Meranda Corona joins the lab as a PhD student in the Ecology grad. group20-Mar-2020
Tina receives Sullivan Scholarship01-Apr-2020
Meranda receives NSF GSRF award30-Apr-2020
Chanhee publishes EB2020 online poster09-May-2020
John's paper accepted by Int.Comp.Biol.09-May-2020
Added features available for Kueltz Lab at PanoramaWeb09-May-2020
Angelika presents EB2020 poster on ASBMB YouTube09-May-2020
Angelika and Jens present EB2020 online poster09-May-2020
Tina is accepted into Grad. School at USC09-May-2020
Leah and Jens present EB2020 online poster09-May-2020
Xavius is awarded NSF GRFP fellowship20-May-2020
Xavius is admitted to graduate school in joint SDSU-UCD ecology program20-May-2020
Larken awarded Hart, Cole, Goss Fellowship21-May-2020
Lizzy awarded Hart, Cole, Goss Fellowship21-May-2020
John's paper published in Int.Comp.Biol.27-May-2020
Chanhee, Jens and Larken awarded ABGG summer fellowship03-Jun-2020
Lizzy receives Jastro award from GGE04-Jun-2020
Chanhee's paper accepted in Scientific Reports10-Jun-2020
Special JEZ-A issue on Cellular Stress Responses of Animals published29-Jun-2020
Chanhee's paper published in Scientific Reports22-Jul-2020
Jens' manuscript published in bioRxiv05-Aug-2020
Lizzy joins UC Davis Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society19-Aug-2020
Book chapter on iono- and osmoregulation published in The physiology of fishes07-Sep-2020
Meranda has arrived in Davis - Welcome!20-Sep-2020
Lizzy passes QE - Congrats!28-Sep-2020
Dietmar receives ASUCD Academic Excellence in Education Award for the second consecutive year13-Oct-2020
John's PhD exit seminar scheduled for Nov. 17, 202014-Oct-2020
Alexa is admitted to Medical School - Congrats!15-Oct-2020
Welcome Katherine, Tracy, and Anna - our new undergrad. interns06-Jan-2021
Lizzy presents poster at SICB 202113-Jan-2021
Leah presents poster at SICB 202122-Jan-2021
ICBF in Montpellier postponed till summer 202227-Jan-2021
Larken presents talk in SICB2021 Osmoregulation symposium08-Feb-2021
Jens presents poster at SICB 2021 conference25-Feb-2021
Yuhan is admitted to Med. School at Johns Hopkins and three other Universities - Congrats04-Mar-2021
Jens' paper accepted by Scientific Reports28-Mar-2021
Jens' paper published in Scientific Reports12-Apr-2021
Lorna presents poster at UGC25-Apr-2021
Yuhan presents poster at UGC25-Apr-2021
Chanhee presents poster at EB2021 conference30-Apr-2021
Lizzy presents poster at EB2021 conference30-Apr-2021
Kültz Lab featured at CMSI blog14-May-2021
Congrats, Leah, on becoming a mom!16-May-2021
Our in high-demand tilapia OmB cell line is now available through ATCC (ATCC OmB CRL-3481)28-May-2021
Bryn gives PhD exit seminar01-Jun-2021
Larken's paper in collab. with Avner Cnaani's lab accepted by Mol.Ecol.Res.01-Jun-2021
Congrats, Lizzy, on joining the Leaders of the Future program10-Jun-2021
Congrats, Bryn, on being awarded the PhD degree10-Jun-2021
Congrats, Chanhee, Jens, Larken, Lizzy on being awarded ABG/ANS summer fellowships!14-Jun-2021
Larken's paper published in Mol. Ecol. Resources29-Jun-2021
Welcome, Tracy, for a summer Research Assistantship01-Jul-2021
Dietmar presents invited talk at SEB conference in Antwerp, Belgium (online)01-Jul-2021
New BARD research grant awarded10-Jul-2021
Tracy awarded undergrad. work study for summer research - congrats!12-Jul-2021
Larken's paper in collab. with Avner Cnaani's lab accepted by Genomics14-Jul-2021
Larken's paper published in Genomics26-Jul-2021
New NSF-MCB research grant awarded on tunicate cell differentiation01-Aug-2021
Congrats to Lizzy for publishing a paper in Journal of Experimental Biology.09-Mar-2022
Big Congratulations and All the Best for Chanhee on becoming a dad!03-Mar-2022
Bryce joined as lab assistant.03-Jan-2022
Congrats to Larken for being awarded the PhD degree!01-Dec-2021
Congrats to Larken for starting a postdoc. at the Univ. Washington Seattle/ NOAA!01-Mar-2022
Welcome Sophie, Kathleen, Selina as new interns in the lab!01-Jan-2022
Meranda presented poster at the SICB Conference.04-Jan-2022
Lizzy presented a poster at the SICB Conference.04-Jan-2022
Jens gave a talk on his research at the SICB Conference.06-Jan-2022
Chanhee presented a poster at the SICB Conference.05-Jan-2022
Tracy presented a poster at the SICB Conference.04-Jan-2022
Meranda taught as a Teaching Assistant for GGE's “Odyssey”.20-Sep-2021
Meranda had a table representing the Kültz lab at the UC Davis Environmental Science research fair.11-Mar-2022
Jens, Meranda, Cameron, and Dietmar went on a field trip to Bodega Bay for tunicate collection24-Mar-2022
Our tunicate system is up and running! Thanks to Jens, Cameron, and all who helped set it up!01-Apr-2022
Meranda, Lizzy, Tracy, and Cameron went on a field trip visiting UCSB and collecting grunion eggs.17-Apr-2022
Meranda, Jens, and Cameron went on a field trip collecting grunion eggs.17-May-2022
Congrats to Chanhee for publishing a paper in Life.25-May-2022
Congrats to Lizzy and Meranda for receiving the Ursula Abbott Travel Award.26-May-2022
Congrats to Chanhee for receiving The Hart, Cole, Goss Fellowship during the Summer.22-Jun-2022
Watch the Kültz Lab Grunion Run Field Trip Video here.23-Jun-2022
New NSF-IOS grant awarded for work on NFAT transcription factor role in fish osmosensing - hurray!01-Jul-2022
Oyster proteomics paper published in Mol. Ecol. by Tyler Evans (CSUEB) and other collaborators14-Jul-2022
Congrats to Lizzy on receiving a Jastro Fellowship.20-Aug-2022
Valerie Dong joins the lab as a grad student.24-Aug-2022
Congrats to Meranda on receiving a Jastro & Shields research award for 2022/23.24-Aug-2022
Meranda started a position as the Academic Co-Chair of the EGSA.10-Oct-2022
Harris joins the lab as an intern.09-Sep-2022
Dawn Wang joins the lab as a postdoc/ visiting faculty.20-Dec-2022
Wes Dowd joins the lab as visiting faculty for a 4-month sabbatical.01-Sep-2022
Meranda passes QE - Congrats!17-Jan-2023
Chanhee gives exit seminar and graduates as a PhD - Congrats Dr. Kim!!!01-Dec-2022
Valerie, Dawn, Sophie, Bryce, and Tracy went on a field trip to collect Botryllus.30-Jan-2023
Congrats to Tracy Le for graduating.06-Apr-2023
Congrats to Sophie Scott for graduating06-Apr-2023
Thanks to Valerie and Meranda for volunteering at the 48th Annual UC DAVIS PowWow.08-Apr-2023
Brenda Luu, Mandy Lin, and Isabel Enriquez join the lab as interns27-Mar-2023
Lizzy served on a MANO program panel for community college students interested in graduate school.10-Apr-2023
Anna Lee wins UCD College of Biological Sciences Distinguished Scholar Award - Congratulations!29-Apr-2023
New NanoElute2 up and running for routine ID of >4000 proteins per sample and deep quantitative DIA21-Apr-2023
Tracy, Anna, Jina, Harris, Sophie, Kathleen, Shea and Selina present posters at UCD URC - Great job!28-Apr-2023
Thanks to All who attended our Lab potluck BBQ after the Undergraduate Research Conference!28-Apr-2023
Lizzy gives exit seminar and graduates as a PhD - Congrats Dr. Mojica!05-Jun-2023