Skyline document import -


Job Status

Created: 2019-08-07 08:53:10
Modified: 2019-08-07 08:57:11
Description: Skyline document import -
File Path: /data/labkey/files/LINCS-DCIC/PSP/P100/@files/LINCS_P100_DIA_Plate81a_annotated_minimized_vs_2019-08-07_08-52-17.sky_2019-08-07_08-53-09.log
Files: LINCS_P100_DIA_Plate81a_annotated_minimized_vs_2019-08-07_08-52-17.sky_2019-08-07_08-53-09.log
Completed Runs:

Log File

07 Aug 2019 08:53:10,647 INFO : Starting to run task 'org.labkey.targetedms.pipeline.TargetedMSImportTask' at location 'webserver-high-priority'
07 Aug 2019 08:53:10,652 INFO : Starting to import Skyline document from
07 Aug 2019 08:53:10,654 INFO : Expanding P100_DIA_CE30_PurePeptides.blib
07 Aug 2019 08:53:10,670 INFO : Expanding LINCS_P100_DIA_Plate81a_annotated_minimized_vs.skyd
07 Aug 2019 08:53:12,156 INFO : Expanding
07 Aug 2019 08:53:12,157 INFO : Expanding
07 Aug 2019 08:53:12,309 WARN : The version of this Skyline document is 19.1. This is newer than the highest supported version 4.1
07 Aug 2019 08:53:18,742 INFO : Inserting NANS_CL01
07 Aug 2019 08:53:21,815 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:53:21,816 INFO : Inserting AHNAK_CL01
07 Aug 2019 08:53:25,259 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:53:25,260 INFO : Inserting DDX54_CL02
07 Aug 2019 08:53:26,466 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:53:26,467 INFO : Inserting HSPC216_CL02
07 Aug 2019 08:53:29,862 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:53:29,879 INFO : Inserting PFKF_CL03
07 Aug 2019 08:53:31,851 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:53:31,851 INFO : Inserting TMSL3_CL03
07 Aug 2019 08:53:36,858 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 2
07 Aug 2019 08:53:36,859 INFO : Inserting AD029_CL04
07 Aug 2019 08:53:39,571 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:53:39,572 INFO : Inserting CDC2_CL04
07 Aug 2019 08:53:40,996 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:53:40,997 INFO : Inserting ATAD2_CL05
07 Aug 2019 08:53:44,611 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:53:44,611 INFO : Inserting BAT2D1_CL05
07 Aug 2019 08:53:48,686 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:53:48,686 INFO : Inserting AGS1_CL06
07 Aug 2019 08:53:51,375 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:53:51,375 INFO : Inserting A2D_CL07
07 Aug 2019 08:53:53,139 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:53:53,140 INFO : Inserting ZNF672_CL07
07 Aug 2019 08:53:55,862 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:53:55,863 INFO : Inserting ABI1_CL08
07 Aug 2019 08:53:59,914 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:53:59,915 INFO : Inserting FOSL2_CL08
07 Aug 2019 08:54:05,039 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 2
07 Aug 2019 08:54:05,040 INFO : Inserting C17orf85_CL09
07 Aug 2019 08:54:07,417 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:54:07,418 INFO : Inserting EPLIN_CL09
07 Aug 2019 08:54:11,067 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:54:11,067 INFO : Inserting BAF155_CL10
07 Aug 2019 08:54:13,180 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:54:13,181 INFO : Inserting FUBP2_CL10
07 Aug 2019 08:54:16,059 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:54:16,059 INFO : Inserting MAP3K2_CL11
07 Aug 2019 08:54:19,950 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:54:19,951 INFO : Inserting FAS_CL12
07 Aug 2019 08:54:25,552 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 2
07 Aug 2019 08:54:25,553 INFO : Inserting ARM2_CL13
07 Aug 2019 08:54:26,800 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:54:26,801 INFO : Inserting C9orf88_CL14
07 Aug 2019 08:54:28,985 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:54:28,985 INFO : Inserting ISPK1_CL14
07 Aug 2019 08:54:31,751 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:54:31,752 INFO : Inserting RBM14_CL15
07 Aug 2019 08:54:33,183 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:54:33,183 INFO : Inserting KIAA0701_CL15
07 Aug 2019 08:54:34,522 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:54:34,523 INFO : Inserting RBM17_CL16
07 Aug 2019 08:54:37,318 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:54:37,318 INFO : Inserting SLC38A1_CL16
07 Aug 2019 08:54:38,561 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:54:38,561 INFO : Inserting NOC2L_CL17
07 Aug 2019 08:54:39,754 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:54:39,754 INFO : Inserting RPL12_CL17
07 Aug 2019 08:54:42,606 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:54:42,607 INFO : Inserting DDX48_CL18
07 Aug 2019 08:54:48,435 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 2
07 Aug 2019 08:54:48,435 INFO : Inserting HCA90_CL18
07 Aug 2019 08:54:50,877 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:54:50,878 INFO : Inserting CAT53_CL19
07 Aug 2019 08:54:54,474 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:54:54,475 INFO : Inserting EPLIN_CL19
07 Aug 2019 08:54:57,500 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:54:57,501 INFO : Inserting HBXAP_CL21
07 Aug 2019 08:55:01,458 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:55:01,459 INFO : Inserting DCAF1_CL22
07 Aug 2019 08:55:02,880 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:55:02,880 INFO : Inserting CDW2_CL22
07 Aug 2019 08:55:03,988 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:55:03,989 INFO : Inserting ANLN_CL23
07 Aug 2019 08:55:06,576 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:55:06,577 INFO : Inserting OCIA_CL23
07 Aug 2019 08:55:09,323 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:55:09,323 INFO : Inserting FAM76B_CL24
07 Aug 2019 08:55:12,510 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:55:12,510 INFO : Inserting HAT1_CL25
07 Aug 2019 08:55:13,235 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:55:13,236 INFO : Inserting BRAF_CL26
07 Aug 2019 08:55:15,636 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:55:15,636 INFO : Inserting DYRK_CL27
07 Aug 2019 08:55:16,968 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:55:16,968 INFO : Inserting LRWD1_CL27
07 Aug 2019 08:55:20,844 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:55:20,844 INFO : Inserting ALS2_CL28
07 Aug 2019 08:55:21,960 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:55:21,961 INFO : Inserting BRD4_CL29
07 Aug 2019 08:55:23,475 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:55:23,475 INFO : Inserting ZC3H14_CL29
07 Aug 2019 08:55:26,859 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:55:26,860 INFO : Inserting KIF4_CL30
07 Aug 2019 08:55:28,276 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:55:28,277 INFO : Inserting MAP3K7_CL30
07 Aug 2019 08:55:30,259 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:55:30,259 INFO : Inserting KIAA0722_CL31
07 Aug 2019 08:55:34,177 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:55:34,177 INFO : Inserting PAK2_CL31
07 Aug 2019 08:55:36,258 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:55:36,259 INFO : Inserting LAP2_CL32
07 Aug 2019 08:55:38,060 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:55:38,061 INFO : Inserting BAT2_CL33
07 Aug 2019 08:55:41,479 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:55:41,480 INFO : Inserting My038_CL33
07 Aug 2019 08:55:44,996 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:55:44,997 INFO : Inserting EMK1_CL34
07 Aug 2019 08:55:45,913 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:55:45,913 INFO : Inserting WDR20_CL34
07 Aug 2019 08:55:48,878 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:55:48,879 INFO : Inserting THRAP3_CL35
07 Aug 2019 08:55:51,652 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:55:51,653 INFO : Inserting CAIN_CL35
07 Aug 2019 08:55:54,557 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:55:54,558 INFO : Inserting GPATC8_CL37
07 Aug 2019 08:55:56,026 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:55:56,027 INFO : Inserting RP11-373M8.1-002_CL37
07 Aug 2019 08:55:58,527 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:55:58,527 INFO : Inserting KIAA1734_CL38
07 Aug 2019 08:55:59,372 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:55:59,373 INFO : Inserting MAP4_CL38
07 Aug 2019 08:56:02,419 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:56:02,420 INFO : Inserting KIAA0217_CL39
07 Aug 2019 08:56:05,004 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:56:05,005 INFO : Inserting CTG26_CL40
07 Aug 2019 08:56:07,135 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:56:07,136 INFO : Inserting KIAA1991_CL40
07 Aug 2019 08:56:09,184 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:56:09,185 INFO : Inserting DBP2_CL41
07 Aug 2019 08:56:10,843 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:56:10,844 INFO : Inserting SRRM2_CL41
07 Aug 2019 08:56:14,450 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:56:14,450 INFO : Inserting KIAA1321_CL42
07 Aug 2019 08:56:16,541 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:56:16,542 INFO : Inserting MAPKAPK1A_CL43
07 Aug 2019 08:56:19,905 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 2
07 Aug 2019 08:56:19,905 INFO : Inserting C22orf9_CL43
07 Aug 2019 08:56:21,520 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:56:21,521 INFO : Inserting KIAA1844_CL44
07 Aug 2019 08:56:23,652 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:56:23,652 INFO : Inserting CCNYL1_CL45
07 Aug 2019 08:56:25,351 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:56:25,352 INFO : Inserting PDK1_CL46
07 Aug 2019 08:56:27,224 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:56:27,225 INFO : Inserting OK/SW-cl.2_CL46
07 Aug 2019 08:56:28,222 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:56:28,222 INFO : Inserting PLEC1_CL47
07 Aug 2019 08:56:30,658 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 2
07 Aug 2019 08:56:30,659 INFO : Inserting CASC3_CL48
07 Aug 2019 08:56:32,405 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:56:32,405 INFO : Inserting BAT2D1_CL48
07 Aug 2019 08:56:33,946 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:56:33,947 INFO : Inserting LAP2_CL49
07 Aug 2019 08:56:36,779 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:56:36,780 INFO : Inserting TB7_CL49
07 Aug 2019 08:56:38,601 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:56:38,601 INFO : Inserting IQGAP3_CL50
07 Aug 2019 08:56:39,681 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:56:39,681 INFO : Inserting NFATC2IP_CL50
07 Aug 2019 08:56:42,096 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:56:42,097 INFO : Inserting BAF45D_CL51
07 Aug 2019 08:56:43,190 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:56:43,191 INFO : Inserting PP8000_CL51
07 Aug 2019 08:56:46,247 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:56:46,248 INFO : Inserting HSPC075_CL52
07 Aug 2019 08:56:48,860 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:56:48,860 INFO : Inserting C13orf8_CL52
07 Aug 2019 08:56:52,222 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:56:52,223 INFO : Inserting JUND_CL53
07 Aug 2019 08:56:53,751 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:56:53,752 INFO : Inserting CLTA_CL53
07 Aug 2019 08:56:54,952 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:56:54,953 INFO : Inserting KIAA0035_CL54
07 Aug 2019 08:56:55,834 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:56:55,834 INFO : Inserting AP1GBP1_CL55
07 Aug 2019 08:56:57,053 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:56:57,053 INFO : Inserting CIN85_CL55
07 Aug 2019 08:56:58,168 INFO : Total peptides inserted: 1
07 Aug 2019 08:57:11,486 INFO : Completed import of Skyline document from
07 Aug 2019 08:57:11,722 INFO : LINCS: Queued job Id 72583 for submitting POST request to PSP.
07 Aug 2019 08:57:11,911 INFO : Successfully completed task 'org.labkey.targetedms.pipeline.TargetedMSImportTask'