Skyline document import -


Job Status

Created: 2017-10-24 16:16:25
Modified: 2017-10-24 16:19:24
Description: Skyline document import -
File Path: /data/labkey/files/CPTAC Assay Portal/UVicPC_Borchers/MousePlasma_Agilent6490_directMRM/ValidationSamples/@files/

Log File

24 Oct 2017 16:16:25,154 INFO : Starting to run task 'org.labkey.targetedms.pipeline.TargetedMSImportTask' at location 'webserver-high-priority'
24 Oct 2017 16:16:25,156 INFO : Starting to import Skyline document from
24 Oct 2017 16:16:25,157 INFO : Expanding MousePlasmaExp2B4-5_Refined.skyd
24 Oct 2017 16:16:26,038 INFO : Expanding
24 Oct 2017 16:16:26,039 INFO : Expanding
24 Oct 2017 16:16:26,135 WARN : The version of this Skyline document is 3.72. This is newer than the highest supported version 3.62
24 Oct 2017 16:16:27,740 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9CQ60|6PGL_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:28,862 INFO : Inserting sp|P22599|A1AT2_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:29,900 INFO : Inserting sp|Q00898|A1AT5_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:30,939 INFO : Inserting sp|P56375|ACYP2_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:32,016 INFO : Inserting sp|P07724|ALBU_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:33,061 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9CY02|AHSP_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:34,095 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9R0X2|ADEC1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:35,161 INFO : Inserting sp|P00687|AMY1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:36,197 INFO : Inserting sp|P55302|AMRP_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:37,273 INFO : Inserting sp|P00688|AMYP_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:38,178 INFO : Inserting sp|Q7TPR4|ACTN1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:39,264 INFO : Inserting sp|Q00623|APOA1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:40,119 INFO : Inserting sp|Q61176|ARGI1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:41,255 INFO : Inserting sp|Q8C7G5|APOA5_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:42,185 INFO : Inserting sp|Q80T21|ATL4_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:43,032 INFO : Inserting sp|P56480|ATPB_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:43,848 INFO : Inserting sp|O08997|ATOX1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:44,575 INFO : Inserting sp|P98063|BMP1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:45,441 INFO : Inserting sp|Q3UZ09|C1RL_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:46,274 INFO : Inserting sp|O89103|C1QR1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:46,883 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9D8S9|BOLA1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:47,308 INFO : Inserting sp|Q91XV3|BASP1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:48,042 INFO : Inserting sp|P47754|CAZA2_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:49,225 INFO : Inserting sp|P10605|CATB_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:50,294 INFO : Inserting sp|Q63918|CAVN2_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:51,462 INFO : Inserting sp|P09803|CADH1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:52,429 INFO : Inserting sp|P40124|CAP1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:53,421 INFO : Inserting sp|O70370|CATS_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:54,645 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9WUU7|CATZ_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:55,624 INFO : Inserting sp|P48758|CBR1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:56,686 INFO : Inserting sp|Q8R1U2|CGRE1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:57,733 INFO : Inserting sp|P04186|CFAB_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:16:58,677 INFO : Inserting sp|Q03311|CHLE_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:00,517 INFO : Inserting sp|P70194|CLC4F_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:01,693 INFO : Inserting sp|P21180|CO2_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:02,093 INFO : Inserting sp|Q64739|COBA2_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:03,136 INFO : Inserting sp|P11087|CO1A1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:04,827 INFO : Inserting sp|Q8K182|CO8A_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:05,775 INFO : Inserting sp|P06683|CO9_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:06,625 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9WUM4|COR1C_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:07,667 INFO : Inserting sp|P12399|CTL2A_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:08,720 INFO : Inserting sp|P29268|CTGF_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:09,841 INFO : Inserting sp|P62897|CYC_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:11,097 INFO : Inserting sp|Q62165|DAG1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:11,657 INFO : Inserting sp|P26443|DHE3_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:12,264 INFO : Inserting sp|O08553|DPYL2_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:13,401 INFO : Inserting sp|P10126|EF1A1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:14,377 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9D8Y0|EFHD2_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:15,505 INFO : Inserting sp|P58252|EF2_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:16,513 INFO : Inserting sp|P60229|EIF3E_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:17,523 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9QZD9|EIF3I_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:18,564 INFO : Inserting sp|P21550|ENOB_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:20,591 INFO : Inserting sp|O70251|EF1B_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:21,372 INFO : Inserting sp|P01942|HBA_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:23,134 INFO : Inserting sp|P10649|GSTM1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:24,194 INFO : Inserting sp|P49710|HCLS1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:25,142 INFO : Inserting sp|Q8CCK0|H2AW_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:25,818 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9DBP5|KCY_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:26,412 INFO : Inserting sp|P23953|EST1C_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:27,366 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9DCW4|ETFB_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:28,650 INFO : Inserting sp|P10404|ENV1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:29,872 INFO : Inserting sp|Q63880|EST3A_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:30,981 INFO : Inserting sp|P70375|FA7_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:32,072 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9EQH2|ERAP1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:33,112 INFO : Inserting sp|Q8BPB5|FBLN3_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:34,045 INFO : Inserting sp|P21803|FGFR2_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:35,228 INFO : Inserting sp|P97464|EXT1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:36,275 INFO : Inserting sp|P19096|FAS_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:37,396 INFO : Inserting sp|P09528|FRIH_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:38,381 INFO : Inserting sp|P97807|FUMH_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:39,352 INFO : Inserting sp|Q61598|GDIB_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:40,269 INFO : Inserting sp|P13707|GPDA_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:42,074 INFO : Inserting sp|Q8BH60|GOPC_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:42,840 INFO : Inserting sp|P47791|GSHR_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:43,834 INFO : Inserting sp|P06467|HBAZ_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:44,670 INFO : Inserting sp|P30681|HMGB2_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:45,647 INFO : Inserting sp|P01750|HVM06_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:46,622 INFO : Inserting sp|P07901|HS90A_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:47,707 INFO : Inserting sp|P60843|IF4A1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:48,633 INFO : Inserting sp|P03987|IGHG3_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:49,083 INFO : Inserting sp|P01872|IGHM_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:50,197 INFO : Inserting sp|P51125|ICAL_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:51,348 INFO : Inserting sp|P01786|HVM17_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:52,386 INFO : Inserting sp|Q8BGD9|IF4B_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:53,387 INFO : Inserting sp|P01592|IGJ_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:55,069 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9JKF1|IQGA1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:55,841 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9D892|ITPA_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:56,591 INFO : Inserting sp|Q3TTY5|K22E_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:57,549 INFO : Inserting sp|Q8K135|K319L_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:58,584 INFO : Inserting sp|Q62469|ITA2_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:17:59,478 INFO : Inserting sp|Q61703|ITIH2_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:00,435 INFO : Inserting sp|Q61781|K1C14_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:01,268 INFO : Inserting sp|P11438|LAMP1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:02,201 INFO : Inserting sp|P16045|LEG1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:03,019 INFO : Inserting sp|Q61805|LBP_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:03,847 INFO : Inserting sp|P48678|LMNA_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:05,116 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9CPU0|LGUL_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:06,010 INFO : Inserting sp|O09159|MA2B1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:07,139 INFO : Inserting sp|P41317|MBL2_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:08,196 INFO : Inserting sp|P08249|MDHM_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:09,116 INFO : Imported 100 peptide groups.
24 Oct 2017 16:18:09,205 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9R0S3|MMP17_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:09,864 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9CQF9|PCYOX_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:10,766 INFO : Inserting sp|P09103|PDIA1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:11,716 INFO : Inserting sp|P26041|MOES_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:12,675 INFO : Inserting sp|Q61830|MRC1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:13,588 INFO : Inserting sp|Q60605|MYL6_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:14,724 INFO : Inserting sp|P13595|NCAM1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:15,831 INFO : Inserting sp|P04247|MYG_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:16,745 INFO : Inserting sp|Q01768|NDKB_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:17,659 INFO : Inserting sp|P10493|NID1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:18,490 INFO : Inserting sp|Q8VDK1|NIT1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:19,486 INFO : Inserting sp|Q78ZA7|NP1L4_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:20,412 INFO : Inserting sp|O35516|NOTC2_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:21,209 INFO : Inserting sp|Q8QZR4|OAF_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:21,650 INFO : Inserting sp|P56812|PDCD5_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:22,568 INFO : Inserting sp|P28654|PGS2_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:23,618 INFO : Inserting sp|Q61233|PLSL_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:24,643 INFO : Inserting sp|O88685|PRS6A_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:25,640 INFO : Inserting sp|P62196|PRS8_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:26,696 INFO : Inserting sp|P62962|PROF1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:27,657 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9R1P4|PSA1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:28,746 INFO : Inserting sp|O08709|PRDX6_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:29,402 INFO : Inserting sp|Q61838|PZP_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:30,195 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9ET01|PYGL_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:31,237 INFO : Inserting sp|P54728|RD23B_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:32,121 INFO : Inserting sp|P34022|RANG_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:33,956 INFO : Inserting sp|Q7TQ62|PODN_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:35,030 INFO : Inserting sp|Q8CHP8|PGP_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:35,997 INFO : Inserting sp|Q80XD8|PRAP1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:36,641 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9JM99|PRG4_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:37,991 INFO : Inserting sp|Q62087|PON3_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:39,070 INFO : Inserting sp|O08807|PRDX4_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:40,108 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9QUR6|PPCE_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:41,014 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9QUM9|PSA6_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:41,963 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9CR00|PSMD9_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:42,927 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9CWJ9|PUR9_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:44,398 INFO : Inserting sp|P48759|PTX3_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:45,592 INFO : Inserting sp|O09061|PSB1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:46,603 INFO : Inserting sp|O35188|X3CL1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:47,763 INFO : Inserting sp|Q8CIZ8|VWF_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:48,737 INFO : Inserting sp|P60867|RS20_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:49,760 INFO : Inserting sp|P62908|RS3_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:50,740 INFO : Inserting sp|P05367|SAA2_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:51,390 INFO : Inserting sp|P47867|SCG3_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:52,158 INFO : Inserting sp|Q7TQ48|SRCA_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:53,064 INFO : Inserting sp|P08228|SODC_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:54,069 INFO : Inserting sp|Q03734|SPA3M_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:55,074 INFO : Inserting sp|P70663|SPRL1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:56,025 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9CY50|SSRA_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:57,005 INFO : Inserting sp|O70439|STX7_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:57,861 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9WVA4|TAGL2_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:18:59,011 INFO : Inserting sp|P99024|TBB5_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:19:00,067 INFO : Inserting sp|Q8QZT1|THIL_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:19:00,963 INFO : Inserting sp|P04202|TGFB1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:19:01,910 INFO : Inserting sp|Q8BWT1|THIM_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:19:02,939 INFO : Inserting sp|O88968|TCO2_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:19:03,876 INFO : Inserting sp|P61939|THBG_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:19:04,882 INFO : Inserting sp|P40142|TKT_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:19:05,983 INFO : Inserting sp|O08710|THYG_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:19:06,975 INFO : Inserting sp|Q62351|TFR1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:19:07,456 INFO : Inserting sp|Q06806|TIE1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:19:07,865 INFO : Inserting sp|P58771|TPM1_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:19:08,430 INFO : Inserting sp|P07309|TTHY_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:19:09,364 INFO : Inserting sp|P61089|UBE2N_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:19:10,143 INFO : Inserting sp|Q91X17|UROM_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:19:10,819 INFO : Inserting sp|Q8R121|ZPI_MOUSE
24 Oct 2017 16:19:24,700 INFO : Completed import of Skyline document from
24 Oct 2017 16:19:24,738 INFO : Successfully completed task 'org.labkey.targetedms.pipeline.TargetedMSImportTask'