL46
22 Nov 2019 09:18:51,105 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:51,106 INFO : Inserting OK/SW-cl.2_CL46
22 Nov 2019 09:18:51,685 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:51,685 INFO : Inserting PLEC1_CL47
22 Nov 2019 09:18:53,440 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 2
22 Nov 2019 09:18:53,441 INFO : Inserting CASC3_CL48
22 Nov 2019 09:18:54,476 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:54,476 INFO : Inserting BAT2D1_CL48
22 Nov 2019 09:18:55,676 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:55,676 INFO : Inserting LAP2_CL49
22 Nov 2019 09:18:57,049 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:57,050 INFO : Inserting TB7_CL49
22 Nov 2019 09:18:57,912 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:57,912 INFO : Inserting IQGAP3_CL50
22 Nov 2019 09:18:58,893 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:58,893 INFO : Inserting NFATC2IP_CL50
22 Nov 2019 09:18:59,660 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:18:59,660 INFO : Inserting BAF45D_CL51
22 Nov 2019 09:19:00,438 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:19:00,438 INFO : Inserting PP8000_CL51
22 Nov 2019 09:19:01,456 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:19:01,457 INFO : Inserting HSPC075_CL52
22 Nov 2019 09:19:02,361 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:19:02,362 INFO : Inserting C13orf8_CL52
22 Nov 2019 09:19:03,178 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:19:03,179 INFO : Inserting JUND_CL53
22 Nov 2019 09:19:04,107 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:19:04,107 INFO : Inserting CLTA_CL53
22 Nov 2019 09:19:05,363 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:19:05,363 INFO : Inserting KIAA0035_CL54
22 Nov 2019 09:19:05,988 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:19:05,988 INFO : Inserting AP1GBP1_CL55
22 Nov 2019 09:19:07,005 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:19:07,005 INFO : Inserting CIN85_CL55
22 Nov 2019 09:19:07,905 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
22 Nov 2019 09:19:16,714 WARN : Log file is missing. Proceeding without the log.
22 Nov 2019 09:19:19,511 INFO : Copied LINCS_P100_DIA_Plate34_annotated_minimized.skyd to cloud storage.
22 Nov 2019 09:19:19,663 INFO : Copied P100_DIA_CE30_PurePeptides.blib to cloud storage.
22 Nov 2019 09:19:21,860 INFO : Completed import of Skyline document from
22 Nov 2019 09:19:22,228 INFO : LINCS: Queued job Id 79344 for submitting POST request to PSP.
22 Nov 2019 09:19:22,329 INFO : Successfully completed task 'org.labkey.targetedms.pipeline.TargetedMSImportTask'