Skyline document import -


Job Status

Created: 2017-10-30 12:07:50
Modified: 2017-10-30 12:08:22
Description: Skyline document import -
File Path: /data/labkey/files/CPTAC Assay Portal/UVicPC_Borchers/MousePlasma_Agilent6490_directMRM/ChromatogramLibrary/@files/

Log File

30 Oct 2017 12:07:50,285 INFO : Starting to run task 'org.labkey.targetedms.pipeline.TargetedMSImportTask' at location 'webserver-high-priority'
30 Oct 2017 12:07:50,289 INFO : Starting to import Skyline document from
30 Oct 2017 12:07:50,289 INFO : Expanding 20170127_Exp2B6_Chromatogram_2.5x.skyd
30 Oct 2017 12:07:50,302 INFO : Expanding
30 Oct 2017 12:07:50,302 INFO : Expanding
30 Oct 2017 12:07:50,311 WARN : The version of this Skyline document is 3.72. This is newer than the highest supported version 3.62
30 Oct 2017 12:07:50,380 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9JIX8|ACINU_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:50,445 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9Z1Q2|ABHGA_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:50,503 INFO : Inserting sp|P68510|1433F_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:50,557 INFO : Inserting sp|P24549|AL1A1_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:50,673 INFO : Inserting sp|Q6F3F9|AGRG6_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:50,788 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9EPB4|ASC_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:50,917 INFO : Inserting sp|P04919|B3AT_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:50,979 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9ERQ8|CAH7_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:51,064 INFO : Inserting sp|P24270|CATA_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:51,127 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9JJN5|CBPN_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:51,189 INFO : Inserting sp|P06684|CO5_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:51,251 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9WUM4|COR1C_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:51,384 INFO : Inserting sp|E9Q557|DESP_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:51,463 INFO : Inserting sp|O08749|DLDH_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:51,533 INFO : Inserting sp|Q3UV17|K22O_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:51,593 INFO : Inserting sp|Q80YC5|FA12_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:51,667 INFO : Inserting sp|E9PV24|FIBA_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:51,778 INFO : Inserting sp|Q02596|GLCM1_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:51,871 INFO : Inserting sp|Q99KB8|GLO2_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:51,941 INFO : Inserting sp|O09131|GSTO1_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:52,054 INFO : Inserting sp|P63017|HSP7C_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:52,128 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9WTP6|KAD2_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:52,191 INFO : Inserting sp|P48678|LMNA_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:52,287 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9DBH5|LMAN2_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:52,394 INFO : Inserting sp|Q5BKQ4|LIPR1_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:52,468 INFO : Inserting sp|Q91WP0|MASP2_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:52,524 INFO : Inserting sp|Q60805|MERTK_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:52,603 INFO : Inserting sp|P39039|MBL1_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:52,683 INFO : Inserting sp|P33434|MMP2_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:52,776 INFO : Inserting sp|P62774|MTPN_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:52,834 INFO : Inserting sp|Q8R2G4|NAR3_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:52,891 INFO : Inserting sp|P70296|PEBP1_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:52,954 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9DAK9|PHP14_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:53,057 INFO : Inserting sp|O70570|PIGR_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:53,132 INFO : Inserting sp|Q9DCL9|PUR6_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:53,210 INFO : Inserting sp|P47199|QOR_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:53,324 INFO : Inserting sp|P53026|RL10A_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:53,410 INFO : Inserting sp|O88569|ROA2_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:53,474 INFO : Inserting sp|Q60864|STIP1_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:53,579 INFO : Inserting sp|P37804|TAGL_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:53,713 INFO : Inserting sp|P39876|TIMP3_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:53,775 INFO : Inserting sp|P50752|TNNT2_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:53,869 INFO : Inserting sp|P17751|TPIS_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:53,946 INFO : Inserting sp|P70362|UFD1_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:07:54,009 INFO : Inserting sp|P61089|UBE2N_MOUSE
30 Oct 2017 12:08:22,810 INFO : Completed import of Skyline document from
30 Oct 2017 12:08:22,874 INFO : Successfully completed task 'org.labkey.targetedms.pipeline.TargetedMSImportTask'