Skyline document import -


Job Status

Created: 2018-07-03 15:37:22
Modified: 2018-07-03 15:38:11
Description: Skyline document import -
File Path: /data/labkey/files/CPTAC Assay Portal/UVicPC_Borchers/MousePlasma_Agilent6490_directMRM/ChromatogramLibrary/@files/MousePlasma_Exp2B7_Chromatogram_5x_2018-07-03_15-37-19.sky_2018-07-03_15-37-22.log
Files: MousePlasma_Exp2B7_Chromatogram_5x_2018-07-03_15-37-19.sky_2018-07-03_15-37-22.log

Log File

03 Jul 2018 15:37:29,626 INFO : Starting to run task 'org.labkey.targetedms.pipeline.TargetedMSImportTask' at location 'webserver-high-priority'
03 Jul 2018 15:37:29,629 INFO : Starting to import Skyline document from
03 Jul 2018 15:37:29,630 INFO : Expanding MousePlasma_Exp2B7_Chromatogram_5x.skyd
03 Jul 2018 15:37:29,645 INFO : Expanding
03 Jul 2018 15:37:29,645 INFO : Expanding
03 Jul 2018 15:37:29,650 WARN : The version of this Skyline document is 4.12. This is newer than the highest supported version 4.1
03 Jul 2018 15:37:29,725 INFO : Inserting sp|Q61548|AP180_MOUSE
03 Jul 2018 15:37:29,787 INFO : Inserting sp|P97467|AMD_MOUSE
03 Jul 2018 15:37:29,898 INFO : Inserting sp|P48036|ANXA5_MOUSE
03 Jul 2018 15:37:29,995 INFO : Inserting sp|P33622|APOC3_MOUSE
03 Jul 2018 15:37:30,065 INFO : Inserting sp|Q64191|ASPG_MOUSE
03 Jul 2018 15:37:30,192 INFO : Inserting sp|P01887|B2MG_MOUSE
03 Jul 2018 15:37:30,303 INFO : Inserting sp|P14211|CALR_MOUSE
03 Jul 2018 15:37:30,410 INFO : Inserting sp|Q4QRL3|CC88B_MOUSE
03 Jul 2018 15:37:30,496 INFO : Inserting sp|P18181|CD48_MOUSE
03 Jul 2018 15:37:30,618 INFO : Inserting sp|Q61475|DAF1_MOUSE
03 Jul 2018 15:37:30,735 INFO : Inserting sp|P97399|DSPP_MOUSE
03 Jul 2018 15:37:30,825 INFO : Inserting sp|P16092|FGFR1_MOUSE
03 Jul 2018 15:37:30,910 INFO : Inserting sp|P47880|IBP6_MOUSE
03 Jul 2018 15:37:30,975 INFO : Inserting sp|Q8BH27|MEGF9_MOUSE
03 Jul 2018 15:37:31,105 INFO : Inserting sp|P22777|PAI1_MOUSE
03 Jul 2018 15:37:31,959 INFO : Inserting sp|Q91VW3|SH3L3_MOUSE
03 Jul 2018 15:37:32,086 INFO : Inserting sp|Q921W8|SCT1A_MOUSE
03 Jul 2018 15:37:32,144 INFO : Inserting sp|P59222|SREC2_MOUSE
03 Jul 2018 15:37:32,201 INFO : Inserting sp|Q8R4U0|STAB2_MOUSE
03 Jul 2018 15:37:32,255 INFO : Inserting sp|P12032|TIMP1_MOUSE
03 Jul 2018 15:37:32,379 INFO : Inserting sp|Q0KK55|VKIND_MOUSE
03 Jul 2018 15:38:11,411 INFO : Completed import of Skyline document from
03 Jul 2018 15:38:11,482 INFO : Successfully completed task 'org.labkey.targetedms.pipeline.TargetedMSImportTask'