Skyline document import -


Job Status

Created: 2017-10-27 11:19:45
Modified: 2017-10-27 11:20:37
Description: Skyline document import -
File Path: /data/labkey/files/CPTAC Assay Portal/UVicPC_Borchers/MousePlasma_Agilent6490_directMRM/ValidationSamples/@files/

Log File

27 Oct 2017 11:19:45,772 INFO : Starting to run task 'org.labkey.targetedms.pipeline.TargetedMSImportTask' at location 'webserver-high-priority'
27 Oct 2017 11:19:45,775 INFO : Starting to import Skyline document from
27 Oct 2017 11:19:45,776 INFO : Expanding 20170215_Exp2B6.5_Refined_2.5x.skyd
27 Oct 2017 11:19:45,932 INFO : Expanding
27 Oct 2017 11:19:45,932 INFO : Expanding
27 Oct 2017 11:19:45,997 WARN : The version of this Skyline document is 3.72. This is newer than the highest supported version 3.62
27 Oct 2017 11:19:46,511 INFO : Inserting sp|Q6GQT1|A2MG_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:19:47,301 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9WTQ5|AKA12_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:19:48,677 INFO : Inserting sp|Q923X1|AGRL4_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:19:49,710 INFO : Inserting sp|P07356|ANXA2_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:19:50,713 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9CPY7|AMPL_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:19:52,409 INFO : Inserting sp|Q03157|APLP1_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:19:53,453 INFO : Inserting sp|P82198|BGH3_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:19:54,582 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9DCX2|ATP5H_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:19:55,403 INFO : Inserting sp|P16015|CAH3_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:19:56,318 INFO : Inserting sp|P18242|CATD_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:19:57,294 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9JHH6|CBPB2_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:19:58,311 INFO : Inserting sp|Q61490|CD166_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:19:59,472 INFO : Inserting sp|P03953|CFAD_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:00,438 INFO : Inserting sp|P12960|CNTN1_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:01,630 INFO : Inserting sp|Q8CG14|CS1A_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:02,585 INFO : Inserting sp|P56395|CYB5_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:03,604 INFO : Inserting sp|P07141|CSF1_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:04,684 INFO : Inserting sp|P21460|CYTC_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:05,737 INFO : Inserting sp|P11404|FABPH_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:06,567 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9QVP9|FAK2_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:07,432 INFO : Inserting sp|Q05816|FABP5_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:08,326 INFO : Inserting sp|Q71KU9|FGL1_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:09,292 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9DCZ1|GMPR1_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:10,408 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9D6R2|IDH3A_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:11,512 INFO : Inserting sp|Q61316|HSP74_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:12,489 INFO : Inserting sp|O88844|IDHC_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:13,421 INFO : Inserting sp|P05017|IGF1_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:14,372 INFO : Inserting sp|P01631|KV2A7_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:15,492 INFO : Inserting sp|Q60675|LAMA2_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:16,479 INFO : Inserting sp|P16125|LDHB_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:17,539 INFO : Inserting sp|P98064|MASP1_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:18,543 INFO : Inserting sp|P06801|MAOX_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:19,391 INFO : Inserting sp|P08249|MDHM_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:20,332 INFO : Inserting sp|Q8VI63|MOB2_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:21,599 INFO : Inserting sp|Q5FW60|MUP20_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:22,600 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9JKF6|NECT1_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:23,592 INFO : Inserting sp|P70195|PSB7_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:24,548 INFO : Inserting sp|P54726|RD23A_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:25,528 INFO : Inserting sp|Q62009|POSTN_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:26,702 INFO : Inserting sp|P99027|RLA2_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:27,741 INFO : Inserting sp|P12246|SAMP_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:28,923 INFO : Inserting sp|Q5I2A0|SPA3G_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:30,037 INFO : Inserting sp|O70492|SNX3_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:30,998 INFO : Inserting sp|P84104|SRSF3_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:31,762 INFO : Inserting sp|P26039|TLN1_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:32,805 INFO : Inserting sp|P35917|VGFR3_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:33,410 INFO : Inserting sp|O88342|WDR1_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:34,566 INFO : Inserting sp|Q64727|VINC_MOUSE
27 Oct 2017 11:20:37,046 INFO : Completed import of Skyline document from
27 Oct 2017 11:20:37,083 INFO : Successfully completed task 'org.labkey.targetedms.pipeline.TargetedMSImportTask'